Location: India | Method 1 - Enter the number of black circles in marked rows or columns (for R3 key is 6, for C3 key is 5)
Method 2 - Enter the number of consecutive black circles in marked rows or columns (For R3 key is 42, for C3 key is 131)
WSPC Organizer
Posts: 739
Location: India | Method 2 is better. It is less error-prone than Method 1. I made a typing error in Twist BW because of Method 1 even though my solution was correct. Maybe it was my fault, just mentioning. |
Location: India | I like Method 2 too. It is similar to some other answer keys we are discussing. |
| uff...thats not much hard :P |
WSPC Organizer
Posts: 542
Location: India | Another method may be to just enter the biggest number of continuous black cells but it may lead to guessing.
I will go for Method 2.