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Vasudha Bhushan

LMI RatingsCurrent RankCurrent RatingsBest RankBest RatingsRatings History
LMI Sudoku Ratings 576 193.4819 293 376.4935 History

Sudoku TestVasudha's RankVasudha's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2022R2 (Odd Even & Hybrids) 253 24 142.533 267 221 255 0.7
2022R1 (Standard & Neighbours) 268 26 138.383 317 301 313 0.6
Math (SM 18) 187 27 142.1 308 223 286
Odd Even & Substitution (SM 18) 227 20 141.1 200 89 172
Outside & Neighbours (SM 18) 161 30.8 131.3 377 360 372
Standard (SM 18) 183 38 157.1 366 363 365
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 18) 197 28.7 143.6 325 288 316
Outside & Math (SM 16/17) 241 29 139.05 414 286 382
Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) 182 39 141.283 500 493 498
Standard & Neighbours (SM 16/17) 212 30 151.533 288 225 273

PS = Prorated Score (Score based on players's score, median score and top score in the test)
RS = Rank Score (Score based on player's rank in the test)
NS = Normalized Score (.75 * PS + .25 * RS)
W = Weight of the test
Click here for detailed logic of LMI Player Rating System v2.0

User profile: Vasudha
Real name Vasudha Bhushan
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Country India
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Date registered2016-07-18 4:12 PM
Last logon2025-02-15 11:22 AM
Total posts4

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