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Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests57 posts • Page 1 of 3 • 1 2 3
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 2:57 PM (#16535 - in reply to #16534) (#16535) Top

Typed Logic Author

Posts: 241
Location: Indonesia
I'm pretty sure that you cannot reverse the words, just like in regular word placing puzzles (and in particular T for Trees, the inspiration for this variant) you cannot reverse the words.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 2:57 PM (#16536 - in reply to #16534) (#16536) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
mohanprashanth - 2014-09-04 2:40 PM

And if the word is "451" ,are both "451" and "154" valid?

No, '154' is not valid. The numbers should be formed either across (left-to-right) or down (top-to-bottom) in the standard crossword-style.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 3:29 PM (#16537 - in reply to #16482) (#16537) Top

Posts: 14

Location: India
Thank you.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 6:02 PM (#16538 - in reply to #16482) (#16538) Top

Posts: 139
Location: Estonia
This ""Suction" stops when they hit the wall or a number >= the aspirator cell." sentence is confusing for me.
So, as I understand, it starts sucking at some point and goes clockwise (anticlockwise) until it hits greater or equal numbers or the wall and then stops even if there would be more smaller numbers on the way? Do we have to figure out by ourselves in which way it must go and where it starts? Although the example is totally confusing to understand that sentence.

Also the quiestion about diagonal path. Can the path turn direction if it hits the wall?

Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 6:37 PM (#16539 - in reply to #16538) (#16539) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
TiiT - 2014-09-04 6:02 PM

Also the quiestion about diagonal path. Can the path turn direction if it hits the wall?

No, the path cannot turn if it hits a wall.

TiiT - 2014-09-04 6:02 PM

This ""Suction" stops when they hit the wall or a number >= the aspirator cell." sentence is confusing for me.
So, as I understand, it starts sucking at some point and goes clockwise (anticlockwise) until it hits greater or equal numbers or the wall and then stops even if there would be more smaller numbers on the way? Do we have to figure out by ourselves in which way it must go and where it starts? Although the example is totally confusing to understand that sentence.

There is no clockwise/anticlockwise. You need to look in the 8 directions from the marked cell.

Check these two examples below. See if you understand:


Attachments Aspirator_sample.png (36KB - 7 downloads)
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 8:39 PM (#16540 - in reply to #16482) (#16540) Top

Posts: 139
Location: Estonia
Oh, ok. Big thanks. I think I got it now. I was looking totally in the wrong direction. These images are good for explanation.

Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 8:49 PM (#16541 - in reply to #16496) (#16541) Top

Posts: 139
Location: Estonia
Nikola - 2014-09-03 1:47 AM

swaroop2011 - 2014-09-02 1:01 AM

In Rolling the Dice Sudoku: The two adjacent shaded digits should be such that they are adjacent on the dice is implied right ?


For me it's still unclear. So does the dice needs to be rolled exactly according to the numbers on the dice and the next number must be exactly adjacent digit of the dice according to where I roll it? Or does the next digit just needs to be any adjacent digit?

I hope my question is clear. Sorry, if it's a stupid question.

Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 9:12 PM (#16543 - in reply to #16541) (#16543) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
TiiT - 2014-09-04 8:49 PM

Nikola - 2014-09-03 1:47 AM

swaroop2011 - 2014-09-02 1:01 AM

In Rolling the Dice Sudoku: The two adjacent shaded digits should be such that they are adjacent on the dice is implied right ?


For me it's still unclear. So does the dice needs to be rolled exactly according to the numbers on the dice and the next number must be exactly adjacent digit of the dice according to where I roll it? Or does the next digit just needs to be any adjacent digit?

I hope my question is clear. Sorry, if it's a stupid question.


Your statement "the dice needs to be rolled exactly according to the numbers on the dice and the next number must be exactly adjacent digit of the dice according to where I roll it" is CORRECT.

Try out these examples:


Attachments Dice_sample.png (16KB - 7 downloads)
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 9:42 PM (#16544 - in reply to #16482) (#16544) Top

Posts: 114
Location: India
In rolling Dice Sudoku if the first letter is 6, then the adjacent letter should be

A. If on the same row can be 2,3,4,5 Except 1.

B . If the second letter was 4 then the row above must be 5.

Row below must be 2 if grayed.

Is it OK.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 10:40 PM (#16546 - in reply to #16544) (#16546) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
devarajand - 2014-09-04 9:42 PM

In rolling Dice Sudoku if the first letter is 6, then the adjacent letter should be

A. If on the same row can be 2,3,4,5 Except 1.

B . If the second letter was 4 then the row above must be 5.

Row below must be 2 if grayed.

Subject: RE: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 1:51 AM (#16547 - in reply to #16482) (#16547) Top

Posts: 31
Location: United States
Some more questions:

1. Podium: will each square be in at most one podium?
2. Dice: "One dice with numbers 1 to 6 is rolled along the grid". How far along the grid? Is this exactly one die, or could it be more than 1? For example, is it ever legal to have a 4 to the right of a 1, outside of the "path"? Could this be the entire path?
3. T: No other words must be formed - what does this mean?
4. Is the black and white sudoku a full example (not having tried it yet)?

Sometimes unclarities with rules are only evident when one attempts the puzzle. Will there be a location where we can ask rules questions in real-time?

Also, usually I only look at the IB once the test has started & sometimes have found that the Q&As are restricted...

Edited by RALehrer 2014-09-05 2:04 AM
Subject: RE: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 3:26 AM (#16548 - in reply to #16547) (#16548) Top

Typed Logic Author

Posts: 241
Location: Indonesia
2. I believe there will be a marked path of shaded squares, which will be your path; nothing is told about squares outside the path, and the path is not necessarily maximal (so the die can still be rolled outside the path and incidentally has the correct number). I'm not qualified to answer for the second, but if there are two separate paths then certainly there are two different dice.

3. Suppose you have two T's in adjacent boxes that are back-to-back, something like this:


Besides the horizontal 6-digit word and the two vertical 3-digit words, you also have two horizontal 2-digit words. If the word list doesn't specify any 2-digit words, you cannot have this formation, since you're making words not listed in the list.
Subject: RE: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 5:06 AM (#16550 - in reply to #16547) (#16550) Top

Location: India
RALehrer - 2014-09-05 1:51 AM
1. Podium: will each square be in at most one podium?

RALehrer - 2014-09-05 1:51 AM
4. Is the black and white sudoku a full example (not having tried it yet)?

RALehrer - 2014-09-05 1:51 AM
Sometimes unclarities with rules are only evident when one attempts the puzzle. Will there be a location where we can ask rules questions in real-time?
Well, you can always ask in this forum. The problem is the organizers or author or test solvers or other players may not be available to answer your questions at that point. There is no others location (e.g. real time chat or something like that) if you are thinking in that direction.

RALehrer - 2014-09-05 1:51 AM
Also, usually I only look at the IB once the test has started & sometimes have found that the Q&As are restricted...
The forum is restricted because sometimes, after finishing the test players post too much information/feedback that shouldn't be read by players who have not taken the test. We will decide if we need to keep it unrestricted this time.
Subject: RE: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 5:21 AM (#16551 - in reply to #16548) (#16551) Top

Location: India
chaotic_iak - 2014-09-05 3:26 AM

2. I believe there will be a marked path of shaded squares, which will be your path; nothing is told about squares outside the path, and the path is not necessarily maximal (so the die can still be rolled outside the path and incidentally has the correct number). I'm not qualified to answer for the second, but if there are two separate paths then certainly there are two different dice.
There will be exactly one path in the actual puzzle.
Subject: RE: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 8:00 AM (#16553 - in reply to #16551) (#16553) Top

Sudoku Day Author

Posts: 103
Location: Serbia
Thanks to all for the previous questions and especially for the answers. Some of these innovations will "survive" this contest, the other maybe not. Of course, there's plenty of room here for improvement. For example, in Aspirator Sudoku using the rays probably would be better than letters. Some names of sudokus are also subject to change. Diagonal Path Sudoku could be confusing name, but I didn't come up with a better title. We can call him Nikola's Sudoku .
Subject: RE: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 1:07 PM (#16554 - in reply to #16550) (#16554) Top

Posts: 31
Location: United States
Thanks to all for the answers!

To quote: "Well, you can always ask in this forum. The problem is the organizers or author or test solvers or other players may not be available to answer your questions at that point. There is no others location (e.g. real time chat or something like that) if you are thinking in that direction."

This would be a good solution, but if it is restricted, one wouldn't be able to read the reply.

"The forum is restricted because sometimes, after finishing the test players post too much information/feedback that shouldn't be read by players who have not taken the test. We will decide if we need to keep it unrestricted this time."

Two threads (one for rules Q&A, one for other postings) would solve this problem.

Edited by RALehrer 2014-09-05 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 3:05 PM (#16555 - in reply to #16482) (#16555) Top

Posts: 268
Location: India
Can someone explain rules of Black and White Sudoku. I am not able to understand it. If there is one solved example for each type, it would have been helpful. The rules can be atleast deduced from the example. Some sentences are complicated.

The below line is confusing.

Somewhere in the grid one digit 1, two digits 2, three digits 3, four digits 4, five digits 5, six digits 6, seven digits 7, eight digits 8 and nine digits 9 are blackened.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 3:12 PM (#16556 - in reply to #16555) (#16556) Top

Location: India
rvarun - 2014-09-05 3:05 PM
The below line is confusing.

Somewhere in the grid one digit 1, two digits 2, three digits 3, four digits 4, five digits 5, six digits 6, seven digits 7, eight digits 8 and nine digits 9 are blackened.
There will be 45 shaded cells in the grid. In those 45 cells, you need to put nine 9s, eight 8s, seven 7s, ..., one 1.

(Alternatively, in the 36 white cells, you need to put eight 1s, seven 2s, six 3s, ...., one 8, and zero 9s)
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 3:28 PM (#16557 - in reply to #16555) (#16557) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
rvarun - 2014-09-05 3:05 PM

Can someone explain rules of Black and White Sudoku. I am not able to understand it. If there is one solved example for each type, it would have been helpful

Here you go:


Attachments BlackAndWhite_sample.png (17KB - 11 downloads)
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 6:46 PM (#16560 - in reply to #16482) (#16560) Top

Posts: 268
Location: India
Thanks guys for the explanation and example. With respect to T-Crossword Sudoku, I assume that all combinations of words that will fill up the 81 cells will be given. Can you explain the following line.

Within each bold-lined 3×3 square, the cells occupied by letters (numbers) must form a ”T” in any one of 4 possible orientations. --> How this T is determined. What must be the numbers forming this T.

One letter (number) is already placed, and all words must be used. --> Is it one number per T or one number per 3x3 or one number per word.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 8:48 PM (#16561 - in reply to #16560) (#16561) Top

SM 2020 (Math) Author

Posts: 421
Location: India
rvarun - 2014-09-05 6:46 PM

Can you explain the following line.

Within each bold-lined 3×3 square, the cells occupied by letters (numbers) must form a ”T” in any one of 4 possible orientations. --> How this T is determined.What must be the numbers forming this T.

It is part of the solve to determine how the T is oriented.But just by looking at the example you can safely assume that this T is completely formed by numbers which are given outside the grid.

One letter (number) is already placed, and all words must be used. --> Is it one number per T or one number per 3x3 or one number per word.

It can be any of the 3.The deduction that you can arrive at by looking at the 5 which is given in the grid is that the T can be oriented in only 2 out of 4 possible ways.Because in the other 2 ways , 5 won't be a part of the T.The next logical question that you might ask is why should 5 be a part of T ?.Look at these sentences together and you will understand why "Within each bold-lined 3×3 square, the cells occupied by letters (numbers) must form a ”T” in any one of 4 possible orientations.One letter (number) is already placed"(It is implied that the one number which is already placed is part of the T)

If it helps,try reading this sentence in the IB "Within each bold-lined 3×3 square, the cells occupied by letters (numbers) must form a ”T” in any one of 4 possible orientations" in this way--->"Within each bold-lined 3×3 square, the cells occupied by letters (numbers) must form a ”T” comprising only of numbers or part of numbers given outside the grid(Read from left to right or top to bottom) in any one of 4 possible orientations".
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 9:13 PM (#16562 - in reply to #16543) (#16562) Top

SM 2020 (Math) Author

Posts: 421
Location: India
Rohan Rao - 2014-09-04 9:12 PM

TiiT - 2014-09-04 8:49 PM

Nikola - 2014-09-03 1:47 AM

swaroop2011 - 2014-09-02 1:01 AM

In Rolling the Dice Sudoku: The two adjacent shaded digits should be such that they are adjacent on the dice is implied right ?


For me it's still unclear. So does the dice needs to be rolled exactly according to the numbers on the dice and the next number must be exactly adjacent digit of the dice according to where I roll it? Or does the next digit just needs to be any adjacent digit?

I hope my question is clear. Sorry, if it's a stupid question.


Your statement "the dice needs to be rolled exactly according to the numbers on the dice and the next number must be exactly adjacent digit of the dice according to where I roll it" is CORRECT.

Try out these examples:

In the top left image, if the 5 is replaced by 2, is that valid?Similarly can I replace 2 by 5 in the bottom middle image and 5 to 2,1 to 6 ,2 to 5 in the bottom right image?
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-05 10:44 PM (#16564 - in reply to #16562) (#16564) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
kishy72 - 2014-09-05 9:13 PM

In the top left image, if the 5 is replaced by 2, is that valid?

See the first two images (top-left and top-centre). One has '5' and one has '2'. One is right and one is wrong. Maybe you should take an actual die and figure out why.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-06 6:44 AM (#16566 - in reply to #16482) (#16566) Top

Location: India

Sudoku Day has started.

This thread will remain unrestricted during the test, so that questions from players, if any, can be answered quicker. Please note however that organizers / authors will not be available round-the-clock. It is best to ask the questions before you start the test than asking it after you start.

Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-06 7:54 AM (#16567 - in reply to #16566) (#16567) Top

Posts: 31
Location: United States
Thanks! I don't expect to be able to complete them all anyway, but it's makes me glad that there is at least a *hope* that I won't have to skip a puzzle that seems particularly fun just because I realize that I can't quite figure out the rules...

Administrator - 2014-09-06 5:44 PM

Sudoku Day has started.

This thread will remain unrestricted during the test, so that questions from players, if any, can be answered quicker. Please note however that organizers / authors will not be available round-the-clock. It is best to ask the questions before you start the test than asking it after you start.

Edited by RALehrer 2014-09-06 7:55 AM
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