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ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April
   LMI Tests -> Indian Sudoku and Puzzle Championships123 posts • Page 4 of 5 • 1 2 3 4 5
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-24 1:07 PM (#4161 - in reply to #4046) (#4161) Top

Posts: 13

Location: India
wot is the significance of the two thick arrow marks which wer given in every sudoku ? r de any help in arriving at soln quicker ?
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-24 2:21 PM (#4165 - in reply to #4161) (#4165) Top

Posts: 329
Location: India
gowrishankar - 2011-04-24 1:07 PM

wot is the significance of the two thick arrow marks which wer given in every sudoku ? r de any help in arriving at soln quicker ?

Please read the instructions carefully. The marked row and column are to be entered as the answers.
Subject: RE: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-24 2:32 PM (#4166 - in reply to #4046) (#4166) Top

Posts: 1

Location: India
Organisers - 2011-04-17 8:15 PM

Here is the link for Instruction Booklet that lists points table and list of Sudokus.

Link - http://logicmastersindia.com/ISC2011/onlineQ.asp

Please post any doubts in this thread only.

Though I scored 101 points only, I would like to know my rankings. This is the first time I have attempted this competition. I have been following with those sudokus published in the newspapers & solved them rapidly, but this contained numerous variants. This needs a lot of practice. Please let me know if there are any publications / books which can be bought & practiced.


Subject: RE: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-24 2:37 PM (#4167 - in reply to #4166) (#4167) Top

Posts: 329
Location: India
pboominathan - 2011-04-24 2:32 PM

Organisers - 2011-04-17 8:15 PM

Here is the link for Instruction Booklet that lists points table and list of Sudokus.

Link - http://logicmastersindia.com/ISC2011/onlineQ.asp

Please post any doubts in this thread only.

Though I scored 101 points only, I would like to know my rankings. This is the first time I have attempted this competition. I have been following with those sudokus published in the newspapers & solved them rapidly, but this contained numerous variants. This needs a lot of practice. Please let me know if there are any publications / books which can be bought & practiced.



Just wait till Tuesday when the results will be announced. You will come to know about your performance and your ranking also. You can browse various websites where these variants are available. Regular monthly tests are conducted on this website for sudoku enthusiasts, i would advise you to play regulary here on this website.

Edited by neerajmehrotra 2011-04-24 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-24 4:05 PM (#4184 - in reply to #4165) (#4184) Top

Posts: 2

Location: India
neerajmehrotra - 2011-04-24 2:21 PM

gowrishankar - 2011-04-24 1:07 PM

wot is the significance of the two thick arrow marks which wer given in every sudoku ? r de any help in arriving at soln quicker ?

Please read the instructions carefully. The marked row and column are to be entered as the answers.

oh my god! it was a big mistake,dint read instructions completely cause i wer i a hurry ,,, now i got the point, squares pointed by arrows wer THE answers just needed to be filled up b4 clicking submit ..! , i wasted time solving the whole sudoku completely... anyways will give it a try next time for sure.. nice hard puzzles ,, these are stilllll haunting me really..
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-24 4:07 PM (#4185 - in reply to #4184) (#4185) Top

Location: India
gogreen - 2011-04-24 4:05 PM

neerajmehrotra - 2011-04-24 2:21 PM

gowrishankar - 2011-04-24 1:07 PM

wot is the significance of the two thick arrow marks which wer given in every sudoku ? r de any help in arriving at soln quicker ?

Please read the instructions carefully. The marked row and column are to be entered as the answers.

oh my god! it was a big mistake,dint read instructions completely cause i wer i a hurry ,,, now i got the point, squares pointed by arrows wer THE answers just needed to be filled up b4 clicking submit ..! , i wasted time solving the whole sudoku completely... anyways will give it a try next time for sure.. nice hard puzzles ,, these are stilllll haunting me really..

And would you mind sharing with us why you have 2 active userids?
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-24 4:36 PM (#4191 - in reply to #4046) (#4191) Top

Posts: 2

Location: India
welll that was not intensional . i wanted to attempt today's puzzle round too. and im novice to sudoku and online solving,thought i need to have different login Id for Puzzles so registered again .. i these sudokusim going crazy man..really hard ones...
is it a mistake to have two ids ?.. any problem ? just clarifying...no harsh feelingss.!
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-24 4:43 PM (#4193 - in reply to #4191) (#4193) Top

Location: India
gogreen - 2011-04-24 4:36 PM

welll that was not intensional . i wanted to attempt today's puzzle round too. and im novice to sudoku and online solving,thought i need to have different login Id for Puzzles so registered again .. i these sudokusim going crazy man..really hard ones...
is it a mistake to have two ids ?.. any problem ? just clarifying...no harsh feelingss.!

I wouldn't buy that argument.

Anyway, I request you (and everyone else) not to have multiple ids.
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-24 8:30 PM (#4200 - in reply to #4046) (#4200) Top

Posts: 175
Location: India
You can now check others' score as well in the score page - http://logicmastersindia.com/ISC2011/score.asp
Note that this just shows the complete list. Official scores (submissions before 4:30PM Saturday) will be published soon.

Note : The round is still running, hence the results are not public.

Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-25 1:34 AM (#4210 - in reply to #4193) (#4210) Top

Posts: 2

Location: India
Hi Admin,

During the test time, In the last moment while submitting the answer for diagonal sudoku i typed 1 instead of typing 2. But after realizing that mistake, immediately i enterd a backspace and entered "2". After that i submitted the answer. But i did not notice the solutions after that last submission(was busy in trying out the other sudokus). Now in the site still i am seeing "1" in the place of "2".

Please consider this request if you have the mechanism for keep tracking of each and every action the user is doing.

Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-25 5:23 AM (#4211 - in reply to #4210) (#4211) Top

Location: India
upendra - 2011-04-25 1:34 AM

Please consider this request if you have the mechanism for keep tracking of each and every action the user is doing.

There is no mechanism to keep track of all the typing.
As you will see later, several players have done these kind of mistakes. I've to ask you (and others) to be very careful while entering the answer keys. There is nothing worse than solving a Sudoku correctly, but entering the solution wrongly.
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-25 10:07 AM (#4213 - in reply to #4211) (#4213) Top

Posts: 2

Location: India
Initially i did the typing mistake but after that with in 5 seconds i did a backspace and entered the right one which did not get reflected over there.

Anyway thanks for the quick response.
Subject: RE: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-25 12:28 PM (#4216 - in reply to #4046) (#4216) Top

Posts: 175
Location: India
List of all Online qualifiers

List of all qualifiers
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-25 1:57 PM (#4221 - in reply to #4046) (#4221) Top

Posts: 17

Location: India
When will the national finals be held? Where? Would you conduct finals for ISC & IPC on same/consecutive date/s & venue?
Subject: re:my result @ 2011-04-25 5:31 PM (#4227 - in reply to #4153) (#4227) Top

Posts: 6

Location: India
sir,this is to bring to your kind information that i nikunj agarwal participated in INDIAN SUDOKU CHAMPIONSHIP and inspite of MY SCORE BEING 199 I AM NOT SELECTED AMONG THE TOP 15 PARTICIPANTS rather the guys scoring less than me-their score being around 187 are selected....May i know the reason for the same.........

11 chasing_dreams Sunil Singhal 198 Qualified
12 shivin garg shivin garg 187 Qualified
13 abhishekn abhishekn 185 Qualified
14 upendra upendra reddy 167 Qualified
Subject: re:my result @ 2011-04-25 5:36 PM (#4228 - in reply to #4153) (#4228) Top

Posts: 175
Location: India
nikunj.agarwal007 - 2011-04-25 5:31 PM

sir,this is to bring to your kind information that i nikunj agarwal participated in INDIAN SUDOKU CHAMPIONSHIP and inspite of MY SCORE BEING 199 I AM NOT SELECTED AMONG THE TOP 15 PARTICIPANTS rather the guys scoring less than me-their score being around 187 are selected....May i know the reason for the same.........

11 chasing_dreams Sunil Singhal 198 Qualified
12 shivin garg shivin garg 187 Qualified
13 abhishekn abhishekn 185 Qualified
14 upendra upendra reddy 167 Qualified

Sure I can tell you the reason. Before that let me ask one question.
When did you start the "Online Round"? date and time?
Subject: re:my result @ 2011-04-25 5:42 PM (#4229 - in reply to #4228) (#4229) Top

Posts: 6

Location: India
date-25/04/2011 and time is around 11.00 a.m.
Subject: re:my result @ 2011-04-25 5:46 PM (#4230 - in reply to #4229) (#4230) Top

Location: India
nikunj.agarwal007 - 2011-04-25 5:42 PM

date-25/04/2011 and time is around 11.00 a.m.

Do you still need an answer?
Check the rules here or the IB or the notes in results summary.
Subject: re:my result @ 2011-04-25 5:51 PM (#4232 - in reply to #4230) (#4232) Top

Posts: 6

Location: India
thanks...i didn't pay an attention to the word "OFFICIAL"
I only took a notice on -
LMI April Sudoku Test

Submissions will be allowed until 25-Apr-2011 16:00 IST (GMT +5:30)."
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-26 12:02 PM (#4246 - in reply to #4046) (#4246) Top

Posts: 42
Location: United States
Hello everyone,

Thanks to the organizers for a nice set of puzzles. I greatly enjoyed many of them. Classic Sudoku 4 had a nice hurdle to clear, and I recall the Consecutive Sudoku and Killer being special as well.

Would someone be so kind to list a logical series of steps for the Product Frame puzzle? I spent a great deal of time on it and do not see any way to proceed.

Thanks again, and congratulations to the top performers.
Subject: Re: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-26 12:57 PM (#4247 - in reply to #4246) (#4247) Top

Location: India
Zason, the Product Frame was indeed tough (but it was the highest pointer as well) and it proved to be killer for many solvers.

I'm not sure if you didn't get the start or you get struck in the middle. But here are some steps to start with the puzzle.
If you are stuck at a certain point after solving, let me know so that I can explain from there.

First the obvious step, but it doesn't lead to much.

Next - 36 at right of Row 8 can't have 4. So it can't have 9 as well. So 36 will be (2*3*6)

Now, we have 12 at bottom of Col2 and 24 at left of Row9.
12 = (1*2*6) or (1*3*4)
24 = (1*3*8) or (1*4*6) or (2*3*4)

There are lot of common digits among them. To begin with R9C2 can be 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 6. But 3 / 4 / 6 are ruled immediately. So R9C2 can be 1 or 2.

On closer look, R9C2 can't be 1. [ If it were 1, 12 has to be 1*3*4 because 2 and 6 are already present in row8 towards the right. if 12 is 1*3*4, there is no way to satisfy 24 ]

So R9C2 = 2
I think this was a pretty difficult step.

Subject: RE: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-26 1:06 PM (#4248 - in reply to #4046) (#4248) Top

Location: India
Few obvious steps

Subject: RE: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-26 1:17 PM (#4249 - in reply to #4046) (#4249) Top

Location: India
Now 18 at bottom of Col9
18 = 1*2*9 [ 1 * 3 * 6 is rejected ]

Subject: RE: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-26 2:40 PM (#4250 - in reply to #4249) (#4250) Top

Location: India
Now the 56 at right of row1, it can't be 1*7*8
If it is 1*7*8, then (R2C5,R3C5) will be (1,8), and that means 1 or 8 has to be
appear at (R2C1,R2C2,R3C3) that is not possible since the product R2C1*R2C2*R3C3=84
So 56 = 2*4*7

That gives us lot of opening.

So 84 on left of row2 = 7*2*6 (because 4 is already at R2C6)

18 at top of col1 is 3*1*6

40 at left of col5 is 5*2*4

R5C8 can't be 3 [ if it is 3, R8C8 will be 6 and there is no way to make 12 at top of Col8]

In the last step, R4C9 can't be 7. If it is 7, R1C9 will be 4 and R4C8 will be 2 so there is no way to satisfy 12 at top of Col8 without 2 and 4.
Subject: RE: ISC2011 - Online Qualification on 23rd April @ 2011-04-27 11:11 AM (#4278 - in reply to #4250) (#4278) Top

Posts: 42
Location: United States
Thank you very much Deb. This is the step I missed -- the 178 not being allowed because of what it does with the {18} in the 2nd row and 2nd box. This single step allowed me to finish the rest of the puzzle in about 5 more minutes. I should not have missed this, and the puzzle is much more clever than I had originally credited it as being.

Great contest, thanks again.
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