Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-04 4:41 AM (#14792 - in reply to #14641) (#14792)
Subject: RE: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-04 7:41 AM (#14794 - in reply to #14641) (#14794)
Congratulations for MellowMelon to win the whole thing, getting past xevs with 119 seconds! Now MellowMelon is the holder of the record of most points in one test (38.5 thousands plus), at least until some person decides to make a test scoring a total of 1,000,000. *wink*
Thank you for everyone participating! A more comprehensive post is written here.