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Akash Doulani

LMI RatingsCurrent RankCurrent RatingsBest RankBest RatingsRatings History
LMI Sudoku Ratings 269 462.1871 68 692.7427 History

Sudoku Ratings HistoryRatingsRank
2023R4 (Neighbours & Converse) 462.1871 269
2023R3 (Irregular & Math) 228.6112 524
2022R4 (Math & Irregular) 284.5456 402
2022R3 (Converse & Outside) 287.0862 403
2022R2 (Odd Even & Hybrids) 422.519 263
2022R1 (Standard & Neighbours) 443.3148 240
Odd Even (SM 2021) 452.1675 228
Hybrids (SM 2021) 487.4151 200
Irregular and Twisted Classics (SM 2021) 489.0667 195
Converse (SM 2021) 535.4866 168
Math (SM 2021) 557.0978 152
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2021) 563.1555 149
Outside (SM 2021) 516.9567 174
Standard (SM 2021) 591.3888 132
Lockdown Sudoku Test 528.0424 160
Quinze 2 545.6295 150
Twisted Classics and Hybrids (SM2020) 540.7148 160
Mean Minis 571.025 141
Converse and Odd Even (SM2020) 581.4011 138
Math (SM2020) 639.8542 108
Irregular and Outside (SM2020) 655.0208 98
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2020) 660.5033 92
Standard (SM 2020) 520.4976 144
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 19) 394.6086 220
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 19) 478.4879 173
Math (SM 19) 550.8162 131
Substitution & Odd Even (SM 19) 566.1838 120
Outside & Neighbours (SM 19) 581.4184 116
Standard (SM 19) 605.3469 108
Deja Vu 620.5564 102
Enthralling Sudoku 618.8719 109
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 18) 619.712 111
Math (SM 18) 622.4865 112
Odd Even & Substitution (SM 18) 650.0912 99
R19 - WSC Playoffs 646.202 101
Outside & Neighbours (SM 18) 630.915 112
Standard (SM 18) 667.2833 98
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 18) 657.3253 94
Irregular & Converse (SM 16/17) 656.5286 94
Outside & Math (SM 16/17) 653.3845 92
Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) 639.3049 98
Standard & Neighbours (SM 16/17) 619.126 112
Wacky Slovak Classics 629.7703 104
Nuovo Cinema Sudoku 639.1566 103
Irregular Variations (SM 15/16) 658.0674 108
Triplets & Triangles 661.5065 110
Converse Variations (SM 15/16) 663.7142 112
Twisted Classics (SM 15/16) 667.8743 108
Outside Variations (SM 15/16) 656.5017 109
Math Variations (SM 15/16) 666.7025 106
Odd Even Variations (SM 15/16) 672.9689 108
Neighbours Variations (SM 15/16) 681.0217 98
Standard Variations (SM 15/16) 680.4283 94
Unlucky 13 692.7427 85
Converse Variations (SM 14/15) 683.6411 85
Neighbours Variations (SM 14/15) 687.4509 82
Math Variations (SM 14/15) 650.54 92
Outside Variations (SM 14/15) 572.2571 135
Sudoku Surprise 584.6334 132
Odd Even Variations (SM 14/15) 599.0293 131
Irregular Variations (SM 14/15) 599.0293 132
Standard Variations (SM 14/15) 440.793 233
LMI Screen Test #4 132.1821 686
Sudoku Grand Prix - Italian Round 284.4752 447
Sudoku Grand Prix - Turkish Round 284.4752 442
Sudoku Grand Prix - Serbian Round 290.5796 426
V2V 308.6345 360
Sudoku Grand Prix - Indian Round 313.5079 352
LMI Screen Test #3 329.63 224
Fugitive Warrant 379.1151 176
Killer Shootout 397.4969 172
Classics vs. Innovatives 409.74 172
Copy Paste 413.8435 163
Sudoku 8X8 474.0891 129
Killing Time 445.1425 140
Diagonal Vision 446.8338 147
Shapes and Sizes 456.9315 136
Best of LMI Mocks 475.7993 127
Sudoku A or B 503.8881 108
Crazy Arrows 523.6213 97
Sudoku City 525.3511 101
Fivefold Sudoku Test 536 97
Something is Missing 554 88
LMI April Sudoku Test 511 100
LMI Spring Sudoku Test 363 84
Double Delight 384 79
Prime Exotica 390 80
X'Mas Special Sudoku 430 68
Renban Grouped Sudokus 360 86
Sudoku Hotpot 200 140

Indian ChampionshipsOfficial Rankakash.doulani's ScoreMax (Official) Score
Times Sudoku Championship 2015 11 1152 2018
Indian Sudoku Championship 2015 27 395 1369.6
Indian Sudoku Championship 2014 18 470 1301.65
Indian Sudoku Championship 2013 18 465 1232.67
Times Sudoku Championship 2013 6 785 1790
Times Sudoku Championship 2012 14 485 1548
Indian Puzzle Championship 2011 26 130 1020
Indian Sudoku Championship 2011 9 710 1895
Indian Sudoku Championship 2010 14 600 1235
Indian Sudoku Championship 2009 20 625 1330

Puzzle Testakash.doulani's Rankakash.doulani's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
Classics & Regions (PR 2016/17) 197 18.1 156.1 146 114 138
Screen Test #1 169 161 1477 127 82 116
FLIP 70 140 644 350 296 336

Sudoku Testakash.doulani's Rankakash.doulani's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2024R4 (Outside & Converse) 35 67 0
2024R3 (Math & Neighbours) 43 88 0
2024R2 (Odd Even & Hybrids) Author
2024R1 (Standard & Irregular) 35 102.817 0
2023R4 (Neighbours & Converse) 73 60 126.7 646 809 687 1
2023R3 (Irregular & Math) 255 23 121.783 383 360 377 1
2023R2 (Outside & Hybrids) Author 1
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2021) 112 104.65 160.133 670 669 670
Outside (SM 2021)
Standard (SM 2021) 125 78 153.25 578 655 598
Quinze 2 Author
Converse and Odd Even (SM2020) 224 25 140.583 338 297 328
Math (SM2020) Author
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2020) 91 58 128.417 606 737 639
Standard (SM 2020) 53 122.017 157.367 828 881 841
Quinze Author
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 19) Author
Math (SM 18) 120 43.8 142.1 499 500 499
Odd Even & Substitution (SM 18) 68 78 141.1 654 729 672
Outside & Neighbours (SM 18) 112 44.6 131.3 520 556 529
Standard (SM 18) 84 83 157.1 648 708 663
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 18) Author
Outside & Math (SM 16/17) 74 70 139.05 668 783 697
Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) 63 77 141.283 686 826 721
Standard & Neighbours (SM 16/17) Author
Irregular Variations (SM 15/16) Author
Converse Variations (SM 15/16) 131 44 142.083 518 560 528
Twisted Classics (SM 15/16) 89 101.967 155.083 677 726 689
Outside Variations (SM 15/16) 101 53 135.533 573 656 593
Math Variations (SM 15/16) 65 64.8 136.083 619 793 662
Odd Even Variations (SM 15/16) 94 79 156.233 603 687 624
Standard Variations (SM 15/16) 104 77 156.767 604 675 622
Unlucky 13 65 1499.55 1882.62 731 719 728
Converse Variations (SM 14/15) 78 85 156.467 655 740 676
Neighbours Variations (SM 14/15) 76 93 153.933 664 746 685
Math Variations (SM 14/15) 72 97 158.417 645 674 652
Odd Even Variations (SM 14/15) 339 0 145.167
Irregular Variations (SM 14/15) 81 83 150.05 660 736 679
Standard Variations (SM 14/15) 68 92.9 150.533 724 802 744
SudoClones 117 200 1239.9 308 322 311
Sudoku 8X8 79 347 871.8 539 598 554
Crazy Arrows 78 282 925 427 420 425
Sudoku City 99 19 93 333 222 306
Fivefold Sudoku Test 115 263.9 1061.8 453 426 446
LMI April Sudoku Test 60 263 650 608 718 635
LMI Spring Sudoku Test 77 245 954 471 453 467
Double Delight 71 375 1035 457 470 460
Prime Exotica 65 178 660 515 556 525
X'Mas Special Sudoku 35 565 1260 614 763 651
Renban Grouped Sudokus 52 320 592 619 695 638
Sudoku Hotpot 60 168 560 500 537 509
Sudoku Mock Test 20 19 41 87
Sudoku Mock Test 18 26 618 1600
Sudoku Mock Test 17 40 195 840
Sudoku Mock Test 16 26 335 690
Sudoku Mock Test 15 31 235 883
Sudoku Mock Test 14 34 140 790
Sudoku Mock Test 13 33 110 910
Sudoku Mock Test 9 25 280 1339
Sudoku Mock Test 8 13 38 106
Sudoku Mock Test 7 14 460 1260
Sudoku Mock Test 6 25 360 1170

PS = Prorated Score (Score based on players's score, median score and top score in the test)
RS = Rank Score (Score based on player's rank in the test)
NS = Normalized Score (.75 * PS + .25 * RS)
W = Weight of the test
Click here for detailed logic of LMI Player Rating System v2.0

Beginners' Sudokuakash.doulani's Rankakash.doulani's ScoreTest Max Score
February 2014 64 94.58 124.78
September 2012 106 68.37 126
August 2012 119 64.4 126.57

User profile: akash.doulani
Real name Akash Doulani
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Date registered2010-02-16 12:00 AM
Last logon2025-01-19 6:45 AM
Total posts158
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