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Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests"
   LMI Tests -> Indian Sudoku and Puzzle Championships364 posts • Page 4 of 15 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-12 7:21 AM (#8181 - in reply to #7911) (#8181) Top

Posts: 30
Location: Canada
LAME! While sitting here waiting for the timer to run out, I notice that I entered the same answer twice! Lucky I saw it, but I lost 12 minutes or so. :(
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-12 8:22 PM (#8193 - in reply to #8181) (#8193) Top

Posts: 45
Location: India
In the score page, I find a couple of scores (excluding Time Bonus) which are not whole numbers.... Scores like 28.60, 28.80, 17.50, etc.... Does it indicate partial points for 1 answer key being correct or something like this.... How are partial points allotted...
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-12 8:36 PM (#8195 - in reply to #8193) (#8195) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1844
Location: India
adityasaraf007 - 2012-08-12 8:22 PM

In the score page, I find a couple of scores (excluding Time Bonus) which are not whole numbers.... Scores like 28.60, 28.80, 17.50, etc.... Does it indicate partial points for 1 answer key being correct or something like this.... How are partial points allotted...

Partial points are allotted if just one number is wrong, or if 2 numbers adjacent to each other are swapped in the entire key, and nothing more than that. For more details you can look at the July version. I will say, we are a bit more lenient here as it is a Beginners' Contest. You may not get points for the same keys in a Monthly Test.
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-12 9:23 PM (#8197 - in reply to #7911) (#8197) Top

Posts: 45
Location: India
Got it... Thanks.... And what about Bonus.... if I get partial points for 2 sudokus or more, would I be allotted Bonus... or Bonus is limited to just 1 incorrect submission... :)
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-12 10:00 PM (#8198 - in reply to #7911) (#8198) Top

Posts: 9

Location: United Kingdom
Just wanted to say thanks for this test. As a sudoku enthusiast, but definitely no expert, it was great to find a competition that I could actually have a good go at. I have participated in several of the previous competions in the past, just for the fun of having a go, but was beginning to find the puzzles far too hard on the whole and had stopped taking part. So it was a real pleasure to feel I could take join in again for a change. I am still pretty slow, but managed all four classics correctly and three of the four variants - just ran out of time on the last one.
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-12 10:02 PM (#8199 - in reply to #8197) (#8199) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1844
Location: India
adityasaraf007 - 2012-08-12 9:23 PM

Got it... Thanks.... And what about Bonus.... if I get partial points for 2 sudokus or more, would I be allotted Bonus... or Bonus is limited to just 1 incorrect submission... :)

The theory behind the partial points is that the error is so small that you've most probably solved the entire thing correctly but just mis-entered some digits somewhere. So yes, even if 2 out of the 4 have such minute errors, once you get the partial points, you will be allotted the bonus as you have theoretically solved everything correctly and have been penalized for the little error. (Again, things may be different for Monthly tests)
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-12 11:17 PM (#8200 - in reply to #7911) (#8200) Top

Posts: 45
Location: India
Just an idea.... Can "LMI Beginners' Puzzle Contests" be also organized along similar lines...
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-12 11:38 PM (#8201 - in reply to #8200) (#8201) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1844
Location: India
adityasaraf007 - 2012-08-12 11:17 PM

Just an idea.... Can "LMI Beginners' Puzzle Contests" be also organized along similar lines...

We started this first on the back of Times Sudoku Championship and decided to see how it goes. Now with the World Championship coming up soon and all that, the schedule is packed. We may think of something like that later on if this continues to be a success.
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-13 12:39 PM (#8205 - in reply to #8181) (#8205) Top

Posts: 2

Location: India
i lost time over re-solving Classic Sudoku - 1 3 times. The puzzle seems to be wrong. i couldnt complete it. however i did complete the Classic Sudoku - 2 successfully
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-13 1:01 PM (#8206 - in reply to #8205) (#8206) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1844
Location: India
pooja.seksaria - 2012-08-13 12:39 PM

i lost time over re-solving Classic Sudoku - 1 3 times. The puzzle seems to be wrong. i couldnt complete it. however i did complete the Classic Sudoku - 2 successfully

100 + participants seem to have solved it, so I doubt the problem is with the puzzle. It is possible(and quite common, even among top solvers) that you are just making a wrong assumption somewhere repeatedly. Keep trying, and once the deadline is over, feel free to post where you are getting stuck. Another option is to send me a private message of where you are getting a contradiction.
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-15 2:57 PM (#8208 - in reply to #7911) (#8208) Top

Posts: 13

Location: Germany
I have to agree with gramar: most of the other contests are very hard to solve and in the end the fun factor just blows away. Thank you for this easy and solvable contest :)
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-16 12:44 AM (#8210 - in reply to #7911) (#8210) Top

Posts: 3

Location: India
i interchanged 2 digits by mistake..but i hav solved d entire sudoku correct !...how come i get 0 points???
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-16 1:02 AM (#8211 - in reply to #8210) (#8211) Top

Location: India
sreejith - 2012-08-16 12:44 AM

i interchanged 2 digits by mistake..but i hav solved d entire sudoku correct !...how come i get 0 points???

Awarding of partial points has to be done manually, please give one of the organizers time to look into it, and if your case is similar to other cases where partial points were awarded, you will surely be awarded it too. That is why we have the "claim points" button, to alert us to such things, even though we try our best to monitor everyone.

Anyway, you have been awarded partial points. You can check now.
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-16 2:28 PM (#8213 - in reply to #7911) (#8213) Top

Posts: 6

Location: India
Can anyone post what is the final time by which beginners contest for the month aug (10th - 16th) will end ??
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-16 3:10 PM (#8214 - in reply to #8213) (#8214) Top

Location: India
abhishekgoenka89 - 2012-08-16 2:28 PM

Can anyone post what is the final time by which beginners contest for the month aug (10th - 16th) will end ??
Check the beginners' contest page - if still unclear, let us know.
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-16 4:43 PM (#8215 - in reply to #7911) (#8215) Top

Posts: 6

Location: India
i have gone through the above link. However it is showing that this contest if for the period from 9thaug to 15th aug.
I just want to know is this sudoku contest still going on or has it over and if it has not got over then what is the final time by which i can participate today.
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-16 5:16 PM (#8216 - in reply to #8215) (#8216) Top

Location: India
It should have been 10th to 16th.

In any case, it ends at 5:30AM IST tomorrow morning. See attachment


Attachments timing.png (2KB - 3 downloads)
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-17 6:14 PM (#8221 - in reply to #7911) (#8221) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1844
Location: India
Beginners' Contest August is now over. With the new categorization, it looks like more people wanted to submit the answers and be competitive among fellow Beginners. Whether that be the reason or not, this month's contest saw a high ratio of people who solved at least one sudoku (293/332 Compared to 204/314). This is quite a pleasing stat as the main aim of these contests is that everyone should be able to solve something within the given competitive time.

As this test was categorized, here are the stats on each side -

Beginners - 164 participants and 136 of them solved at least one sudoku. 16 of them solved all 8 correctly.
Seasoners - 167 participants and 157 of them solved at least one sudoku. 96 of them solved all 8 correctly.

Now to the winners,

Congratulations to zyx (Thailand), Manuj (India) and PMarlin (USA) for being the top 3 Beginners.

Among the Seasoners, f4han (Malaysia), jaku111 (Czech Republic) and janoslaw (Poland) were the top 3.

Some of the winners from the Beginners Contest will get shifted to the Seasoner category after this as posted before. They can now try the LMI monthly tests and use the future Beginners' Contests as practice to continue their move towards the top, as they have excelled at the Beginner level. This means some of the other Beginners have a chance of winning the next edition.

Thank you all for participating!
felezeu 1
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-29 11:25 PM (#8453 - in reply to #7911) (#8453) Top

Posts: 1

Location: Germany
When exact starts the LMI Seasoners`Sudoku Contest in September?
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-08-29 11:37 PM (#8454 - in reply to #8453) (#8454) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1844
Location: India
felezeu 1 - 2012-08-29 11:25 PM

When exact starts the LMI Seasoners`Sudoku Contest in September?

This is yet to be decided. It'll mostly be later on in the month, 3rd or 4th week. Watch this topic for announcements.

Edited by debmohanty 2012-09-04 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-09-02 6:31 PM (#8483 - in reply to #7911) (#8483) Top

Location: India

Types for September

Here are the types for the September Edition of LMI Beginners' Contest - http://logicmastersindia.com/BeginnersSudoku/Types/B201209.asp

We are continuing with 2 variants from last time (Irregular and NonConsecutive)
We are introducing 2 variants (Odd Sudoku and Extra Region Sudoku)

Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-09-03 9:07 AM (#8486 - in reply to #7911) (#8486) Top

Posts: 25
Location: India
Does there will be 2 rounds, each of 100 minutes for September Sudoku Contest
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-09-03 9:21 AM (#8487 - in reply to #8486) (#8487) Top

Location: India
dp_94 - 2012-09-03 9:07 AM

Does there will be 2 rounds, each of 100 minutes for September Sudoku Contest

Not really.The length was set to 100 minutes for our testing purpose. Sorry about the confusion.
Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-09-04 9:32 PM (#8497 - in reply to #8487) (#8497) Top

Location: India

Dates for September Beginners Sudoku Contest

Dates : 7th — 13th September

Subject: Re: Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests" @ 2012-09-06 3:45 PM (#8501 - in reply to #7911) (#8501) Top

Posts: 6

Location: India
can the soduku puzzles be solved offline
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