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Seven Samurais - LMI June Puzzle Test — 16th-18th June 2012
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests51 posts • Page 2 of 3 • 1 2 3
Subject: Re: Seven Samurais - LMI June Puzzle Test — 16th-18th June 2012 @ 2012-06-19 11:21 AM (#7521 - in reply to #7467) (#7521) Top

Snowmen Author

Posts: 44
Location: Russia
Congratulations to Hideaki, Peter and Nagata for taking the top three in this test. Thanks to all participants.
The durations seemed to be too small and after first participants I was afraid nobody could solve all puzzles. So I'm glad to see seven solvers with 28 submissions. But only Hideaki solved all puzzles in time and without mistakes.
It was my first test at LMI and I'm very impressed by Deb's efforts on holding it. He changed scoring system especially for the contest and helped me a lot in all matters. Thanks Deb very much.
I hope to repeat this experience in future and make at least one more contest here.
Subject: Re: Seven Samurais - LMI June Puzzle Test — 16th-18th June 2012 @ 2012-06-19 11:35 AM (#7522 - in reply to #7518) (#7522) Top

Snowmen Author

Posts: 44
Location: Russia
MellowMelon - 2012-06-18 11:20 PM
I had no idea the overlapping grids concept could result in challenges like what we got here. Yin-yang and Fences/Slitherlink were probably my favorites.

Yin-Yang is my favorite too. It was a first samurai which I prepared for Moscow Cup competition and it starts the idea.
My second favorite is Easy As ABCD - I had most troubles creating it. Every second clue added to the puzzle led into conflict with previous and I discovered new solving idea. Of course most clues in the final puzzles do not need for unique solutions, but puzzles so was hard enough.
Fences was the most doubtful puzzle - the loop at overlapped parts seems to break rules (it even not a loop :) ). But I think example gives complete picture of the idea.
Subject: Re: Seven Samurais - LMI June Puzzle Test — 16th-18th June 2012 @ 2012-06-19 1:56 PM (#7523 - in reply to #7467) (#7523) Top

DWBH Author

Posts: 13

Location: Slovakia
Thanks for very nice puzzles, i think that the best puzzles were Ying-yang and slitherlink (and this was totally beautiful!!!)
Subject: RE: Seven Samurais - LMI June Puzzle Test — 16th-18th June 2012 @ 2012-06-19 2:07 PM (#7525 - in reply to #7467) (#7525) Top

Location: India
Congrats deu for the double win.
Subject: Re: Seven Samurais - LMI June Puzzle Test — 16th-18th June 2012 @ 2012-06-19 2:31 PM (#7526 - in reply to #7525) (#7526) Top

Posts: 69
Location: Germany
Nice Test as always. There seems to be mistakes in the score table, it shows 151.50 Bonus Points for me which are undoubtly false, but nevermind, they don't seem to be included in the sum.
Subject: Re: Seven Samurais - LMI June Puzzle Test — 16th-18th June 2012 @ 2012-06-19 2:54 PM (#7527 - in reply to #7526) (#7527) Top

Snowmen Author

Posts: 44
Location: Russia
Realshaggy - 2012-06-19 12:31 PM

There seems to be mistakes in the score table, it shows 151.50 Bonus Points for me which are undoubtly false

It's not a bonus - it's a points earnad at the extra time. You submitted your answer for Easy As ABCD in 2 seconds after end. So all your Easy as ABCD points counted as extra points.

Extratime penalty is a thing which I want to discuss. In this test this penalty was relatively high so solvers should consider this extra time not as solving time but only as a time to enter answer keys. This was a vision which I thought before, but after some remarks from solvers I see the other idea - extra time could be considered as a time which allows more solvers finish the test. In this case penalty should be less then now - it should correspond in value to bonus for "before-time" solvers.
What do you think?
Subject: Re: Seven Samurais - LMI June Puzzle Test — 16th-18th June 2012 @ 2012-06-19 8:15 PM (#7528 - in reply to #7527) (#7528) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1847
Location: India
AndreyBogdanov - 2012-06-19 2:54 PM
This was a vision which I thought before, but after some remarks from solvers I see the other idea - extra time could be considered as a time which allows more solvers finish the test. In this case penalty should be less then now - it should correspond in value to bonus for "before-time" solvers.
What do you think?

I definitely agree with that. I was racing against time at the end with Yin Yang and ended up not submitting it at all because I didn't see a profit, even though I solved it pretty fast as a standalone puzzle. I would definitely like to solve more puzzles in the test and if I get penalized I don't mind as long as I get some value for the solve.
Anyway, great puzzles. I got stuck for a massive time on the Fence, and after the test got over realized that the first grid itself I solved was wrong. Solved as Easy as ABCD perfectly for two grids and yet somehow managed to repeat a letter somewhere in the 3rd grid and gave it up. My favorites were Yin Yang and Star Battle, one for enjoyment level, and one for being my quickest solve by far :P
Subject: Re: Seven Samurais - LMI June Puzzle Test — 16th-18th June 2012 @ 2012-06-19 9:26 PM (#7529 - in reply to #7467) (#7529) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
Very good puzzles Andrey. I would vote for Yin Yang and Star Battle as my favourites.
All grids had very good use of the overlapped regions, and that was what makes these samurais stand out. I had a tough time solving Fence (during and after the test)!

I look forward for another test by you :-)
Subject: Re: Seven Samurais - LMI June Puzzle Test — 16th-18th June 2012 @ 2012-06-19 9:45 PM (#7530 - in reply to #7529) (#7530) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1847
Location: India
Rohan Rao - 2012-06-19 9:26 PM

I would vote for Yin Yang and Star Battle as my favourites.
All grids had very good use of the overlapped regions, and that was what makes these samurais stand out. I had a tough time solving Fence (during and after the test)!

Practice for "copy-paste"?
Subject: Re: Seven Samurais - LMI June Puzzle Test — 16th-18th June 2012 @ 2012-06-20 12:34 AM (#7534 - in reply to #7467) (#7534) Top

Posts: 315
Location: The Netherlands
I had fun. I ended up doing better than I thought I would at the start. Fences broke me up in the beginning, so put it down after a while. My favourites were the Easy as ABCD, the Battleships and the Fences.
The Yin Yang really broke me up. I made a correct deduction, except then I made another mistake which i didn't notice. So I thought my first deduction was wrong and wondered how else it could work. Eventually realised there was no other way and solved it, but it really cost 10 minutes too long to solve.
Fences were the hardets for me. I eventually realised the main logic deduction relating to the overlapping areas in Fences, but I had already solved A and B almost completely by then.
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