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Posting a reply to: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March

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Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-03-27 9:49 PM (#7023 - in reply to #7021) (#7023)Quote Reply Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1847
Location: India
flk - 2012-03-27 5:11 PM

Wow - somehow I managed to completely overlook the fact that there is an undo button. Could have saved me a lot of time! :p

I'm yet to use the undo button myself but thats more to do with the fact that I just prefer a full clear and start over when I go wrong :P

I think the undo button is necessary though. Mis-clicks are always possible. The color changes are not as necessary IMO.