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Posting a reply to: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March

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Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-03-27 2:11 PM (#7020 - in reply to #7006) (#7020)Quote Reply Top

CTC & TVC Author & Organizer

Posts: 183
Location: Turkey
Nikola - 2012-03-25 5:44 PM

Yes, I just want to say that I'm a bit disappointed in classic tapa because there is no standard 10x10 puzzle which is not solved in less than two minutes by best players. If you want to keep 120 seconds limit unbroken, you must enlarge the grid size. I'm not sure that would be the case with any other puzzle type, except maybe ABC connection puzzle. Such contests are fun, but it seems they discover the real truth about the puzzle types.


Real truth is the function of "undo" button. Providing this button was a mistake (Deb didn't want to use it but i insisted) because solving with this button does not truly represent the action of Tapa solving. I made a lot of hard puzzles but this button makes everything so easy, it is so easy to make many trials and erase them.

I think what is discovered is how well a solver uses the undo button. It is not much related with Tapa.