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Posting a reply to: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — Starts 26th August

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Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — Starts 26th August @ 2013-08-27 1:39 AM (#12456 - in reply to #12454) (#12456)Quote Reply Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1837
Location: India
cutechikky2000 - 2013-08-26 10:58 PM

please help me to know how to play tapa in brief

i keep getting this error "Solution is wrong. All 'Black cells' must be marked."

I suggest posting the image of a sample Tapa (25th and before) here on the forum so that someone can correct your solution and explain why.

In brief, the best I can do for now is direct you to these patterns - http://rohanrao.blogspot.in/2011/03/solving-tapa-elementary-beginni... to understand how the clue cells work. Other than that just make sure that all shaded cells are connected, and there's no 2x2 region entirely shaded.