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Mock Test 15
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests39 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1 2
Subject: RE: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-05 4:15 AM (#142 - in reply to #69) (#142) Top

Posts: 27
Location: India
Sorry guys for delaying things a bit too much. Got extra busy with work. Anyways Mock Test 15 puzzles are almost ready with the following list:
Will upload a proper Instruction Booklet tomorrow. In case of any confusion please post your queries here.

1] Mirror Sudoku:
R(m)C(n) = R(9-m)C(9-n) for all 4 corner boxes. In short box 1&9 and box 3&7 will have digits so that they form mirror image. (eg: R3C2 & R6C7 will have same digits)

2] Repeatable Extra Region:
There are two extra regions of 9 cells each but digits can repeat in those regions. Both the regions contains same set of numbers, same number of times.
eg: If one region contains 1,1,2,3,4,4,5,7,9 then the other region will also contain same numbers 1,1,2,3,4,4,5,7,9

3] Circles
There are several circles in the grid each passing through 4 cells. There are 4 digits entered on the circumference of each circle. These 4 digits should occur in the same 4 cells in the same order (meaning the circle can only be rotated).
It will be more clear once you see the example in the IB.

4] Knight Moves:
All same digits with knight step away are marked in the grid.

5] Diagonally Consecutive:
All diagonally adjacent cells which are consecutive are marked with a line.

6] Wrong Sky skyscraper:
Skyscraper rules apply. The digits outside the grid are +1 or -1 than the skyscrapers observed for that row or column.

7] Quad Max/Min:
sudoku is similar to above variant but the dots will mean that the cell is either smallest or the largest amongst the 4 cells.

8] Equation Sudoku:
There are 9 alphabets in the grid, each representing one number. There are numbers given outside the grid which are sum of the digits of all alphabets in that row/column

9] BlackOut Sudoku:
My all time favourite. Each row/column/3x3 region contains one cell which is blacked out. Fill the grid such that no numbers repeat itself in 3x3 region/row/column. Check ISC2009 or fed-sudoku online variants for more.

10] ArrowPath Sudoku:
In a 3x3 box there are arrows in each cells. The arrows are such that 1 points to 2, 2 points to 3.... 8 points to 9 and 9 points back to 1 (in 3x3 box only)

11] Palindrome Sudoku:

12] There are 2 digits outside each row and column from both sides. (If 6,4 are outside digits to the left of row 3 then either R3C4=6 or R3C6=4.)

In case of any confusion please feel free to ask as the IB will take another day.
Also there might be a possiblity that 1 or 2 puzzles from above list might be replaced.

Subject: RE: Mock Test 15 - List of Sudokus @ 2010-03-05 9:38 AM (#143 - in reply to #142) (#143) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
Gaurav, thanks for updating the list of Sudokus. The set looks very interesting indeed. [ Looks like you are working really hard. Posting notes at 4:15AM]

Please plan to send the IB soon, so that I can upload it to the site.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 1:21 AM (#144 - in reply to #69) (#144) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 164
Location: Slovakia
Hi, I want to know when the puzzles will be published ... and if the contest will be held as before, means for 24 hours, starting on GMT Saturday afternoon. Thanks
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 3:44 AM (#145 - in reply to #144) (#145) Top

Posts: 27
Location: India
The IB will be put up within 3-4 hrs.
The puzzle booklet will be up for download tomm in the Indian morning.

Also the contest will begin and end at the same time as the previous 2 mocks.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 4:49 AM (#146 - in reply to #145) (#146) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 164
Location: Slovakia
Thanks, that´s all I wanted to know
Subject: RE: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 7:27 AM (#147 - in reply to #69) (#147) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
The IB is uploaded here.

Note that the current IB is without the points distribution. Gaurav will be providing the points distribution soon.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 10:46 AM (#148 - in reply to #69) (#148) Top

SM 2020 (Math) Author

Posts: 158
Location: India
can we have the examples for practicing online?
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 11:14 AM (#149 - in reply to #148) (#149) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
akash.doulani - 2010-03-06 10:46 AM

can we have the examples for practicing online?

Akash, It looks difficult at this point in time to have the examples ready for practicing online.
We'll update the forum if we can do that.
Tejal Phatak
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 6:11 PM (#151 - in reply to #69) (#151) Top

Posts: 81
Location: India
Havn't understood "Descriptive Pair Sudoku", could someone please explain?
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 6:57 PM (#152 - in reply to #151) (#152) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
Tejal Phatak - 2010-03-06 6:11 PM

Havn't understood "Descriptive Pair Sudoku", could someone please explain?

In the example, look at Row1. The left side hint is 26. That means In Row1, either 2 is at 6th position OR 6 is at 2nd position
i.e. either R1C6 is 2 OR R1C2 is 6

Is it clear now?

You can solve the puzzle online too. Click Here

Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 7:59 PM (#155 - in reply to #152) (#155) Top

Posts: 25
Location: United States
Note that is OR clause is not exclusive, i.e, both possible statements could be true simultaneously.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 8:01 PM (#156 - in reply to #155) (#156) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
cnarrikkattu - 2010-03-06 7:59 PM

Note that is OR clause is not exclusive, i.e, both possible statements could be true simultaneously.

Chris is correct.
Subject: RE: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 8:55 PM (#157 - in reply to #69) (#157) Top

Posts: 27
Location: India

Sorry for an error in the instructions of mirror sudoku.

Correct instruction is R(m)C(n)=R(10-m)C(10-n)

I hope you will enjoy the puzzles.
Subject: RE: Mock Test 15 - Why 0703 points @ 2010-03-06 9:03 PM (#158 - in reply to #69) (#158) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
Why 0703 points?
Subject: RE: Mock Test 15 - Why 0703 points @ 2010-03-06 9:42 PM (#159 - in reply to #158) (#159) Top

Posts: 27
Location: India
Tejal Phatak
Subject: RE: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-06 10:42 PM (#160 - in reply to #69) (#160) Top

Posts: 81
Location: India
Thanks Deb, its clear now. :)
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-07 2:40 PM (#162 - in reply to #69) (#162) Top

Posts: 43
Location: India
moderator sir i have participated in the mock after a long time... is it possible to know my score...
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-07 2:41 PM (#163 - in reply to #69) (#163) Top

Posts: 43
Location: India
nice puzzles gaurav, but practice puzzles are a must in the IB for all the variations.... however simple it may be... opens up the mind on the approach to a puzzle...
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-07 3:24 PM (#164 - in reply to #162) (#164) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
bothrasumit - 2010-03-07 2:40 PM

moderator sir i have participated in the mock after a long time... is it possible to know my score...

your score is 349. You have got 2 digits wrong in WrongSkyscraper (111 points)
Also check your email.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-07 3:39 PM (#165 - in reply to #163) (#165) Top

Posts: 27
Location: India
Yes I know... I am extremely sorry that I couldnt create practice puzzles. I know for new variants it matter a lot. Deb helped me a lot in making the examples for few of the examples put in the IB. But still example for circles and repeatable extra region and diagonally consecutive were missing.

btw you will be able to see the results at 10pm IST tonight.. :)
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-07 4:28 PM (#166 - in reply to #69) (#166) Top

SM 2020 (Math) Author

Posts: 158
Location: India
can i know my score?
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-07 4:31 PM (#167 - in reply to #166) (#167) Top

Posts: 1868
Location: India
akash.doulani - 2010-03-07 4:28 PM

can i know my score?

235. Also check your email.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-07 5:05 PM (#168 - in reply to #69) (#168) Top

Posts: 12

Location: China
can i know my score?thanks. : )
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-07 5:17 PM (#169 - in reply to #168) (#169) Top

Posts: 27
Location: India
You did pretty well :)

Anyways, have patience.. the complete results will be out later tonight.
Subject: Re: Mock Test 15 @ 2010-03-07 5:19 PM (#170 - in reply to #69) (#170) Top

Posts: 12

Location: China
Thanks a lot!
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