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Posting a reply to: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016

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Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-04 10:18 AM (#20914 - in reply to #20912) (#20914)Quote Reply Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
debmohanty - 2016-02-04 6:14 AM

Nilz - 2016-02-04 12:08 AM
I.e. the 'late' penalty is applied based on finish time, not start time?
Late Penalty applies on finish time. I think we never defined if it should be based on "start" or "finish". Let me check with Serkan and see if we should make it start time based. We will then have to recompute all days' score - there are 25 such submissions in this years CTC so far.

It should be 'start-time'. If someone starts at 11:30pm and submits at 12:01am, you can't penalize the solver for solving slow :-|