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Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March
Reply    LMI Tests -> Daily Puzzles Contest171 posts • Page 2 of 7 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-11 4:08 AM (#6673 - in reply to #6622) (#6673)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 187
Location: New Zealand
Will it be possible to see more than the Top 20 CTC scores somewhere? Us slow puzzlers like to know how we're going too... :)

Edited by kiwijam 2012-02-11 4:08 AM
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-11 9:38 AM (#6675 - in reply to #6622) (#6675)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 42
Location: United States
Are trial puzzles for practice still available? Thanks.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-11 9:57 AM (#6676 - in reply to #6675) (#6676)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 3567
Location: India
PuzzleScott - 2012-02-11 9:38 AM

Are trial puzzles for practice still available? Thanks.
Yes. All puzzles for dates 10th Feb and earlier are trial puzzles.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-11 1:56 PM (#6678 - in reply to #6673) (#6678)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 16

Location: United Kingdom
Is there any way to see your personal rank and standing? I know I'm never going to trouble the top 20, but I like seeing that I'm 160th out of 290 or whatever.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-11 3:10 PM (#6684 - in reply to #6678) (#6684)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 3567
Location: India
kiwijam - 2012-02-11 4:08 AM

Will it be possible to see more than the Top 20 CTC scores somewhere? Us slow puzzlers like to know how we're going too... :)

BohemianCoast - 2012-02-11 1:56 PM

Is there any way to see your personal rank and standing? I know I'm never going to trouble the top 20, but I like seeing that I'm 160th out of 290 or whatever.
Yes, detailed score page will be available. Allow us few hours to make it ready.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-11 8:24 PM (#6687 - in reply to #6678) (#6687)Quote Reply Top

Location: India
BohemianCoast - 2012-02-11 1:56 PM

Is there any way to see your personal rank and standing? I know I'm never going to trouble the top 20, but I like seeing that I'm 160th out of 290 or whatever.

Today's standing page is added (just a placeholder, before we get the final score page)

Link - http://logicmastersindia.com/CTC/score.asp
Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-12 8:24 PM (#6694 - in reply to #6622) (#6694)Quote Reply Top

WPMM Author

Posts: 66
Location: Hungary
It seems to me that the 2 minutes penalty is extreme severe.

I dont like the change of rules after the start, but in this case we will get the final points of first puzzle just tomorrow evening. (GMT)

I suggest a 20-30% penalty instead of the fix 2 minutes. I think it would be more correct.

(And in this case I think it is better, if the penalties are added and not multiplied. For instanse 2 mistake is 40% (x1,4) instead of 44% (x1,2x1,2) )

Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-12 9:56 PM (#6698 - in reply to #6622) (#6698)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 225
Location: Thailand
Personally I dislike the idea of solving a puzzle within 24 hours for a whole month.
The penalty regarding the day of solving seems unfair.
It forces you to log on everyday or have your scores reduced.
I don't know if anyone is experiencing any problems, but I somehow can't go to the competition page today.
It doesn't load. :(
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-13 12:32 AM (#6699 - in reply to #6622) (#6699)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 123
Location: India
Please ignore the post.Message sent to Administrator.

Edited by macherlakumar 2012-02-13 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-13 2:12 AM (#6700 - in reply to #6622) (#6700)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 268
Location: India
Is there any provision to view Cumulative Ranking upto the previous day. I see provision to see only the Current day's ranking.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-13 4:41 AM (#6702 - in reply to #6622) (#6702)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 172
Location: ITALY
I agree with Valezius and Tamz. This contest is different from any other puzzle contests and daily frequency is essential, it is my opinion it shoud not be taken into account for the calculation of the ranking.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-13 6:18 AM (#6704 - in reply to #6702) (#6704)Quote Reply Top

CTC & TVC Author & Organizer

Posts: 183
Location: Turkey
Interesting, interesting because I didn't get it. Everytime we discussed about this contest, we (Deb and me) thought of CrocoPuzzle as an example. CrocoPuzzle has a system, and CTC works same as it. Also if i know correctly, CrocoPuzzle's daily puzzles are really daily puzzles, there are only 24 hours to solve. So we wanted to expand time period. When we made this, we had only one aim: giving a chance to all competitors. Because everyone may not have free time or something. So we made 3 days, and when we made this we thought that we are making a useful thing. So now i see some competitors dont think like us. If we didnt make 3 days, it was better? I don't think so.

You can think of this contest as "one day to solve" (like CrocoPuzzle), not 3 days, and go on.

About penalty points, we built a point system. One variant of the system is penalty points. 50 puzzles may have different difficulties. It'll has 30 seconds puzzles, 15 minutes puzzles; so when we thought about puzzle difficulty distribution we decided on 2 minutes. It is very early to say penalty points is much. Not much according to me. As I said above, we considered CrocoPuzzle system, and we built a thing. CrocoPuzzle gives +5 minutes penalty on each wrong submission, i am saying this because it also has a wide variety of different difficulties, and this system is accepted and being used for a long time. I think 2 minutes penalty seems pretty reasonable compared to it.

So i can say that rules are set and valid for every competitor and there won't be any changes on the system. We'll see how it works during the 50 days. Next year maybe we can come up with an improved system considering the suggestions, but this is the deal for this year.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-13 7:58 AM (#6706 - in reply to #6704) (#6706)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 199
Location: United States
While crocopuzzle is an everyday puzzle, you cannot compete in a day and it does not hurt your score. You choose to compete when you can, and the goals are both personal and interpersonal. So it works well as an everyday puzzle system because you opt in. I don't know, for a solver who can't do weekdays, or weekends, that this system with a rigid system really matches someone who would appreciate breaks.

Also, to be very clear as I think some people miss this, Crocopuzzle DOES NOT use a 5 minute penalty. This may be what you see reported on the published time ranking page, because until the puzzle is finished the error is not fixed. The actual penalty time is based on the median solve time of all the puzzle solvers without errors. It scales with difficulty. I think it is too punitive, as it is ~100% puzzle time value, and think Valezius at 20-30% is in a much better range with a proportional score. But indeed it can be 1m to 2h on different puzzles.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-13 6:32 PM (#6714 - in reply to #6706) (#6714)Quote Reply Top

Mean Minis (2020) Author

Posts: 774
Location: India
Is the penalty 2 minutes or 15% now?

I would have assumed it to be 2 minutes as it was clearly mentioned before the start of CTC. But when I look at scores, I see 15% at some places, 120 minutes at some others and, 15% + 120 also at some places.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-13 7:07 PM (#6715 - in reply to #6714) (#6715)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 123
Location: India
rakesh_rai - 2012-02-13 6:32 PMIs the penalty 2 minutes or 15% now?

I would have assumed it to be 2 minutes as it was clearly mentioned before the start of CTC. But when I look at scores, I see 15% at some places, 120 minutes at some others and, 15% + 120 also at some places.

Both of them are there. 2 minutes penalty in case of incorrect submission and 15% or 30% penalty in case of late attempt, that means attempting yesterday or day before yesterday puzzle.
Hope this clears your confusion.

Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-14 7:55 AM (#6720 - in reply to #6622) (#6720)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 42
Location: United States
Is it possible to see other player's solve sequences? I doubt I'll ever place top 20, but I'm sure I could improve my Tapa solving by studying the solve sequences of good players.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-14 1:01 PM (#6722 - in reply to #6720) (#6722)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 3567
Location: India
PuzzleScott - 2012-02-14 7:55 AM

Is it possible to see other player's solve sequences? I doubt I'll ever place top 20, but I'm sure I could improve my Tapa solving by studying the solve sequences of good players.
Yes, allow us some time.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-14 4:49 PM (#6724 - in reply to #6622) (#6724)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 31
Location: United Kingdom
Most enjoyable - thank-you for this! I made some comments on UKPA's forum before noticing this discussion.

To repeat:
- It's a pity we can't see a full leaderboard for each day's puzzles...
- ... also that there are no times shown.
- A final nice touch to the interface would be right-click and drag for multiple empty cells.
- Make competitive entry valid only on that specific day (or just last 7 days), then we can discuss puzzles after they have elapsed.

My suggestions for puzzle availability and leaderboards are based on those at http://www.kwontomloop.com/ which I think works very well.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-14 5:03 PM (#6725 - in reply to #6724) (#6725)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 3567
Location: India
PuzzleScot - 2012-02-14 4:49 PM

To repeat:
- It's a pity we can't see a full leaderboard for each day's puzzles...
- ... also that there are no times shown.

There is a different link for standings : http://logicmastersindia.com/CTC/score.asp - You should see both the tables there.
(You can't see today's timing unless you have solved today's puzzle)

PuzzleScot - 2012-02-14 4:49 PM
- A final nice touch to the interface would be right-click and drag for multiple empty cells.

Have no idea how to do using flash.
You can use Shift + drag for multiple empty cells (like Nikoli)
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-15 11:10 AM (#6726 - in reply to #6622) (#6726)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 315
Location: The Netherlands
Can you make it possible to log in with a different account somewhere on the CTC page. My girlfriend is visiting and we can't see where she can log in to do the puzzle.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-15 11:17 AM (#6727 - in reply to #6726) (#6727)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 3567
Location: India
Para - 2012-02-15 11:10 AM

Can you make it possible to log in with a different account somewhere on the CTC page. My girlfriend is visiting and we can't see where she can log in to do the puzzle.
Sent you alternate link - Check PM
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-15 7:05 PM (#6728 - in reply to #6720) (#6728)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 3567
Location: India
Para - 2012-02-11 2:38 AM
I see we can rewatch our own solves. Will this be the case for other people's solves once the puzzle is over?

PuzzleScott - 2012-02-14 7:55 AM
Is it possible to see other player's solve sequences? I doubt I'll ever place top 20, but I'm sure I could improve my Tapa solving by studying the solve sequences of good players.

Others' Solve Sequences

You can now watch others players' solve sequences. It is available in the score page.

Please note : You can watch only if you have solved that particular day's puzzle OR if that particular day does not count towards contest points anymore (>72 hours).

It may not be how you expected it, but I'm particularly happy about bringing this to everyone. If you have other suggestions / feedback let us know.

Edited by Rohan Rao 2012-02-15 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-15 8:16 PM (#6729 - in reply to #6728) (#6729)Quote Reply Top

WPMM Author

Posts: 66
Location: Hungary
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-15 11:12 PM (#6733 - in reply to #6728) (#6733)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 8

Location: India
Administrator - 2012-02-15 7:05 PM

Para - 2012-02-11 2:38 AM
I see we can rewatch our own solves. Will this be the case for other people's solves once the puzzle is over?

PuzzleScott - 2012-02-14 7:55 AM
Is it possible to see other player's solve sequences? I doubt I'll ever place top 20, but I'm sure I could improve my Tapa solving by studying the solve sequences of good players.

Others' Solve Sequences

You can now watch others players' solve sequences. It is available in the score page.

Please note : You can watch only if you have solved that particular day's puzzle OR if that particular day does not count towards contest points anymore (>72 hours).

It may not be how you expected it, but I'm particularly happy about bringing this to everyone. If you have other suggestions / feedback let us know.

This feature is awesome. But if there would have been like a 'pause' button then it would be even more useful as we could get more idea about the logic used by the solver.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 11th Feb to 31st March @ 2012-02-16 9:43 PM (#6734 - in reply to #6622) (#6734)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 17

Location: United Kingdom
It's hardly important, but the playback doesn't work entirely accurately. For example my playbacks of 11th Feb and 15th Feb are wrong - they leave unconnected regions.

This might be related to me using Chrome - when I click to 'unshade' a square it sometimes flickers on and off rapidly instead of clearing (I'm also unable to reliably mark off used clues - I think that often a single click is treated as multiple clicks).

Edited by Gareth 2012-02-16 9:46 PM
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