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Introducing a new Feedback System
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests14 posts • Page 1 of 1 • 1
Subject: Re: Introducing a new Feedback System @ 2012-12-02 5:39 AM (#9041 - in reply to #8959) (#9041) Top

Posts: 315
Location: The Netherlands
I was just going to suggest the except same thing as James. Because I have problems exactly showing by reasoning behind the ratings. Because in most questions my answer isn't really an option.
Subject: RE: Introducing a new Feedback System @ 2012-12-02 7:02 AM (#9044 - in reply to #8959) (#9044) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
Thanks James and Bram for bringing it up (again). We'll add the free-form text boxes, either 1 each for each question OR just 1 for all the questions.

I have one question though. Who all should have access to read these comments (with or without who posted the comments)?

Is it just me? Is it just me and few other folks at LMI ? I'm not sure if that will achieve our overall goal of "improving the tests" with "players feedback". I think these feedback must be shared with the future authors. If future authors don't know about the feedback, the future tests are unlikely to gain much the whole thing.

Subject: RE: Introducing a new Feedback System @ 2012-12-02 7:34 AM (#9045 - in reply to #8959) (#9045) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
And if someone is wondering if Word Show's feedback summary is still accessible, please scroll to the bottom of http://logicmastersindia.com/lmitests/?test=M201211P
Subject: Re: Introducing a new Feedback System @ 2012-12-05 4:56 AM (#9068 - in reply to #9045) (#9068) Top

Posts: 315
Location: The Netherlands
I would say it's good for the authors to see if there are specific concerns, possibly anonymously if that what people prefer. It would be for you to decide if any information is prudent for other authors as well. If a certain complaint is common in multiple tests, then it might be handy to tell other authors to keep this in mind so they can take this into consideration when designing their test.
Subject: Re: Introducing a new Feedback System @ 2012-12-19 1:09 PM (#9151 - in reply to #8959) (#9151) Top

Posts: 3567
Location: India
A comments box has been added to the feedback page for more specific feedback. All feedback comments will be posted automatically in the forum. There is also a choice to publish the comment anonymously.
An LMI player
Subject: Re: Introducing a new Feedback System @ 2012-12-20 1:00 PM (#9155 - in reply to #8959) (#9155) Top

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too few puzzles (too much time)

I liked this test, however I have a problem.
Subject: Re: Introducing a new Feedback System @ 2012-12-20 1:05 PM (#9156 - in reply to #8959) (#9156) Top

Posts: 3567
Location: India
Here is how the anonymous posts will look like.
Subject: Re: Introducing a new Feedback System @ 2015-07-03 11:57 AM (#18680 - in reply to #8959) (#18680) Top

Posts: 12

Location: India
I would like to thank the organizers for conducting this championship event. Though I did not fare well in the contest and stood at only 107th rank with just 3 three submissions made correctly within 150mins, I thoroughly enjoyed solving the puzzles even after the closing time. Took me about 7hrs to solve all the 27 puzzles correctly. I was so engrossed in solving the puzzles and found it so interesting that i just couldn't stop continuing even after closing time. Wish the submission time could be little more than 150mins. Thanks anyway. Will be participating again and again.
Subject: Re: Introducing a new Feedback System @ 2015-07-03 12:01 PM (#18682 - in reply to #8959) (#18682) Top

Posts: 12

Location: India
The score # is the rank rt? Correct me if I am wrong.
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