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Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests63 posts • Page 3 of 3 • 1 2 3
Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-04-28 4:06 PM (#15139 - in reply to #15004) (#15139) Top

Posts: 187
Location: New Zealand
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did the point values reflect the difficulty? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-04-28 6:48 PM (#15141 - in reply to #15004) (#15141) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 542
Location: India
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did the point values reflect the difficulty? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-04-29 4:38 AM (#15144 - in reply to #15004) (#15144) Top

Hex Slitherlink Author

Posts: 146
Location: France
Wow. Very impressive performance Ken -- you killed the contest!
Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-04-29 5:18 AM (#15145 - in reply to #15004) (#15145) Top

Shading and Loops (PR 2016/17) Author

Posts: 67
Location: United States
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did the point values reflect the difficulty? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

Joo M.Y
Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-04-29 7:25 AM (#15149 - in reply to #15004) (#15149) Top

Posts: 73
Location: South Korea
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did the point values reflect the difficulty? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

Well done!
Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-04-29 12:48 PM (#15151 - in reply to #15004) (#15151) Top

Posts: 15

Location: Hungary
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did the point values reflect the difficulty? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-04-29 2:33 PM (#15152 - in reply to #15004) (#15152) Top

Posts: 24
Location: Poland
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did the point values reflect the difficulty? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-04-29 2:42 PM (#15153 - in reply to #15004) (#15153) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 164
Location: Slovakia
Nice test, thanks a lot. It is hard to believe that someone could finnish this test in 66 minutes, amazing!
My result also surprised me, I even guessed 3 of 4 letters of the Pentomino variant in the last seconds of contest, with almost empty grid :)
Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-04-30 12:21 PM (#15157 - in reply to #15004) (#15157) Top

Posts: 3567
Location: India
Password removed and solutions appended to the puzzle booklet.
Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-05-01 1:43 PM (#15164 - in reply to #15157) (#15164) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1851
Location: India
Parallel Universe II is over.

Our Universe Prasanna - Congrats to EKBM for an amazing performance. I can honestly say I never expected someone to be that fast on this set, but the best solvers of the world never cease to amaze. deu (2nd in the Sudoku leg too!) and Nikola took the 2nd and 3rd spots with impressive performances in their own right. Also, congrats to Rajesh for topping the Indian rankings but for me Kishore was the pleasant surprise here, good performance by him to achieve the 2nd best Indian score. The participation for this test wasn't high like Parallel Universe, but the ones who did seemed to enjoy it and that's the important part.

The highest rated puzzles were Fill-Other-Mino (which has a rating of 9.44, but it should be noted that it has the least number of participants rating it), Kakuro DNK, Star Wars, Akichiwake and Pata-Like Loop. It's been a really fun 2 weeks putting together a theme like this one, where I had to come up with variant ideas that were suitable replacements (for the first contest) and inverts (for the second contest), and I'm glad that everyone who came along on the ride enjoyed it too. I actually had a lot of ideas I didn't use, so maybe I'll revisit this general idea in the future. It's always a fun thought process for me to think "what if this was the version of things".

Thanks to my testers Tiit and Vladimir, for some really good feedback, and again, for testing within the short time span I gave them.
Thank you all for participating!

Their Universe Prasanna - *speechless about EKBM's performance* Anyway, it's been a fun 2 weeks for me too to discover the weird variants and puzzles that you guys solve and also to represent my side of things. Maybe our universes will collide again in the future... Until then, Happy puzzling!
Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-05-01 9:10 PM (#15165 - in reply to #15004) (#15165) Top

Toketa? Selection Author

Posts: 1

Location: Japan
Thank you for the test, Prasanna. Not perfect, but smooth in most puzzles.

Thanks to Kota for telling me that 2 cell words cannot be 2-digit numbers in Ni-keta, and also to PS for practice puzzles, which told me I was misunderstanding its rule (example don't require this restriction). Otherwise the last one had costed me an hour!
Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-05-14 8:44 PM (#15280 - in reply to #15004) (#15280) Top

Posts: 30
Location: France
Hi !

Despite the fact that I only found the time to complete 5 puzzles, I really enjoyed this test, and still am. But there's one puzzle that I cannot manage to start.
Can someone give me a hint about the break in the Snake puzzle ? (the one from our universe)
Subject: Re: Parallel Universe II — April Puzzle Test — 25th-28th April @ 2014-05-15 2:27 AM (#15289 - in reply to #15280) (#15289) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1851
Location: India
Grizix - 2014-05-14 8:44 PM

Hi !

Despite the fact that I only found the time to complete 5 puzzles, I really enjoyed this test, and still am. But there's one puzzle that I cannot manage to start.
Can someone give me a hint about the break in the Snake puzzle ? (the one from our universe)


The intended start is to see limitations around the top right. What happens if R4C10 is an island cell? Figuring that out is the difficult part. After that it should flow.
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