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Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests37 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1 2
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-18 6:20 PM (#17181 - in reply to #17180) (#17181) Top

Location: India
greenhorn - 2014-11-18 6:17 PM

Looking forward to this test! Is it rated?
Yes, it will be rated.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-20 3:27 PM (#17190 - in reply to #17099) (#17190) Top

Posts: 16

Location: United States
if anyone is still following this thread, off the subject,can you explain modulo, i finished calculus ii at biola and never heard this term until here and argio, by the way if i can, argio is awesome!!!,
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-20 5:46 PM (#17191 - in reply to #17190) (#17191) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1845
Location: India
mikeylyk - 2014-11-20 3:27 PM

if anyone is still following this thread, off the subject,can you explain modulo, i finished calculus ii at biola and never heard this term until here and argio, by the way if i can, argio is awesome!!!,

I vaguely remember solving that variant and Modulo is just = Remainder in a division. 9/5, modulo is 4.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-21 9:38 AM (#17194 - in reply to #17099) (#17194) Top

Location: India

In case you have claimed bonus after submitting all Sudokus, but have exactly one wrong submission (with a maximum of four wrong digits), you are still eligible for bonus.

Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-22 1:49 AM (#17199 - in reply to #17191) (#17199) Top

Posts: 152
Location: United Kingdom
prasanna16391 - 2014-11-20 12:46 PM

mikeylyk - 2014-11-20 3:27 PM

if anyone is still following this thread, off the subject,can you explain modulo, i finished calculus ii at biola and never heard this term until here and argio, by the way if i can, argio is awesome!!!,

I vaguely remember solving that variant and Modulo is just = Remainder in a division. 9/5, modulo is 4.

This is massively off-topic, but I simply can't bear to see any more mathematical misunderstandings this week. Remainder in a division is just remainder in division. Modulo is not some function which spits out a number as an answer as you imply with your wording there!

Reducing modulo B is the *act* of dividing any integer A, by a fixed integer B, with remainder.

The correct statement of your example is: 9 = 4 (modulo 5).
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-22 5:46 AM (#17200 - in reply to #17199) (#17200) Top

Location: India

Sudoku Surprise has started

Please note that
a) there is no online solving.
b) there is no instant grading, so please check your submissions before hitting Claim Bonus or timing out

Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-22 2:18 PM (#17201 - in reply to #17099) (#17201) Top

Posts: 1

Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-22 4:34 PM (#17203 - in reply to #17099) (#17203) Top

Posts: 139
Location: Estonia
Wow what a test. That was really hard. I hope I get my points with my claim. Anyway what is weird is that the time limit was 150 minutes, but when I submitted my answers there was 5 less than 5 minutes left and my timing was 126... That's really strange.
But thanks for the nice test. Well, it took much time but I enjoyed it :)
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-22 4:37 PM (#17204 - in reply to #17099) (#17204) Top

Posts: 139
Location: Estonia
 Was there sufficient variety in the puzzle types represented? Yes, lot of variety
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Did you like the surprise element in the second puzzle of each type? Definitely yes
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did the point values reflect the difficulty? Most puzzles were worth the right amount

I am honest. I was expecting exactly what you said it was a surprise :)
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-22 4:39 PM (#17205 - in reply to #17099) (#17205) Top

Posts: 139
Location: Estonia
Sorry about that "too many hard puzzles". I wanted to say that it was a long test with lots of hard puzzles. I would have prefer something like 120 minutes and a bit easier ones, just because 150 is hard to fit in my time schedule, because of 3 kids of mine. But I managed to do well, big thanks to my wife Regina :)
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-22 6:20 PM (#17206 - in reply to #17099) (#17206) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 164
Location: Slovakia
 Was there sufficient variety in the puzzle types represented? Yes, lot of variety
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Did you like the surprise element in the second puzzle of each type? Definitely yes
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did the point values reflect the difficulty? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little

Great test! Thank you, David!
I expected that the surprise puzzles will be without any arrows or circles, you gave us many hints in the IB :)
Anyway, my performance was horrible, I needed to print the disparity sudoku 8 times :(
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-22 6:43 PM (#17207 - in reply to #17181) (#17207) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland
debmohanty - 2014-11-18 6:20 PM

greenhorn - 2014-11-18 6:17 PM

Looking forward to this test! Is it rated?
Yes, it will be rated.

Can we chose that this test is not counted for the ratings?
I want to begin the test, but I don't see the button with the option to take this tournament into account for the ratings.
If possible, I would like to chose that this tournament doesn't count for my ratings.

Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-22 7:04 PM (#17208 - in reply to #17207) (#17208) Top

Location: India
Fred76 - 2014-11-22 6:43 PM

Can we chose that this test is not counted for the ratings?
I want to begin the test, but I don't see the button with the option to take this tournament into account for the ratings.
If possible, I would like to chose that this tournament doesn't count for my ratings.

The option is now visible. Please refresh the submission page (http://logicmastersindia.com/2014/11S/) and login again.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-23 3:43 AM (#17210 - in reply to #17099) (#17210) Top

PR 2020 (Shading and Loops) Author

Posts: 668
Location: India
What a test. Puzzles were really nice and out of box.
After the hint i expected the same surprise frankly.
I needed just 7 seconds more to submit my TeeProduct. That's what is sad part.
Apart from that it was ok performance, will solve remaining sudokus later.
Thanks for nice test David and LMI as well for organizing it.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-23 1:13 PM (#17212 - in reply to #17099) (#17212) Top

Posts: 9

Location: India
 Was there sufficient variety in the puzzle types represented? Yes, lot of variety
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Did you like the surprise element in the second puzzle of each type? Mostly yes
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did the point values reflect the difficulty? Most puzzles were worth the right amount

I did not undertsand what the second sudokus were all about during the test, as I started the test without reading the IB. I couldn't though have actually attempted them, since I couldn't complete all of the 1st ones within the time limit either. XD

However, I really enjoyed solving all of the varieties. Nice test!!
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-23 10:17 PM (#17213 - in reply to #17212) (#17213) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland
Thanks for the tournament !

Some nice and hard puzzles here !

In my opinion it was a tournament that goes beyond sudoku. And perhaps LMI is the best place to organize such a tournament.
There was no real surprise for me, as the title of the tournament, the types of variants and rules suggested what they will be (no extra symbols - T's, arrows, or circles; missing cages or outlines of regions).
In my opinion, only 6 sudokus were suitable for a sudoku competition, every "surprise" puzzle and both masyu requiring more than sudoku-solving ability to be solved.

In puzzles with missing T's and arrows you had to orient these symbols in interaction with placements of digits in cells. In the black and white killer, the question was not the extra-symbol, but the missing cages (that puzzle was frustrating because you could solve 90% of the sudoku part before to need to find the cages - the same for the second secret code sudoku: the sudoku part was quite easy, before having only a few cells unfilled and need to find this secret code - I did mistakes on both puzzles, because I had not the patience to finish to solve the puzzle after having solved 90% of the sudoku part of the puzzle).
In the second disparity sudoku, I found the solution before having found the regions (found only one region). Of course I have found a few "must be connected" cells to solve it.
And finally the masyu was clearly an hybrid of sudoku with another kind of puzzle and drawing a loop is not what you expect about a sudoku.

To be clear: I'm not complaining myself about anything and I don't want to be a "sudoku fundamentalist", but for me it was not really a sudoku tournament. I would not be happy to see such variations in a WSC for example.
On the other hand, if it were a real "puzzle tournament", I would not have been able to beat Prasanna, for example, so this tournament was perhaps midway between a sudoku tournament and a puzzle tournament.

Anyway, thanks for creating these nice puzzles and organizing this tournament

Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-24 12:25 AM (#17217 - in reply to #17099) (#17217) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1845
Location: India
Don't take me as an example, Fred. I had a generally horrible time of this one.

The last thing you want to be doing is spending the first 12 minutes wondering why a 9 isn't fitting in the Tee Total Sudoku.
And then there was the line I drew by mistake which gave me a wrong border and messed up the entire bottom Black and White Killer.
To top it all, at the end, in my mind I had the right answer to the bottom Secret Code, but ended up swapping 2 and 3.

The puzzles were really fun though and the theme was really well executed. Thanks, David
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-24 2:28 AM (#17218 - in reply to #17099) (#17218) Top

Posts: 28
Location: United Kingdom
Thanks David, I knew that was going to be hard. I'd gone wrong one one and abandoned another, but fortunately managed to get the answer to my last on in just in time even though I'd had to get up and let the cat out.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-24 3:29 AM (#17219 - in reply to #17099) (#17219) Top

Posts: 83
Location: Czech Republic
 Was there sufficient variety in the puzzle types represented? Yes, lot of variety
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Did you like the surprise element in the second puzzle of each type? Definitely yes
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did the point values reflect the difficulty? Most puzzles were worth the right amount

Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-24 12:56 PM (#17221 - in reply to #17099) (#17221) Top

Posts: 42
Location: United States
Terrific work David! I especially admire the theme of the first one...since it came from you :D. This was really masterful, teach me sometime!
Subject: RE: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-24 1:05 PM (#17222 - in reply to #17099) (#17222) Top

Posts: 1

Location: India
Subject: RE: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-24 1:07 PM (#17223 - in reply to #17222) (#17223) Top

Posts: 268
Location: India
MUTHU - 2014-11-24 1:05 PM


In the same page you will have a button Start Sudoku Surprise. If you click the button, you will get the password. Please use the password to open the booklet, which will have the sudokus to solve. You can take a print and solve it and submit the answers within the time specified i.e. 150 minutes.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-24 7:29 PM (#17224 - in reply to #17099) (#17224) Top

Posts: 8

Location: India
A very interesting tournament..many puzzles were new to me. Enjoyed them.
Subject: RE: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-25 8:37 AM (#17230 - in reply to #17099) (#17230) Top

Posts: 43
Location: United States
David, Well constructed puzzles and clever theme. I now have several challenging puzzles to work on over the holiday weekend. Thanks for putting the contest together!Cheers,Dave
Subject: RE: Sudoku Surprise - LMI November Sudoku Test — 22nd - 24th November @ 2014-11-25 2:15 PM (#17231 - in reply to #17099) (#17231) Top

Location: India
The score page is final now. Password removed from sudoku booklet.

Thanks David for an interesting set of sudokus. Some of them were little on the tougher side, but it was probably expected given that only 14 sudokus were to be solved in 150 minutes. I personally like the concept of Disparity Sudoku the most.

Regarding puzzle-y nature of the some of the Sudokus - I agree with Fred that not all of these are "strict" sudokus. But we have been conducting the Mahabharat series which has all the classic-y stuff. When David proposed this set, I thought it will be nice deviation from that.

Kota's timing is really impressive, almost unbelievable, considering that he is 14 minutes faster than the next best EKBM, who in turn is 12 minutes faster than TiiT and misko.
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