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Poll LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March)
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests91 posts • Page 1 of 4 • 1 2 3 4
What is your opinion about the new 'Paper Submission Mode'?
The new "Paper Submission Mode" is very useful and LMI must continue it.16 Votes - [100%]
The new "Paper Submission Mode" is good, but needs improvement (Please specify in forum)0 Votes - [0%]
The new "Paper Submission Mode" is not any useful, and should be dropped0 Votes - [0%]

Ours brun
Subject: RE: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 4:12 PM (#3752 - in reply to #3740) (#3752) Top

Posts: 148
Location: France
Indeed there is a lot of colors (in order to match with the theme of spring), but it should not affect printing in B&W.
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 6:15 PM (#3753 - in reply to #3752) (#3753) Top

Mean Minis (2020) Author

Posts: 774
Location: India
Do the colours in "Greater than and killer" mean anything from a sudoku perspective?
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 6:29 PM (#3754 - in reply to #3753) (#3754) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland
neerajmehrotra - 2011-03-16 3:18 PM

A very interesting IB. Only request is use of less number of colors so as to avoid confusion while printing on a B&W printer.

As Ours Brun said, there will be some colors inside grids. It was hard not to be tempted using colors as the theme of test is Spring . However, we prepared grids (especially extra-regions) such that there will not be confusion while printing on a B&W printer.

rakesh_rai - 2011-03-16 6:15 PM

Do the colours in "Greater than and killer" mean anything from a sudoku perspective?

No, nothing. You can solve this grid without worrying colors.

Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 6:50 PM (#3755 - in reply to #3754) (#3755) Top

Mean Minis (2020) Author

Posts: 774
Location: India
In sundoku, there are eight possible ray directions. If a ray is not marked (like in the example), does it imply that the numbers on that line CANNOT be in decreasing order.
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 7:12 PM (#3756 - in reply to #3755) (#3756) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland
rakesh_rai - 2011-03-16 6:50 PM

In sundoku, there are eight possible ray directions. If a ray is not marked (like in the example), does it imply that the numbers on that line CANNOT be in decreasing order.

No, it doesn't mean that ! There are no restrictions on cells where there isn't any ray, no matter if one could imagine a ray in that direction.

(The real fact is that I failed to build a 6*6 grid with an 8 rays' sun - if someone achieve this, I would be happy to see )

Ours brun
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 7:40 PM (#3757 - in reply to #3754) (#3757) Top

Posts: 148
Location: France
To be crystal clear concerning colors : colors don't have any importance, on any puzzle. They are purely decorative ; we were wishing to make this test a "festive" one, so, as Fred said, it was nearly impossible not to put some colors in...

You really need not worrying about that. You'd better worry about the puzzles themselves...!
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 7:43 PM (#3758 - in reply to #3756) (#3758) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland
Haha !!!

Don't worry, be happy !
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 7:54 PM (#3759 - in reply to #3757) (#3759) Top

Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) Author

Posts: 460
Location: India
Ours brun - 2011-03-16 7:40 PM

You really need not worrying about that. You'd better worry about the puzzles themselves...!

Please stop scaring me

Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 9:10 PM (#3760 - in reply to #3759) (#3760) Top

Posts: 329
Location: India
happy as always!!! :-)
I am not able to understand the double sudoku. I am clear with the rules but not able to get an start in the sample puzzle in the IB.
Any volunteers for step by step help.....
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 9:50 PM (#3761 - in reply to #3760) (#3761) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland
neerajmehrotra - 2011-03-16 9:10 PM

happy as always!!! :-)
I am not able to understand the double sudoku. I am clear with the rules but not able to get an start in the sample puzzle in the IB.
Any volunteers for step by step help.....

Starting point are the 2 R's. There are only 2 ways to addition some 1-6 digits with result 18: 1+2+4+5+6 or 3+4+5+6. the consequence is that the 3 should be on first or last position, and on the opposite you have a pair 12. So you have 3 on R4C6 and R6C5, Then also on R2C4 (just classical placement). Then you can study the "E" columns where 2-3 must touch each other and 1-4 also.

I think that give a good start !

Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 9:51 PM (#3762 - in reply to #3760) (#3762) Top

Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) Author

Posts: 460
Location: India
neerajmehrotra - 2011-03-16 9:10 PM

happy as always!!! :-)
I am not able to understand the double sudoku. I am clear with the rules but not able to get an start in the sample puzzle in the IB.
Any volunteers for step by step help.....

Neeraj, look at row 4.... the value of R is 18... now in a 6x6 the sum of all numbers is 21.... so number 3 is the uncommon part of the 2 way sum...
so we need 3 at one end and the numbers 1&2 at the other and 4,5,6 in between. Since 3 is already there in Col 1...R4C6 is a 3 and R4C12 has pencil marks of 1,2.

Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 9:53 PM (#3763 - in reply to #3761) (#3763) Top

Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) Author

Posts: 460
Location: India
Fred76 - 2011-03-16 9:50 PM

neerajmehrotra - 2011-03-16 9:10 PM

happy as always!!! :-)
I am not able to understand the double sudoku. I am clear with the rules but not able to get an start in the sample puzzle in the IB.
Any volunteers for step by step help.....

Starting point are the 2 R's. There are only 2 ways to addition some 1-6 digits with result 18: 1+2+4+5+6 or 3+4+5+6. the consequence is that the 3 should be on first or last position, and on the opposite you have a pair 12. So you have 3 on R4C6 and R6C5, Then also on R2C4 (just classical placement). Then you can study the "E" columns where 2-3 must touch each other and 1-4 also.

I think that give a good start !


I have the images for solution ready but I am getting a server error when trying to upload...

Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-16 10:46 PM (#3764 - in reply to #3740) (#3764) Top

Posts: 329
Location: India
Thanx Rishi and Fred.............
That was excellent......... i cud solve it now....
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-18 10:52 AM (#3777 - in reply to #3764) (#3777) Top

Location: India
The online example image (SunDoku) is now marked with Arrows.
Subject: RE: LMI Spring Sudoku Test - Paper Submission @ 2011-03-18 4:14 PM (#3780 - in reply to #3746) (#3780) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland
rakesh_rai - 2011-03-16 10:03 AM

Administrator - 2011-03-16 9:50 AM

If the same Sudoku is submitted using both modes and only one of them is correct, it will be left to organizers to decide if points are to be awarded.
I think no points should be awarded in such cases as, otherwise, this system can be (mis)used to make answer guesses.

I think the best decision is to take into account the last submission, whether by one or the other mode. A player can solve on paper, submit, and then realize there is a mistake. Perhaps he choose to solve again with interface, and submit again. Or the reverse situation. Of course, if the first submission is correct and the second one not, it's a pity for the player...
So please, don't submit a false code if you had already submit the right one

Subject: RE: LMI Spring Sudoku Test - Paper Submission @ 2011-03-18 4:29 PM (#3781 - in reply to #3780) (#3781) Top

Location: India
Fred76 - 2011-03-18 4:14 PM

I think the best decision is to take into account the last submission, whether by one or the other mode. A player can solve on paper, submit, and then realize there is a mistake. Perhaps he choose to solve again with interface, and submit again. Or the reverse situation. Of course, if the first submission is correct and the second one not, it's a pity for the player...


That seems ideal. We'll stick to this rule (at least for this test, and revisit in the next test if required)
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-19 9:36 PM (#3786 - in reply to #3781) (#3786) Top

Location: India
Instructions in Chinese available in SudokuFans forum - http://www.sudokufans.org.cn/forums/index.php?showtopic=247
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-19 9:42 PM (#3787 - in reply to #3786) (#3787) Top

Location: India
After reading the translation at sudokufans forum, I'm suddenly having a question about Jigsaw Wordoku.
Will the word (or letters to be used) given? Or players have to be find it as part of solving.
In the example it is clear since U is repeated in one column.
Ours brun
Subject: RE: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-19 11:14 PM (#3788 - in reply to #3740) (#3788) Top

Posts: 148
Location: France
This is a good question.

Deb, I send you an e-mail about it in a few minutes.

Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-22 8:51 PM (#3809 - in reply to #3740) (#3809) Top

Location: India
We are making an experiment - this test starts 6 hours earlier than regular LMI tests.
The scheduled end time is same as regular LMI tests timings.

Please check the exact timings in the submission page
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-22 10:15 PM (#3810 - in reply to #3787) (#3810) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland
debmohanty - 2011-03-19 9:42 PM

After reading the translation at sudokufans forum, I'm suddenly having a question about Jigsaw Wordoku.
Will the word (or letters to be used) given? Or players have to be find it as part of solving.
In the example it is clear since U is repeated in one column.

We finally take the decision to write the word (whose letters are used in the grid) in the instructions of the puzzle. So if you want to save a few seconds, read the instructions of that puzzle before solving !

Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-25 8:57 AM (#3825 - in reply to #3740) (#3825) Top

Location: India
Password protected booklet uploaded. It has 12 pages, each page has one Sudoku. [ There is no cover page ]

As mentioned earlier, the test starts 6 hours earlier than regular LMI test start time.
Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-25 9:48 PM (#3826 - in reply to #3825) (#3826) Top

Sudoku Day Author

Posts: 103
Location: Serbia
Yes, Fred, it is a challenge, but I think I succeeded!

I tried everything and it's really impossible to catch the last cell (R1C1) with the decreasing ray.

I expect a lot of suns and flowers this weekend.

Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-26 12:15 AM (#3827 - in reply to #3826) (#3827) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland
Nikola - 2011-03-25 9:48 PM

Yes, Fred, it is a challenge, but I think I succeeded!

I tried everything and it's really impossible to catch the last cell (R1C1) with the decreasing ray.

I expect a lot of suns and flowers this weekend.


Nice, Nikola ! Good Idea to shorten a Ray to achieve this. I think it's the only way, but I'm not mathematician, so I do not want to do a strict proof

Good luck for the tournament !

Good luck to all and may the best win!

Subject: Re: LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26th/27th March) @ 2011-03-26 4:21 AM (#3828 - in reply to #3827) (#3828) Top

CTC & TVC Author & Organizer

Posts: 183
Location: Turkey
Thank you very much for very nice test! Normally I cannot solve sudoku very quickly, but i tried to do my best :) I broke some puzzles, and i couldnt fix them, especially i am very sad about "mixed", i had almost finished, but i hadnt enough time for it :) In any way, i like very much, and i must say that "Killer 0-8" was amazing!

Thank you very much again,

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