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   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests83 posts • Page 2 of 4 • 1 2 3 4
Subject: RE: EverGreens @ 2010-07-03 9:27 PM (#818 - in reply to #814) (#818) Top

Location: India
KimKing - 2010-07-03 7:31 PM

I make many mistakes... and once again this is the hardest mock for me.. but it is enjoyable.. thanks.. p/s : please check my battleship answers too..
done. please check your score.
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-03 9:29 PM (#819 - in reply to #817) (#819) Top

Location: India
tamz29 - 2010-07-03 9:24 PM

The puzzles were great. But the answer key seems to be a problem.
I lost 115 points from my own carelessness. (Both Zig-zags and the first arrow)

However, I also lost an additional 80 points from both battleships:

The answer required:
xx,xx,xx,xx (no spaces)

I put:
xx, xx, xx, xx (with spaces)

Can these be counted correct??

Added 80 points for battleships.
Subject: RE: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 1:32 AM (#820 - in reply to #738) (#820) Top

Location: India
Request all new users participating in EverGreens to update their Country.
After logging in you can click here OR go to Settings.
In the Location field, please update enter your country.

Will be nice to update the Real Names too.
Subject: RE: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 3:53 AM (#822 - in reply to #738) (#822) Top

Posts: 172
Location: ITALY
it has been a beautiful contest, thank you for organizing it. Pity I entered the result of magnet 2 too late.
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 4:32 AM (#823 - in reply to #738) (#823) Top

Posts: 1

Location: United States
Is it possible to get credit for the battleship solution - I listed the correct location pairs, but they were also inverted
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 6:39 AM (#824 - in reply to #823) (#824) Top

Location: India
Jitterbug - 2010-07-04 4:32 AM

Is it possible to get credit for the battleship solution - I listed the correct location pairs, but they were also inverted
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 1:45 PM (#826 - in reply to #808) (#826) Top

Posts: 3

Location: Poland
neerajmehrotra - 2010-07-03 5:14 PM

Cud not do very well. Deb can u mail me the answer of puzzle 19 Minesweeper.............

I am not sure only solution of that puzzle (19 minesweeper), because I see at least a few solutions.
Anybody agree with me?
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 2:05 PM (#827 - in reply to #826) (#827) Top

Location: India
janoslaw - 2010-07-04 1:45 PM

I am not sure only solution of that puzzle (19 minesweeper), because I see at least a few solutions.
Anybody agree with me?
I solved it again, but could not find any problem.
But possibly, I could miss something again and again. I've mailed you the solution. Email me if you think there could be other answers.
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 3:51 PM (#828 - in reply to #738) (#828) Top

Posts: 22
Location: ITALY
"Is it possible to get credit for the battleship solution - I listed the correct location pairs, but they were also inverted"

I had also this problem

Tamz, i have lost 215 points for my slowness! :(
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 4:04 PM (#829 - in reply to #828) (#829) Top

Location: India
Akuma21 - 2010-07-04 3:51 PM

"Is it possible to get credit for the battleship solution - I listed the correct location pairs, but they were also inverted"

I had also this problem

Tamz, i have lost 215 points for my slowness! :(

Akuma21, Given you points for Battleships and Minesweeper.
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 4:18 PM (#830 - in reply to #738) (#830) Top

Posts: 24
Location: ITALY
Alas, I make mistakes in 3 different answers, not good at all.

Thanks very much for the beautiful contest!
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 4:23 PM (#831 - in reply to #738) (#831) Top

Posts: 22
Location: ITALY
also for Minesweeper?? thanks too much!! But i have a question.
Are you sure that puzzle number 12 is correct?
i have tried to do it and i find 2 different areas not connect between them. Can anyone send me the right answer? thanks
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 4:30 PM (#832 - in reply to #831) (#832) Top

Location: India
Akuma21 - 2010-07-04 4:23 PM

also for Minesweeper?? thanks too much!! But i have a question.
Are you sure that puzzle number 12 is correct?
i have tried to do it and i find 2 different areas not connect between them. Can anyone send me the right answer? thanks
Sent you answer for puzzle 12 at your email id (g******i@yahoo.it)

Your minesweeper answer is correct. The entered format is wrong. So points are awarded.
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 5:14 PM (#833 - in reply to #738) (#833) Top

Posts: 22
Location: ITALY
sorry for my mistake but i want to say p 11 not p 12 :(
Could you send me another time?
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 6:09 PM (#835 - in reply to #738) (#835) Top

Posts: 22
Location: ITALY
thanks a lot!
Subject: RE: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 6:09 PM (#836 - in reply to #738) (#836) Top

Posts: 5

Location: Luxembourg
"Is it possible to get credit for the battleship solution - I listed the correct location pairs, but they were also inverted"

I had also this problem
Subject: RE: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 6:19 PM (#837 - in reply to #836) (#837) Top

Location: India
dodine - 2010-07-04 6:09 PM

"Is it possible to get credit for the battleship solution - I listed the correct location pairs, but they were also inverted"

I had also this problem
Added 80 points to your score.
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-04 10:02 PM (#838 - in reply to #738) (#838) Top

Posts: 329
Location: India
Guys Old system was better.................When we used to get the detailed results of all the participants.............waiting for the results is quite boring...............
Subject: RE: EverGreens @ 2010-07-05 12:58 AM (#839 - in reply to #837) (#839) Top

Posts: 27
Location: India
what is the method of writing the answer key in battleship? i think i have the right solutions for both.
and a stupid mistake in kakuro :(

anyways a great MT to begin. I know these are some of the easiest puzzles one can get from Deb and even these were tough for me. :D
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-05 2:01 AM (#840 - in reply to #738) (#840) Top

Posts: 4

Location: Russia
Chek, pleas, my answer for the P06 - battleships. I just wrote it without commas.
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-05 2:30 AM (#841 - in reply to #738) (#841) Top

Posts: 1

Location: Germany
Greetings from Germany!

This was really a goodPuzzle Test! Thanx alot!
But I have three questions:
1) My first Domino-Puzzle is Ok, but I wrote x, instead x+1, because I could not count!!! Is there a chance for some points...
2) My second Minesweeper-Puzzle is right, but I wrote y in the seventh row, instead y+1, because I am not able to count...chance?
3) My both Zig-Zag-Puzzle are right, but I count all horizontal and vertical line segments, but not the constinous one, but I count the sum of all horizontal and vertical segments! Is there....a....chance?

But now I´m very happy about this fine PuzzleTest...I´m waiting for the next!

Greetings from hopppe

I´ve a question at last: my clock is 30 minutes after the real time! Is it possible to chance this?

Edited by hopppe 2010-07-05 2:32 AM
Subject: EverGreens @ 2010-07-05 2:55 AM (#842 - in reply to #841) (#842) Top

Posts: 4

Location: Russia
hopppe - 2010-07-05 2:30 AM

3) My both Zig-Zag-Puzzle are right, but I count all horizontal and vertical line segments, but not the constinous one, but I count the sum of all horizontal and vertical segments! Is there....a....chance?

+1. But when I count the sum for P24 I make mistake. But the sum of all horizontal and vertical segments for P25 is right.
Subject: Re: EverGreens @ 2010-07-05 3:38 AM (#843 - in reply to #738) (#843) Top

Posts: 42
Location: United States
Terrific work as always. Thank you very much for the fun.

Magnets #2 really got me for awhile! I had very little time to finish it on my third try and guessed where I made my mistake the first two times. Fixing that made it work with 25sec left! A pity I could not count horizontal line segments in my otherwise correct VUVUZELA puzzle.

Have a great week! I look forward to more puzzle fun from the brilliant folks from India! :)
Subject: RE: EverGreens @ 2010-07-05 4:22 AM (#844 - in reply to #738) (#844) Top

Location: India
Feeling sorry for you as lost so many bonus points because of the counting error.

Subject: RE: EverGreens @ 2010-07-05 4:28 AM (#845 - in reply to #738) (#845) Top

Posts: 1

Location: Bulgaria
Very nice contest! I've got 3 wrong(counting problems), but I'm still satisfied with thwe format - many and not so hard problems. Couldn't solve all of them, but next time probably :P
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