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ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April
   LMI Tests -> Indian Sudoku and Puzzle Championships123 posts • Page 1 of 5 • 1 2 3 4 5
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-19 11:16 PM (#4076 - in reply to #4075) (#4076) Top

Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) Author

Posts: 460
Location: India
jaisbansal - 2011-04-19 11:05 PM


Can anyone suggest any websites where we could find more of the variants for practice, specially the 'outside sudoku' & 'product frame sudoku'?


go to http://www.argio-logic.net/sudoku/sudoku.php

u may have to register to play

Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-20 2:31 PM (#4080 - in reply to #4076) (#4080) Top

Posts: 6

Location: India
Thanks Rishi :-)
Kaushik Unava
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-20 10:26 PM (#4081 - in reply to #4046) (#4081) Top

Posts: 3

Location: India
• 120 minutes
• Online round will start at 23-Apr-2011 14:00 IST
• To qualify for ISC finals, all submissions before 23-Apr-2011 16:30 IST will be considered. So if you are
aiming to qualify for ISC finals, start online round accordingly
• The round will be open for 48 hours, and results will be used by LMI ratings and UKPA ratings

This is what written in the PDF Booklet, Where in second point its mentioned that till 16.30 submission willl be considered while in 3rd point its mentioned that round will be open for 48 hours.........confusion guys........
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-20 11:27 PM (#4082 - in reply to #4046) (#4082) Top

Posts: 4

I have qualified the regional round . Do I still need to participate in this to go to the finals because I got a mail from LMI saying that I am requested to take part in this one. Please clarify
Ours brun
Subject: RE: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-21 12:55 AM (#4083 - in reply to #4046) (#4083) Top

Posts: 148
Location: France
Kaushik, the test is open for 48 hours but only submissions made before 23 april 16:30 IST will be considered regarding indian qualifications. Other results will be used for LMI and UK ratings only. So, in your case, be careful to start the test before 14:30, so that your submissions arrive at 16:30 max.

sudoku, as far as I have understood the functioning of indian selections, you do not need to participate in the online test if you have already qualified, but I will let the organizers confirm it.
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-21 1:59 AM (#4084 - in reply to #4075) (#4084) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland
jaisbansal - 2011-04-19 11:05 PM


Can anyone suggest any websites where we could find more of the variants for practice, specially the 'outside sudoku' & 'product frame sudoku'?


Product frame sudoku are quit rare, so I just created one : http://sudokuvariante.blogspot.com/2011/04/product-frame-n1.html

You'll find others here: http://rohanrao.blogspot.com/search/label/Product%20Frame%20Sudoku and http://www.sachsentext.de/en/taxonomy/term/263

Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-21 5:57 AM (#4085 - in reply to #4082) (#4085) Top

Posts: 175
Location: India
sudoku - 2011-04-20 11:27 PM

I have qualified the regional round . Do I still need to participate in this to go to the finals because I got a mail from LMI saying that I am requested to take part in this one. Please clarify

It has been repeated several times, those who have qualified in regional round don't need to participate.
However, they can participate for practice. Practicing Sudoku is harmless and is the only way to improve :-)

Ours Brun is correct. It is so clearly mentioned in the rule pages. If you don't care to read the rules, you will have these kind of questions.

Regarding you qualifying from regional round, have you got any email from LMI regarding the same?
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-21 9:14 AM (#4086 - in reply to #4085) (#4086) Top

Posts: 4

Yes ! and thx for the info..
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-21 9:54 AM (#4087 - in reply to #4084) (#4087) Top

Posts: 6

Location: India
Fred76 - 2011-04-21 1:59 AM

Product frame sudoku are quit rare, so I just created one : http://sudokuvariante.blogspot.com/2011/04/product-frame-n1.html

You'll find others here: http://rohanrao.blogspot.com/search/label/Product%20Frame%20Sudoku and http://www.sachsentext.de/en/taxonomy/term/263


Thanks Fred...
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-22 8:43 AM (#4093 - in reply to #4046) (#4093) Top

Location: India
Is their any disadvantage of submitting solutions to multiple sudokus at once at end as compared to submitting answer to each sudoku one by one.
(I prefer to solve more than one sudoku simultaneously and hence need time to submit the first few answers)
Do you note the submission time for each answer? And does it affect the final ranking?

Edited by aakash 2011-04-22 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-22 9:16 AM (#4094 - in reply to #4093) (#4094) Top

Posts: 175
Location: India
There is no disadvantage submitting all solutions at the end (See notes below). But make sure that you submit as soon as you are done with all Sudokus.
As noted in IB, if more than one player submit all solutions correctly (that will definitely be the case), their ranking will be determined by 'Last Sudoku Submission time'

We keep track of submission time for each Sudoku, but that doesn't affect the final ranking.

(note 1) Players who are participating first time need to estimate how much time is required to submit per Sudoku. There is nothing worse that solving a Sudoku correctly, but not being able to submit or submitting a wrong answer because of lack of time.
(note 2) It is expected that many players will start submitting towards the end, and the server will be few seconds slow in responding.
Considering these 2 points, it might not be a bad idea submitting every 30 minutes or after solving 4 Sudokus

Edited by Organisers 2011-04-22 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-22 9:19 AM (#4095 - in reply to #4046) (#4095) Top

Posts: 175
Location: India
Players who are solving online (directly on flash interface) should submit as soon as they are done with the Sudoku. There is absolutely no need to wait for solving other Sudokus.
Subject: paper mode @ 2011-04-22 9:59 AM (#4096 - in reply to #4095) (#4096) Top

Posts: 47
Location: India
How will those players who are solving the sudokus on paper submit their solutions? Using the flash interface only or something else?
Subject: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April - paper mode @ 2011-04-22 10:51 AM (#4097 - in reply to #4096) (#4097) Top

Posts: 175
Location: India
aashay - 2011-04-22 9:59 AM

How will those players who are solving the sudokus on paper submit their solutions? Using the flash interface only or something else?
Yes, their will be a separate Flash form for paper mode.

Both the submission systems (paper and online solving) will be enabled 12 hours before the round starts.
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-22 11:25 AM (#4099 - in reply to #4046) (#4099) Top

Posts: 1

Location: India
Am I right in inferring from the IB that players solving online would need to completely solve a particular sudoku and only then submit it whereas players solving the same sudoku on paper and submitting through another flash interface would need to only enter the solution for the marked rows and columns for that particular sudoku?
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-22 11:33 AM (#4100 - in reply to #4099) (#4100) Top

Posts: 175
Location: India
piyu - 2011-04-22 11:25 AM

Am I right in inferring from the IB that players solving online would need to completely solve a particular sudoku and only then submit it whereas players solving the same sudoku on paper and submitting through another flash interface would need to only enter the solution for the marked rows and columns for that particular sudoku?

We'll just check the contents of the marked row and marked column even in case of online solving.

Edited by Organisers 2011-04-22 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-22 11:46 AM (#4102 - in reply to #4075) (#4102) Top

Location: India
jaisbansal - 2011-04-19 11:05 PM


Can anyone suggest any websites where we could find more of the variants for practice, specially the 'outside sudoku' & 'product frame sudoku'?

Jai, here is one not-so-easy Outside Sudoku - http://motris.livejournal.com/140491.html
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-22 1:44 PM (#4104 - in reply to #4102) (#4104) Top

Mean Minis (2020) Author

Posts: 774
Location: India
jaisbansal - 2011-04-19 11:05 PM

Can anyone suggest any websites where we could find more of the variants for practice, specially the 'outside sudoku' & 'product frame sudoku'?
And, here is one Product frame sudoku: http://www.sachsentext.de/en/node/877
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-22 1:51 PM (#4105 - in reply to #4104) (#4105) Top

Location: India
rakesh_rai - 2011-04-22 1:44 PM
And, here is one Product frame sudoku: http://www.sachsentext.de/en/node/877

You are late - Fred shared the same grid couple of days back
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-22 7:27 PM (#4108 - in reply to #4102) (#4108) Top

Posts: 6

Location: India
debmohanty - 2011-04-22 11:46 AM

Jai, here is one not-so-easy Outside Sudoku - http://motris.livejournal.com/140491.html

Thanks Deb
aditya bhansali
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-22 8:36 PM (#4110 - in reply to #4046) (#4110) Top

Posts: 6

Location: India
Hello everyone, I want to familiarize myself with the flash interface for solving the sudoku online as I have never used it before. Can I get a link for a demo/prototype of the same please which is similar to that coming for tomorrow?
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-22 9:24 PM (#4111 - in reply to #4110) (#4111) Top

Posts: 175
Location: India
The flash submission is now enabled - check the submission page

After login, you can see the paper submission mode.
Click on "Solve Examples" to solve some examples and get familiarized

Edited by Organisers 2011-04-22 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-23 7:44 AM (#4114 - in reply to #4111) (#4114) Top

Posts: 175
Location: India
Password protected Sudoku booklet is uploaded - It has 8 pages. Sudokus are organized as per the Points Table in the IB.
There is no cover page or points table in the booklet
Subject: problems with flash interface @ 2011-04-23 10:31 AM (#4115 - in reply to #4114) (#4115) Top

Posts: 47
Location: India
I am having problems with the flash interface. The submit button is not visible. In addition, most of the sudokus are also partially hidden. Can anyone help?
Subject: RE: problems with flash interface @ 2011-04-23 11:10 AM (#4116 - in reply to #4115) (#4116) Top

Location: India
aashay - 2011-04-23 10:31 AM

I am having problems with the flash interface. The submit button is not visible. In addition, most of the sudokus are also partially hidden. Can anyone help?

which browser are you using and what is your screen size?
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