      Location: India | A comments box has been added to the feedback page for more specific feedback. All feedback comments will be posted automatically in the forum. There is also a choice to publish the comment anonymously. |
| How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? | Fairly balanced | | What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? | Just right | | What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? | Fairly Nice | | How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? | Way too few puzzles (too much time) | |
I liked this test, however I have a problem. |
      Location: India | Here is how the anonymous posts will look like. |
Posts: 12
Location: India | I would like to thank the organizers for conducting this championship event. Though I did not fare well in the contest and stood at only 107th rank with just 3 three submissions made correctly within 150mins, I thoroughly enjoyed solving the puzzles even after the closing time. Took me about 7hrs to solve all the 27 puzzles correctly. I was so engrossed in solving the puzzles and found it so interesting that i just couldn't stop continuing even after closing time. Wish the submission time could be little more than 150mins. Thanks anyway. Will be participating again and again. |
Posts: 12
Location: India | The score # is the rank rt? Correct me if I am wrong. |