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Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests57 posts • Page 3 of 3 • 1 2 3
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-08 12:13 AM (#16591 - in reply to #16590) (#16591) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1849
Location: India
cooldude - 2014-09-07 11:40 PM

Hi...I am new to this site..Can somebody guide me....

Read the F.A.Q. for a start. If you still have difficulty, feel free to let us know.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-09 2:26 PM (#16603 - in reply to #16482) (#16603) Top

Posts: 1

Location: Iran
I can not submit, because I have not Password : LMIMT_M201409S_IB.pdf .
Please give me password.
Thank you
Lakshmi Dhaveji
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-09 11:52 PM (#16606 - in reply to #16482) (#16606) Top

Posts: 2

Location: India
Hello, I have entered the required details but am not able to start. How do I start the test
Joo M.Y
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-10 9:34 AM (#16608 - in reply to #16603) (#16608) Top

Posts: 73
Location: South Korea
Zaitoon - 2014-09-09 5:26 PM

I can not submit, because I have not Password : LMIMT_M201409S_IB.pdf .
Please give me password.
Thank you

The test is now ended. So, I can tell you the password. (But you can't participate the test!)
PW: SUdoKu=9X9
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-10 7:44 PM (#16610 - in reply to #16608) (#16610) Top

Sudoku Day Author

Posts: 103
Location: Serbia
LMI September Sudoku Test - Sudoku Day 2014 is now over. 241 players participated, 160 non-zero scores.

Congratulations to deu (Hideaki Jo from Japan), Kota (Kota Morinishi from Japan) and Semax (Sebastian Matschke from Germany) for taking the top 3 places. There were several very hard new sudoku variants but deu and Kota managed to complete the test much before end of time.

I'd like to again thank my test solvers Goran Vodopija, Zoltan Horvath and Rohan Rao (he solved all 9 grids in 98 minutes).

Thank you all for participating. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I creating new variants and following the live results.

Edited by Nikola 2014-09-10 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-10 8:11 PM (#16611 - in reply to #16610) (#16611) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
debmohanty - 2014-09-01 4:31 PM

Nikola further suggested that the winner of this year's contest should be given the opportunity (or challenge ) to write the contest for next year

Nikola - 2014-09-10 7:44 PM

Congratulations to deu (Hideaki Jo from Japan), Kota (Kota Morinishi from Japan) and Semax (Sebastian Matschke from Germany) for taking the top 3 places

So, Hideaki can start planning for next year's Sudoku Day? :-)
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-11 12:50 AM (#16615 - in reply to #16611) (#16615) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland
Thanks for the very nice tournament.
It was fun to have a tournament with only new variations.

My strategy was to solve all sudokus in the order except T crossword which is too puzzlish for me.
I broke the second even product 2 times and had not enough time to try the T crossword during the tournament.

I already look forward to take part in the tournament next year

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