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Mock Test 17
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests59 posts • Page 3 of 3 • 1 2 3
Subject: RE: Mock Test 17 - Congratulations @ 2010-03-21 8:58 PM (#317 - in reply to #254) (#317) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
Congratulations to janoslaw, jaku111 and Rohan Rao topping the table. Hope everyone enjoyed the mock.

And thanks to cauchy and gotroch for yet another nice mock.

Please rate the Sudokus if you have not done so yet
Subject: RE: Mock Test 17 @ 2010-03-21 9:48 PM (#318 - in reply to #254) (#318) Top

Posts: 83
Location: Czech Republic
Congratulation to the winners and thanks to all participants.
Special thanks to Deb, for preparing the site despite we delivered our puzzles in last minutes.
Our puzzles are usually hard and probably should be little easier in this Mock, but we hope you found them interesting.

Gotroch & cauchy
Subject: Re: Mock Test 17 @ 2010-03-22 1:05 AM (#319 - in reply to #316) (#319) Top

PR 2020 (Casual and Word) Author

Posts: 349
Location: India
Was not in the good solving zone today :{ Kept making mistakes repeatedly on each puzzle.

In the first round I solved two of the puzzles from Matchmaker, then I had identified a third puzzle correctly to be a Diagonal Sudoku but broke it twice and decided that my assumption that it is Diagonal was wrong and moved on to the relay.
In the relay I had not expected the puzzle to require backward compatibility with the second puzzle, I used uniqueness and messed it up.

In round 2 I really wanted to crack the Loop Sudoku, but could not move it even a bit, will have another attempt on this one later.
Then I went back and solved puzzles which are in my comfort zone , the outside killer and arrow sudoku in an attempt to salvage some pride. :P
Made a last minute dash to solve Fortress Sudoku, but couldn't beat the clock.

Matchmaker is a really awesome puzzle type and it was well executed in this particular mock. This has inspired some new puzzle creation ideas in me :)
Relay was good with the 1,2,3,4 theme. I solved it after the test and was a nice solve. Matching the row and column constraints is much easier then matching the box constraint.

Overall it was a well executed mock test. Thanks to Gotroch and Cauchy for creating such wonderful puzzles.
Subject: RE: Mock Test 17 @ 2010-03-22 2:28 AM (#320 - in reply to #318) (#320) Top

Posts: 25
Location: United States
Had a disaster in round 1 and solved all of one puzzle (though the puzzles themselves were great when I came back to them later). Round 2 puzzles were excellent, especially the loop puzzle. I definitely suggest everyone to look through that puzzle (as only 4 people solved it).

Wish me luck next Sunday :)

Edited by cnarrikkattu 2010-03-22 2:56 AM
Subject: RE: Mock Test 17 @ 2010-03-22 1:00 PM (#322 - in reply to #320) (#322) Top

Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) Author

Posts: 460
Location: India
Great set of puzzles ... thoroughly enjoyed solving... Was in my own sweet world... forgot to click "submit" on 1 puzzle each in both rounds :D

I found the relay puzzles in round 1 very interesting....

Match maker was good too..

When I look in hind sight Puzzles were good enough to be completed in the stipulated time... :)

Overall Thanks to Gotroch and Cauchy for this wonderful Mock... and all the best to all the Czech players for their national championship this coming weekend.. .:)

Subject: RE: Mock Test 17 @ 2010-03-22 3:03 PM (#326 - in reply to #322) (#326) Top

PR 2020 (Casual and Word) Author

Posts: 349
Location: India
To add to that all the best to the US participants for their National Championship too :)
Subject: Re: Mock Test 17 @ 2010-03-22 6:15 PM (#335 - in reply to #254) (#335) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India

Very nice puzzles. Liked MatchMakers, more bacause I'm good in these ;-)
I solved the relay later and I'm happy I didn't start with that during the mock ;-)

In Round 2, I liked Pandigital and No Op Math. Arrow was a tough one! No comments on Loop :D

All in all,
Nice mock, Cauchy and Gotroch! :-)
Ours brun
Subject: RE: Mock Test 17 @ 2010-03-22 8:58 PM (#338 - in reply to #254) (#338) Top

Posts: 148
Location: France
Gotroch, I think the difficulty of puzzles was pretty good. It wasn't my day - big headache=big mistakes - but if I had been in the "good solving zone" it would have been a very interesting challenge to try to do the whole set (perhaps not the loop :bleh:).

Nice puzzles again, thanks to you two. :)
Subject: Re: Mock Test 17 @ 2010-03-22 9:26 PM (#339 - in reply to #254) (#339) Top

Posts: 329
Location: India
It seems like I am getting addicted to mocks..............eagerly wait for weekends..............
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