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Mock Test 16
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests58 posts • Page 1 of 3 • 1 2 3
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-13 12:34 AM (#219 - in reply to #216) (#219) Top

Posts: 329
Location: India
thanx.....I wasted so much of time indentifying the code...........but the puzzle was one star when the code was known.

One request to organisers - please see that the grid lines are marked properly in the puzzle especially the region boundaries as in Sudokuro it was difficult to identify regions as the boundaries were not bold at places.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-13 12:37 AM (#220 - in reply to #219) (#220) Top

Location: India
neerajmehrotra - 2010-03-13 12:34 AM

One request to organisers - please see that the grid lines are marked properly in the puzzle especially the region boundaries as in Sudokuro it was difficult to identify regions as the boundaries were not bold at places.

Grid lines will be marked properly in the puzzle pdf and also online flash
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-13 1:54 AM (#221 - in reply to #220) (#221) Top

Diagonal Vision Author

Posts: 337
Location: Switzerland

Can you please tell me if in the minesweeper sudoku of IB, r9c3 shouldn't be coloured in grey? If not, can you tell me the solution, because I've done a mistake :( .


Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-13 6:02 AM (#222 - in reply to #221) (#222) Top

Location: India
Fred76 - 2010-03-13 1:54 AM


Can you please tell me if in the minesweeper sudoku of IB, r9c3 shouldn't be coloured in grey? If not, can you tell me the solution, because I've done a mistake :( .



Fred, I'd created this example, and here is the solution.

[ debmohanty edited - Corrected example after amnon pointed a mistake ]

Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-13 6:47 AM (#223 - in reply to #179) (#223) Top

Posts: 6

Location: Israel
I think you should swap r2c4-r2c5 and r8c4-r8c5, otherwise r8c3 should be grey, as Fred suggested.
Subject: RE: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-13 1:14 PM (#224 - in reply to #179) (#224) Top

PR 2020 (Casual and Word) Author

Posts: 349
Location: India
For participants who are solving online in the flash format:
In puzzles like Easy as Sudoku and Minesweeper you can use an X do to identify a blank space or a mine respectively.

For participants solving by taking printouts, enter X in the solution instead of the blanks in your answer row/columns.

Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-13 6:50 PM (#225 - in reply to #224) (#225) Top

Location: India
The puzzle booklet can be downloaded now.
Subject: RE: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 12:53 AM (#226 - in reply to #224) (#226) Top

Posts: 25
Location: United States
does the case of the X matter ('X' vs. 'x')?
Subject: RE: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 3:58 AM (#227 - in reply to #226) (#227) Top

PR 2020 (Casual and Word) Author

Posts: 349
Location: India
The case of the 'X' does not matter.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 6:07 AM (#228 - in reply to #179) (#228) Top

Posts: 32
Location: Turkey

Thanks for nice puzzles. But there must be a problem with Word Search Sudoku. After I started the mock test I took my printouts as usual and started to solve. When I opened the puzzle book pdf file I examined Word Search Sudoku and there exists only 3 given letters. One at R6C2, one at R5C5 and one at R4C8. I quickly got stuck and couldn't succeed. But when I was submitting my answers of solved ones I noticed that for this puzzle there exists 6 more givens in the flash format. I wish I had notified this earlier (when I notified this I had only 4-5 minutes to finish test) and dealt with it in flash format. Anyway thanks again for nicely designed sudokus:)


Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 10:55 AM (#229 - in reply to #179) (#229) Top

Posts: 12

Location: China
can i know my score? thanks.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 11:14 AM (#230 - in reply to #229) (#230) Top

Location: India
jcvb - 2010-03-14 10:55 AM

can i know my score? thanks.

375. in 3 Sudokus you have minor mistakes.
In Skyscraper and Domino 2 digits are swapped :-(
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 1:32 PM (#231 - in reply to #179) (#231) Top

Posts: 12

Location: China
what about Piratesudoku?
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 1:34 PM (#232 - in reply to #179) (#232) Top

Posts: 12

Location: China
i was so careless......
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 1:45 PM (#233 - in reply to #230) (#233) Top

PR 2020 (Casual and Word) Author

Posts: 349
Location: India

Sorry about the error in Word Search sudoku.
I updated the Word Search Sudoku in the flash version after feedback from Rajesh that it is a little difficult to get a start in the puzzle, but forgot to update the same in the pdf version.

For all participants who are yet to particpate please take note of the update in the Word Search Sudoku Flash format.

Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 1:57 PM (#234 - in reply to #231) (#234) Top

Location: India
jcvb - 2010-03-14 1:32 PM

what about Piratesudoku?

Piratesudoku is also wrong. 3 digits are not matching with the expected answer.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 4:40 PM (#235 - in reply to #179) (#235) Top

SM 2020 (Math) Author

Posts: 158
Location: India
can i know my score?
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 4:48 PM (#236 - in reply to #235) (#236) Top

Location: India
akash.doulani - 2010-03-14 4:40 PM

can i know my score?
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 8:16 PM (#237 - in reply to #179) (#237) Top

Posts: 329
Location: India
To err is human...........never thought that I have committed a mistake in Sudokuru
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 8:27 PM (#238 - in reply to #237) (#238) Top

Posts: 4

Location: United States
This was my first time doing this and so I have a question about the scoring. Why does it only check a few lines from the solutions entered? I noticed that I actually got the domino one wrong, but my error wasn't in the line that was checked, so it was scored correctly. Also, are we supposed to only submit certain lines, or the whole solution?
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 8:35 PM (#239 - in reply to #238) (#239) Top

Location: India
jwilsonian - 2010-03-14 8:27 PM

This was my first time doing this and so I have a question about the scoring. Why does it only check a few lines from the solutions entered? I noticed that I actually got the domino one wrong, but my error wasn't in the line that was checked, so it was scored correctly. Also, are we supposed to only submit certain lines, or the whole solution?

Only selected rows / columns are checked. There is button "Show cells to fill". If you click on the button, it will show the cells you need to fill.

The information used to be there in earlier booklets. Looks like we need to put it back.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 8:47 PM (#240 - in reply to #238) (#240) Top

PR 2020 (Casual and Word) Author

Posts: 349
Location: India
@ jwilsonian

There are many participants who solve the test by taking printouts of the puzzle pdfs
So to save their time required in submitting the answers we ask the participants to enter a few rows/columns.

These rows/ columns are generally chosen in a way that they are solved at the very end of the solving process, so in most cases you need to have solved the rest of the puzzle correctly to reach the correct solution digits.

You were lucky with the domino Sudoku :)
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 8:57 PM (#241 - in reply to #179) (#241) Top

Posts: 4

Location: United States
Thank you for your responses. I did solve on paper and then fill in my answers. I wish I knew about the selected rows... would have saved some time instead of filling in the whole puzzle online (although only a few minutes I suppose).
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 9:09 PM (#242 - in reply to #239) (#242) Top

PR 2020 (Casual and Word) Author

Posts: 349
Location: India
Thanks to all the participants who participated in the mock test.
Congrats to Janoslaw for topping the test :)
Subject: Re: Mock Test 16 @ 2010-03-14 9:11 PM (#243 - in reply to #179) (#243) Top

Location: India
If you have not rated the Sudokus, please take few moments to rate them
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