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Poll Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests87 posts • Page 1 of 4 • 1 2 3 4
Should individual submission time for each puzzle be displayed in score page for every participant?
Should individual submission time for each puzzle be displayed in score page for every participant?
This is for all LMI tests, not specific for this test.
OptionAdded byResults
Yes, it will be interesting to see.Administrator17 Votes - [89.47%]
No, it will not be much usefulAdministrator2 Votes - [10.53%]
View Results

Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-03 6:56 PM (#4670 - in reply to #4579) (#4670) Top

Location: India
Instructions in Chinese is available here - http://www.sudokufans.org.cn/forums/index.php?showtopic=265
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-03 8:02 PM (#4672 - in reply to #4670) (#4672) Top

Posts: 28
Location: Austria
Only at the classic fillomino you have given the explanation of the answer entry. Namely, that only the unit digits (=last digits) of each square's content has to be entered.

Is this specification of the answer entry valid for all puzzles? Or do you want to imply that only the classic fillomino can have numbers greater than 9? I don't believe so but I better ask...

For Cipher Fillomino the numbers can be greater than 9 also, I assume. But the numbers 2 and 12 are denoted by different letters (even when both numbers are given by a 2 at the answer entry). Correct?

Actually for checking the answer the letter denoting the 2 and the letter denoting the 12 should be interpreted the same. Otherwise it is "unfair": If the correct entry would be ABBB (A=2, B=12) for some row/column, then a competitor typing 2222 would be awarded points while a competitor typing AAAB wouldn't.

Have fun, thanks for the test,
David McNeill
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-03 8:03 PM (#4673 - in reply to #4579) (#4673) Top

Triplets & Triangles Author

Posts: 63
Location: United Kingdom
In the Cipher variation, is it possible that there will be additional areas of a size not represented by a letter?

I am not sure that I will be able to compete this weekend as I am in Dallas and haven't found an internet cafe yet.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-03 8:10 PM (#4674 - in reply to #4579) (#4674) Top

Fillomino-Fillia 2 Author

Location: United States
Re: euklid
The answer entry for Classic is intended to apply for all puzzles.

For Cipher, it is true that a 2 and a 12 would be denoted by a different letter but have the same last digit. So your answer would look a bit different if you entered letters than if you entered units digits. This is okay.

I do not consider it unfair that AAAB would not be accepted if it is wrong. If you want the advantages of being able to entering an answer that can't distinguish between 2 or 12, you have to enter the numbers. That the letters could be entered at all was a concession by us in the first place.

Re: David McNeill
It would cause problems for entering answers by letters if hidden polyominoes whose size is not equal to any of the givens were allowed. I will go ahead and say that it won't happen, and that knowing that almost certainly won't help you solve any of the actual test's puzzles.

Edited by MellowMelon 2011-06-05 5:22 AM
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-03 9:47 PM (#4676 - in reply to #4654) (#4676) Top

Posts: 315
Location: The Netherlands
MellowMelon - 2011-06-02 1:07 AM

Sorry about that. Would it help to refer to it as the last digit as well? The edited text would read "Enter the units digit (last digit) of each square's number..."

I would have just suggested an example in the instruction booklet would have suffised: (e.g. If a square says 15 or 25, you enter a 5). Don't think anything more would be necessary.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-03 10:44 PM (#4677 - in reply to #4674) (#4677) Top

Fillomino-Fillia 2 Author

Posts: 15

Location: United States
For Cipher, it is true that a 2 and a 12 would be denoted by the same letter but have the same last digit. So your answer would look a bit different if you entered letters than if you entered units digits. This is okay.
I think you mean that a 2 and a 12 would be denoted by different letters. But what do I know? I'm only your co-author. :)

Edited by mathgrant 2011-06-03 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-03 11:15 PM (#4678 - in reply to #4677) (#4678) Top

Location: India
Puzzle booklet is uploaded. It has 9 pages. Each page has 2 puzzles. There is no cover page / points table.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-04 6:10 AM (#4679 - in reply to #4678) (#4679) Top

Location: India
All the answer keys are simple and consistent this time. So we don't expect much manual overrides, but if anyone feels they didn't get points because of a formatting problem, they should post here or send a message to Grant.

While posting here, please don't post the answer, fully or partially - just the puzzle id is enough.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-04 7:59 AM (#4680 - in reply to #4579) (#4680) Top

Posts: 4

Location: United States
Alright, finished the test a little while ago with a score of 8/18 correct. Not a terrible performance, but of course I hope to improve in the future.

As for the puzzles, I'll leave specific comments to after everyone has competed, but the ones I solved were Classic 1-3, Easy Shikaku, Easy Even-Odd, Easy and Hard Cipher (Hard Cipher was quite good) and Easy Sum. I'm looking forward to doing the rest though, including the Hard Star Fillomino, which looks to be worth every one of those 20 points.

Thanks for the test Grant and Palmer. One question though: will you eventually say who authored which puzzles? I want to see if my guesses as to which was which are accurate.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-04 11:13 AM (#4681 - in reply to #4579) (#4681) Top

Posts: 1

Location: Poland
Hi, I've made a really stupid and costly numpad-style mistake. I'm not sure whether you can do a "manual override" on such thing :)

PS. It's funny how nikoli made me to dislike several puzzle types. I never really thought that fillomino can be so entertaining/interesting, especially since in general I dislike puzzles with numbers/digits.

Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-04 11:15 AM (#4682 - in reply to #4579) (#4682) Top

Fillomino-Fillia 2 Author

Location: United States
Yep, we figured it was a Numpad typo. You should already have those (hard-earned) points.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-04 2:36 PM (#4683 - in reply to #4579) (#4683) Top

PR 2020 (Shading and Loops) Author

Posts: 668
Location: India
hey i think in the test the shape filimino is wrong...please check the top one
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-04 2:40 PM (#4685 - in reply to #4683) (#4685) Top

PR 2020 (Shading and Loops) Author

Posts: 668
Location: India
ok srry i dont no then.
thank u.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-04 2:41 PM (#4686 - in reply to #4685) (#4686) Top

PR 2020 (Shading and Loops) Author

Posts: 668
Location: India
hey i got it just did silly mistake ..
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-04 2:43 PM (#4687 - in reply to #4686) (#4687) Top

Location: India
swaroop2011 - 2011-06-04 2:41 PM

hey i got it just did silly mistake ..

Ok - I'm deleting your original post. Players may get confused.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-04 6:36 PM (#4689 - in reply to #4579) (#4689) Top

Posts: 315
Location: The Netherlands
That was fun. Sadly my sloppy handwriting cost me 7 points on the shikaku fillomino. Misread one of the digits. Obviously didn't think that digit could go there as it clashes with a given.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-05 2:01 AM (#4690 - in reply to #4579) (#4690) Top

Posts: 6

Location: United States
Great Test. Many puzzles that weren't super hard. I did enter my answer for the easy Sum Fillomino on the greater-than answer key (they're on the same answer page) Check for me?
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-05 3:03 AM (#4691 - in reply to #4579) (#4691) Top

Posts: 199
Location: United States
Personal frustration on being 1 second slower than desired in typing the last answer. Oh well. This happens.

It's hard to rate this test. Normally I use an internal scale that starts at 5-6 (or lower) for my least favorite puzzles, up to 10 for my favorite. While that would work within everything here, it would not do justice to this test relative to others. I don't have any least favorite puzzles here - nothing that solved in an inelegant or unfriendly way. All I saw were quality puzzles and a lot of really creative designs.

In a few cases I think I could pass the Pepsi challenge and ID the designer, but even with these guesses I have both Grant and Palmer to thank for my favorite puzzles. A superstar team with an excellent test. Thanks.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-05 4:49 AM (#4694 - in reply to #4691) (#4694) Top

Fillomino-Fillia 2 Author

Location: United States
Re: Para
mathgrant and I knocked our heads together on this for awhile, but in the end we are giving you those 7 points. Good job on your performance too.

Re: TroyS
Normally I'd say "I'll tell Deb and he'll fix it when he wakes up", but it appears to me that you would have had the answer wrong anyway. Look at the last few entries of column B. Sorry. Glad you enjoyed the test.

Re: motris
Thanks a lot for the glowing review and the blog recommendation. :D I think mathgrant and I may have an informal contest on our blogs to guess who wrote each of the puzzles after it's all done, so maybe you can try that out for fun. Great performance too. You may know what I mean when I say I thought you were in trouble 55 minutes in... but then I don't know the whole story. Your classic speed floored us both.

Edited by MellowMelon 2011-06-05 4:59 AM
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-05 4:51 AM (#4695 - in reply to #4694) (#4695) Top

Location: India
MellowMelon - 2011-06-05 4:49 AM
Re: TroyS
Normally I'd say "I'll tell Deb and he'll fix it when he wakes up", but it appears to me that you would have had the answer wrong anyway. Look at the last few entries of column B. Sorry. Glad you enjoyed the test.
I've changed in any case.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-05 5:07 AM (#4696 - in reply to #4691) (#4696) Top

Fillomino-Fillia 2 Author

Posts: 15

Location: United States
Re motris: I am so, so, so, so very excited that you liked this test so much! It means so much to me, someone whose only experience in the competition setting is your 20/10 test on which I scored a meager 777, having you, a grandmaster of construction and solving alike, say this about a test to which I contributed half of the puzzles. Honestly, though, even if I made the puzzles, Palmer is probably responsible for most of what made my puzzles come together along with his to be an actual test, and I think he deserves far more of the credit than I do. (I only allow myself to have top billing on the cover page of the IB because my name comes first alphabetically. :) )

If I don't post here much, it's not because I don't care about this test and what you guys think of it; it's because Palmer keeps saying the same things I would say, except more authoritatively. *laughs*

Edited by mathgrant 2011-06-05 5:09 AM

Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-05 5:16 AM (#4698 - in reply to #4696) (#4698) Top

Posts: 199
Location: United States
mathgrant - 2011-06-05 5:07 AM

Re motris: I am so, so, so, so very excited that you liked this test so much! It means so much to me, someone whose only experience in the competition setting is your 20/10 test on which I scored a meager 777, having you, a grandmaster of construction and solving alike, say this about a test to which I contributed half of the puzzles. Honestly, though, even if I made the puzzles, Palmer is probably responsible for most of what made my puzzles come together along with his to be an actual test, and I think he deserves far more of the credit than I do. (I only allow myself to have top billing on the cover page of the IB because my name comes first alphabetically. :) )

If I don't post here much, it's not because I don't care about this test and what you guys think of it; it's because Palmer keeps saying the same things I would say, except more authoritatively. *laughs*

I think there is a lot to be said about how having a good co-author makes one's own work better; so I'd never single out recognition of one author here over the other as it's clear the combination of authors and styles worked better here as a test than either alone would have been.
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-05 8:04 AM (#4699 - in reply to #4698) (#4699) Top

Fillomino-Fillia 2 Author

Posts: 15

Location: United States
I think there is a lot to be said about how having a good co-author makes one's own work better; so I'd never single out recognition of one author here over the other as it's clear the combination of authors and styles worked better here as a test than either alone would have been.
You co-wrote Mutant Sudoku with Wei-Hwa Huang, so perhaps I should trust you when you say that. :P
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-05 8:35 AM (#4700 - in reply to #4579) (#4700) Top

Posts: 4

Location: United States
I typo'd my greater-than (bottom) entry (should have been a xxxxxxxxxx before the last 2 digits). I'll take a manual override if they're still available :).

Edited by debmohanty at 2011-06-05 8:45 AM (since the answer key is partially revealed)
Subject: Re: Fillomino Fillia — LMI June Puzzle Test — 4/5th June @ 2011-06-05 9:14 AM (#4701 - in reply to #4700) (#4701) Top

Fillomino-Fillia 2 Author

Location: United States
That one ended up being harder to decide on than Para's error. But you now have those points too.
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