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Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-04-05 1:55 PM (#7102 - in reply to #7101) (#7102)Quote Reply Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1849
Location: India
debmohanty - 2012-04-05 10:50 AM

One of my aims for running a daily contest at LMI was to attract some Indian solvers into daily puzzle solving. It was achieved to some extent. I'm really happy with Prasanna's performance, who ended up at 27th overall, and notched top 3 positions few positions.

Thank you. Slightly disappointed that I couldn't finish well, but for a first time contest, I'll take that and learn from it. As for attracting the Indians, I think I remember at least 10 who participated almost everyday :) Hope they all enjoyed the experience as much as I did. Congrats to Rohan and Swaroop. A good show from Swaroop, when we were discussing at around the start of CTC we both agreed he had an "outside chance" for 3rd. In the end, his 3rd place was probably the only one among the 3 of us that was never in doubt(Rohan did cross me a couple of times before I had my top-time-strings :P ).

debmohanty - 2012-04-05 10:50 AM
Before CTC started, I had requested Serkan if it is possible to have Tapa books for top 3 Indians, and he had very kindly agreed to the proposal.

Woohoo! :D Thanks Serkan.