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LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests75 posts • Page 1 of 3 • 1 2 3
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-15 11:59 AM (#19952 - in reply to #19951) (#19952) Top

Location: India
ghirsch - 2015-11-15 11:58 AM

"Which equation yields maximum output?

Only addition and subtractions are used."

Is this just for the example or for the actual test that only addition and subtraction are used?
Actual test also.
As we mentioned, the instructions for the example puzzle and test puzzle are same for all.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-15 3:38 PM (#19955 - in reply to #19906) (#19955) Top

SM 2020 (Math) Author

Posts: 421
Location: India
*I don't think I understand the rules of Max Turns and Max Weights.

*In Max Weights,I got maximum weight for C in the following way :

(3A+B)2 = C(1)+D(2)

which gives C =4 //D = 3//A = 1 //B= 2

Why is the solution D ???

*For Max Arrows,the solution is shown as (?) It should be B

Also,while taking the demo,I found the progress meter in green at the top showing how the time is being eaten very irritating and distracting.I would trust my eyes to look at the corner of the screen rather than some other factor indicating to me that my time is going down......
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-15 4:39 PM (#19956 - in reply to #19955) (#19956) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
kishy72 - 2015-11-15 3:38 PM

*I don't think I understand the rules of Max Turns and Max Weights.

*In Max Weights,I got maximum weight for C in the following way :

(3A+B)2 = C(1)+D(2)

which gives C =4 //D = 3//A = 1 //B= 2

Why is the solution D ???

On Weights, A=1, B=3, C=4, D=2. So, answer is C. Will fix it.

On Max Turns, A=2, B=1, C=5, D=3. Do you how a laserbeam works with mirrors?

*For Max Arrows,the solution is shown as (?) It should be B

Sorry :-)

Also,while taking the demo,I found the progress meter in green at the top showing how the time is being eaten very irritating and distracting.I would trust my eyes to look at the corner of the screen rather than some other factor indicating to me that my time is going down......

Based on previous ST's feedback, the small little digits in the corner is 'too subtle', and players liked the idea of a bar (so that they know how soon the time will end from the corner of an eye). Not sure which is better, we will try out the green bar this time.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-15 4:43 PM (#19957 - in reply to #19956) (#19957) Top

Location: India
Rohan Rao - 2015-11-15 4:39 PM

On Max Turns, A=2, B=1, C=5, D=3. Do you how a laserbeam works with mirrors?

Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-15 5:07 PM (#19959 - in reply to #19956) (#19959) Top

Location: India
Rohan Rao - 2015-11-15 4:39 PM

Also,while taking the demo,I found the progress meter in green at the top showing how the time is being eaten very irritating and distracting.I would trust my eyes to look at the corner of the screen rather than some other factor indicating to me that my time is going down......

Based on previous ST's feedback, the small little digits in the corner is 'too subtle', and players liked the idea of a bar (so that they know how soon the time will end from the corner of an eye). Not sure which is better, we will try out the green bar this time.
Actually, lets hear from few others. If some more players feel the previous slider was better than the current bar, we can revert back.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-15 7:59 PM (#19962 - in reply to #19906) (#19962) Top

SM 2020 (Math) Author

Posts: 421
Location: India
Thanks a lot Rohan for the clarification and Deb for the image . I understand now the rules of it.As regards time,if the green meter is tried out this year ,I only hope that I somehow manage to mentally shut it down during the test......

Looking forward to ST5 !
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-16 9:56 AM (#19965 - in reply to #19906) (#19965) Top

Posts: 57
Location: India
I prefer the progress bar. The countdown timer in the corner is easy to miss.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-16 10:11 AM (#19966 - in reply to #19906) (#19966) Top

Posts: 55
Location: India
For max shapes I am getting 7 for s and 6 for t.in this way s is indeed the answer but I am still not convinced.is that right??
Also for the mines ,can there be a mine in any cell?(other than the numbered ones)
.also what do the numbers outside the grid signify??
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-16 10:20 AM (#19967 - in reply to #19966) (#19967) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
pranavmanu - 2015-11-16 10:11 AM

For max shapes I am getting 7 for s and 6 for t.in this way s is indeed the answer but I am still not convinced.is that right??
Also for the mines ,can there be a mine in any cell?(other than the numbered ones)
.also what do the numbers outside the grid signify??

For Max Shapes, S appears 10 times and T appears 6 times. Remember, the shapes can be rotated/reflected.

For Mines, there can be a mine on any cell which doesn't have a clue. The numbers outside the grid are the answer options, nothing to do with the puzzle :-)
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-17 1:54 PM (#19981 - in reply to #19906) (#19981) Top

Location: India

Clarifying rules of "Max Tiles"

It seems the rules for "Tiles" is not clear to some players.
Please note that
1) the Tile can appear anywhere in the right side grid. See updated example below.
2) It is not like domino where [3 4] is same as [4 3].

We have updated the example.

The answer to this is D (Tile 43)
Tile A (12) appears 3 times in the grid, Tile B (23) appears 3 times, Tile C (34) appears 2 times in the grid, and Tile D (43) appears 4 times in the grid.

Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-19 11:09 AM (#19992 - in reply to #19906) (#19992) Top

Location: India

About "Max Shapes"

It should be clear from the grid and example, but following line is missing from the instructions "Black cells can not used while placing the shapes."

Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-19 4:50 PM (#19996 - in reply to #19906) (#19996) Top

Location: India

Details about Penalty structure

There is no penalty if you Skip a Puzzle.
Otherwise, minimum penalty for getting a puzzle incorrect = 25.
Additionally, you get more penalties depending upon how many other players submit the same or other wrong answers.
Example :
Lets say a puzzle has 4 options.
Option 1) Correct Answer
Option 2) submitted by x number of players
Option 3) submitted by y number of players
Option 4) submitted by z number of players
Lets have P = max(x,y,z)
Total penalty for players submitting Option 2) = 25 + 25 * ( P - x ) / P
Total penalty for players submitting Option 3) = 25 + 25 * ( P - y ) / P
Total penalty for players submitting Option 4) = 25 + 25 * ( P - z ) / P

So, the higher is the difference between 'most incorrect' and 'your incorrect', higher is the penalty.

Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-19 5:19 PM (#19997 - in reply to #19906) (#19997) Top

Location: India

Before you start Screen Test

  • Please understand the instructions of each puzzle at http://logicmastersindia.com/ST/ST5/inst.asp
  • Checkout the demo at http://logicmastersindia.com/ST/STDemo/ (with selected puzzles from a pevious Screen Test)
  • The first 10 puzzles (Shades, Perimeter, Knightsm, Triangles, Equation, Circles, Skyscrapers, Turns, Sums, Rotation in order) will be each of 100 seconds.
  • The last 10 puzzles (Weights, Total, Squares, Mines, Solutions, Shapes, Tiles, Arrows, Distance, Instructionless in order) will be each of 150 seconds.
  • Bonus point exists for each individual puzzle - Click on "Next puzzle" to get bonus points
  • Penalty point exists for each individual puzzle - Be careful what you submit
  • You can also Skip a Puzzle. No penalty for skipping.
  • All puzzles, including the Instructionless, in this Screen Test is based on a theme i.e. maximum. The answer option will always correspond to maximum of "something". We have underlined that "something" in each puzzle.

Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-19 9:01 PM (#19998 - in reply to #19906) (#19998) Top

Posts: 45
Location: India
Is there any penalty for not submitting an answer of a puzzle? Like, what if the times up and answer is not submitted?
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-19 9:04 PM (#19999 - in reply to #19998) (#19999) Top

Location: India
Swagatam - 2015-11-19 9:01 PM

Is there any penalty for not submitting an answer of a puzzle? Like, what if the times up and answer is not submitted?
No penalty in such cases.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-19 9:39 PM (#20000 - in reply to #19998) (#20000) Top

PR 2020 (Shading and Loops) Author

Posts: 668
Location: India
Swagatam - 2015-11-19 9:01 PM

Is there any penalty for not submitting an answer of a puzzle? Like, what if the times up and answer is not submitted?

Also note that, if you select the answer and keep, but didn't click on Next Puzzle.
Then it will get automatically submitted once the time is over. So don't select any option unless you are sure about it. Of course not in the case when you want to try your luck of guessing ;)
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-19 10:07 PM (#20001 - in reply to #19906) (#20001) Top

Posts: 268
Location: India
Is there any place where answers for Demo puzzles given ?
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-19 11:11 PM (#20002 - in reply to #20001) (#20002) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
rvarun - 2015-11-19 10:07 PM

Is there any place where answers for Demo puzzles given ?

Unfortunately no. The demo is to make you comfortable with the interface.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-19 11:34 PM (#20003 - in reply to #20002) (#20003) Top

Location: India

Screen Test #5 has started

You can check scores at the Score page. There might be few issues with the score page (which we will work on soon).

Good Luck all !!

An LMI player
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-20 12:36 AM (#20004 - in reply to #19906) (#20004) Top

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 Were the puzzles solvable on screen? Most Puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How do you rate the interface for the Screen Test? Fairly Nice
 What is your opinion about rules, points and scoring for this test? Very fair
 Were the puzzles solvable under the time limit? Many Puzzles

Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-20 7:14 AM (#20005 - in reply to #19906) (#20005) Top

PR 2020 (Shading and Loops) Author

Posts: 668
Location: India
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 Were the puzzles solvable on screen? Most Puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How do you rate the interface for the Screen Test? Very Nice
 What is your opinion about rules, points and scoring for this test? Very fair
 Were the puzzles solvable under the time limit? Most Puzzles

Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-20 8:28 AM (#20006 - in reply to #19906) (#20006) Top

Posts: 1

Location: United States
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 Were the puzzles solvable on screen? Most Puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How do you rate the interface for the Screen Test? Very Nice
 What is your opinion about rules, points and scoring for this test? Very fair
 Were the puzzles solvable under the time limit? Most Puzzles

Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-20 10:44 AM (#20008 - in reply to #19906) (#20008) Top

PR 2020 (Shading and Loops) Author

Posts: 668
Location: India
Just to inform: Feedback Page hangs in Google Chrome , Windows 8. But from Mozilla it worked so was able to post the feedback.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-20 12:04 PM (#20010 - in reply to #20008) (#20010) Top

Location: India
swaroop2011 - 2015-11-20 10:44 AM

Just to inform: Feedback Page hangs in Google Chrome , Windows 8. But from Mozilla it worked so was able to post the feedback.

You are right. Feedback page was hanging in Google Chrome in Win8/Win10.
This is fixed now.
An LMI player
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-20 1:40 PM (#20013 - in reply to #19906) (#20013) Top

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 Were the puzzles solvable on screen? Most Puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How do you rate the interface for the Screen Test? Fairly Nice
 What is your opinion about rules, points and scoring for this test? Fair
 Were the puzzles solvable under the time limit? Most Puzzles

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