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LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests75 posts • Page 3 of 3 • 1 2 3
Yuhei Kusui
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-23 10:45 AM (#20072 - in reply to #19906) (#20072) Top

Posts: 42
Location: Japan
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 Were the puzzles solvable on screen? Most Puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How do you rate the interface for the Screen Test? Very Nice
 What is your opinion about rules, points and scoring for this test? Fair
 Were the puzzles solvable under the time limit? Most Puzzles

An LMI player
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-23 11:19 AM (#20073 - in reply to #19906) (#20073) Top

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 Were the puzzles solvable on screen? Most Puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How do you rate the interface for the Screen Test? Fairly Nice
 What is your opinion about rules, points and scoring for this test? Very fair
 Were the puzzles solvable under the time limit? Most Puzzles

Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-23 2:30 PM (#20084 - in reply to #19906) (#20084) Top

Typed Logic Author

Posts: 241
Location: Indonesia
So, a quick walkthrough for the more tricky puzzles (those that aren't just "just count"):

Shades: Count least white squares.
Perimeter: Slide lines outside to form a rectangle.
Triangles: Count 1-triangles, then 2-triangles (made of two small triangles), and so on.
Circles: Fingers are your friend. Keep track with your fingers on the screen.
Sums: Discard the 99s. If you're quick, you can do all 24 possible sums; if not, you can prune this by starting by using the 7, and if not then the 6s, and so on.
Rotation: Find the one that rotates counterclockwise the smallest. Take two or three consecutive terms and find them in the options to determine the angle.
Weights: Top bar means A+B+C=9, D+E+F=12. Top-right bar means D+E=6, F=6. That's enough to determine the heaviest weight.
Total: Work from bottom to top. Just before the last row, you definitely want to move to the bigger number. Replace the second bottom-most row with this result (2, 1, 3, 1, 1) and discard the bottom-most row. Continue with the third bottom-most (8, 8, 11, 10), and so on. Best done on paper.
Squares: Count 1x1, then 2x2, and so on.
Mines: Corners sum to 7, so there are at most 12 mines (corners + 5 making the plus shape in the middle). Try that. Edges sum to 11, with the center square it's 12, so the diagonals (except the middle) are otherwise empty. This leaves 7 mines in 8 squares, easily checked.
Solutions: A has one solution, the rest zero. B's contradiction: R1-2C5 means R3-4C6 are 23, which means R5-6C4 are 23, but R5C4 is blocked. C's contradiction: R1C4 and R3C4 must both be 1 (by respective box and C4). D's contradiction: R3C2 must be both 1 and 4 (1 by C1 and C3, 4 by R4).
Shapes: L is contained in M many times, so L must be more than M. Whenever I is on the grid, you can extend it to a H, which includes L many times as well.
Distance: Try to link a letter to another letter, so that one of them uses the other in the shortest path; this rules out the latter.
Instructionless: Largest number when all digits are read from that direction.

Of course, the best puzzles are Weights, Mines, and Shapes. I'd like to choose Solutions as well but I don't think those contradictions can be made really quickly; I ended up just doing them on paper, deriving numbers as many as I can until I find a contradiction.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-23 2:55 PM (#20085 - in reply to #20084) (#20085) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
chaotic_iak - 2015-11-23 2:30 PM
Distance: Try to link a letter to another letter, so that one of them uses the other in the shortest path; this rules out the latter.
Or, just solve it as a Maze.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-23 7:15 PM (#20089 - in reply to #19906) (#20089) Top

Posts: 21
Location: India
suddenly the test has stopped. I am not able to proceed further.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-23 11:09 PM (#20091 - in reply to #19906) (#20091) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 542
Location: India
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 Were the puzzles solvable on screen? Most Puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How do you rate the interface for the Screen Test? Very Nice
 What is your opinion about rules, points and scoring for this test? Very fair
 Were the puzzles solvable under the time limit? Most Puzzles

Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-23 11:15 PM (#20092 - in reply to #19967) (#20092) Top

Posts: 27
Location: India
i am not able to figure out last two possibilities.....getting 8 for S
Subject: RE: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-24 1:15 AM (#20093 - in reply to #19906) (#20093) Top

Posts: 27
Location: India
sorry posted the previous post without any reference...well that's clear to me...i have attached one file in which i am not able to find the 5th knight for D

Attachments D (2).pdf (26KB - 19 downloads)
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-24 5:34 AM (#20094 - in reply to #20093) (#20094) Top

Posts: 3567
Location: India
Screen Test#5 is over now.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-24 11:07 AM (#20095 - in reply to #19906) (#20095) Top

Posts: 16

Location: United States
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 Were the puzzles solvable on screen? Most Puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How do you rate the interface for the Screen Test? Very Nice
 What is your opinion about rules, points and scoring for this test? Very fair
 Were the puzzles solvable under the time limit? Some Puzzles

Subject: RE: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-24 11:44 AM (#20096 - in reply to #20093) (#20096) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1849
Location: India
mihiryadav - 2015-11-24 1:15 AM

sorry posted the previous post without any reference...well that's clear to me...i have attached one file in which i am not able to find the 5th knight for D

The one thats to the right and two steps away from the bottom row of the D. It'll move up and then 2 steps left to get into the D.
Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-25 10:14 AM (#20099 - in reply to #19906) (#20099) Top

Posts: 21
Location: India
 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 Were the puzzles solvable on screen? Many Puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How do you rate the interface for the Screen Test? Very Nice
 What is your opinion about rules, points and scoring for this test? Fair
 Were the puzzles solvable under the time limit? Many Puzzles

Subject: Re: LMI Screen Test #5 — 20th-23rd November @ 2015-11-25 10:42 AM (#20100 - in reply to #19906) (#20100) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
Congrats to omeometo, nyoroppyi and tarotaro for making an all-Japanese podium. Not surprisingly, there were six Japanese in the Top-10. Disappointing to see the performance by Indians, but I guess it happens.
I think choatic_iak has summarized the puzzles well in his post above, so I'll skip that.

Four players solved all puzzles correctly: semax (6th), deu (8th), moss (10th), uvo (12th)

Most solved puzzles: Skyscraper (252), Shapes (246), Shades (242), Arrows (240), Circles (236)
Most correctly solved puzzles: Shapes (94%), Skyscrapers (92%), Arrows (91%), Shades (88%), Circles (88%)

Least solved puzzles: Solutions (44), Squares (69), Sums (123), Distance (135), Mines (141)
Least correctly solved puzzles: Solutions (18%), Squares (27%), Sums (51%, Mines (54%), Distance (57%)

Fastest solved puzzles (Most Points): Shapes (116), Arrows (98), Skyscrapers (77), Weights (75), Shades (74)

Seems like Solutions and Squares were clearly ones where a lot of players missed out.
There were quite a lot of submissions in less than 10 seconds, which is really cool.

Its always a pleasure working with Deb (who authored most of the puzzles) on organizing a contest... I wonder how he manages to come up with novel ideas each time in different dimensions.
It would be interesting to know the favourite puzzles of players, but, my favourites were Distance, Arrows and Shapes.

Thanks to all the 280 participants. I hope there were at least a few puzzles for each of you to enjoy solving.

And finally... after authoring 3 STs and testing 1 ST, I hope to be a participant in ST6! (a shout-out for all you wonderful authors out there :-) )
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