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L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests60 posts • Page 2 of 3 • 1 2 3
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-19 12:32 PM (#4906 - in reply to #4823) (#4906) Top

Location: India
Thanks Swaroop for clarifying.

1) if you are getting multiple solutions (which I believe is impossible), please submit any of your answers.
2) don't post messages like 'there are multiple solutions or there are no solutions' before you are absolutely certain. It doesn't help anybody, rather it creates confusion.
Tejal Phatak
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-19 4:04 PM (#4907 - in reply to #4823) (#4907) Top

Posts: 81
Location: India
I have entered '9' instead of '1' in the big Fence Sudoku. Any chance of getting the points for it? :|
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-19 5:30 PM (#4908 - in reply to #4823) (#4908) Top

Posts: 315
Location: The Netherlands
There were some nice puzzles. I enjoyed the test. Solved a little less than I had hoped. Made a mistake in one of the puzzles, which turned out to not be one, I just missed how it could work so started over for nothing.
I switched the column and row entry for the Big Japanese Sums sudoku. Not really sure why. I was being careful with the answer keys. My other mistake was just sloppiness because of having to draw lines through the grid.

Edited by Para 2011-06-19 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-19 6:39 PM (#4909 - in reply to #4823) (#4909) Top

Location: India
All rows/columns swaps are considered as valid answers. There is no automatic check on that, but eventually everyone making that kind of swap will get points.
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-19 9:38 PM (#4910 - in reply to #4907) (#4910) Top

Location: India
Tejal Phatak - 2011-06-19 4:04 PM

I have entered '9' instead of '1' in the big Fence Sudoku. Any chance of getting the points for it? :|

Very strange typo indeed. As discussed after Fillomino-Fillia, you get 80% of the puzzle points.
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-20 4:43 AM (#4911 - in reply to #4823) (#4911) Top

Posts: 28
Location: United Kingdom
A lovely set of puzzles. Thank you very much for setting and organising this. I've made a silly typo on the large tapa - putting an 8 instead of the given 9. Can I be credited with this please? Thanks again.
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-20 5:44 AM (#4912 - in reply to #4823) (#4912) Top

Location: India
Hi Liane, we haven't given points to any single digits typos (except in Tejal's case).

We probably need everyone's suggestion on how to deal with single digit typos, there are way too many in the submissions, in this test and also in previous tests.
As I see it, they can be a typo or a solving error. But to determine what kind of error it is a too difficult, and may not be possible in certain cases.
So, as of now, all Single digit typos get 0 points. It will be nice to come up some suggestion to deal with these.
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-20 6:34 AM (#4913 - in reply to #4823) (#4913) Top

Location: India
Congratulations to Nikola for winning LOGIDOKU by a huge margin. He had very similar results in SPEED Sixes in last June.
Misko and uvo are very close to each other( and to several other participants), and are separated by 80 seconds. They complete the podium.

Among Indian players, Rohan stands at 11th with a very impressive performance.

Thank you everyone for participating.
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-20 8:31 AM (#4914 - in reply to #4911) (#4914) Top

Location: India
puzzlemad - 2011-06-20 4:43 AM

A lovely set of puzzles. Thank you very much for setting and organising this. I've made a silly typo on the large tapa - putting an 8 instead of the given 9. Can I be credited with this please? Thanks again.

The typo is on the given hint. So, you get points. Sorry to have overlooked earlier.
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-20 10:00 AM (#4915 - in reply to #4823) (#4915) Top

Posts: 69
Location: Japan
Thanks for a great contest and congratulations to Nikola! There are many good Sudokus combined with other logical puzzle. My favourite puzzles in this test are Japanese Sums (bottom), Pairs (both) and Tapa (bottom).

It is regrettable that I broke 6 puzzles and wasted a lot of time to fix them. Moreover, I could not send the correct solution of Skyscrapers (bottom) by 1 second. I filled 16 cells 45 seconds before the end of the test and sent one of 2 possible solutions. I continued solving and found that my "solution" was wrong and swapped two digits in the answer form. But, when I was moving my mouse to "Submit" button, contest has ended.

If "single digit typo" is allowed, I had the option to enter the same digit twice intentionally to earn points. In Japanese Number Place Championship, competitors are required to send 4 digits in shaded cells (see here). If carefully chosen by authors, I think 4 cells are enough to judge whether each competitor solved the puzzle or not. This will evidently decrease the possibility of typos, so this is my suggestion.

Edited by deu 2011-06-20 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-20 10:37 AM (#4916 - in reply to #4915) (#4916) Top

Location: India
deu - 2011-06-20 10:00 AM

If "single digit typo" is allowed, I had the option to enter the same digit twice intentionally to earn points. In Japanese Number Place Championship, competitors are required to send 4 digits in shaded cells (see here). If carefully chosen by authors, I think 4 cells are enough to judge whether each competitor solved the puzzle or not. This will evidently decrease the possibility of typos, so this is my suggestion.

Yes, judging "single digit typo" is indeed difficult, and that is precisely the reason why we haven't given any points to them in this test (and in earlier Sudoku tests).

Entering just 4 digits (instead of 2 rows/columns) indeed will be a great step forward to eliminate typos. However, the authors have to be extremely careful in marking the cells. I am not sure if we can do it all Sudoku tests, but if authors can confidently mark 4 cells, we can try it out.
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-20 12:47 PM (#4919 - in reply to #4916) (#4919) Top

Sudoku Day Author

Posts: 103
Location: Serbia
Thanks, but I am still a little surprised that no one else managed to solve all puzzles. The surprise was the greater because I lost a lot of time on the big Japanese Sums. I took a number in a black box and added it to the sum in the third column. At that moment I thought: "Oh no, not again." Fortunately, I "saw" a picture of the heart and it helped me to quickly finish the puzzle.

Deb is well observed, it is possible that the June's sun and sudoku miniatures have a positive effects on my brain. However, I'll try not to wait June 2012th for the next victory.

Many thanks to the authors! I liked the puzzles very much, especially Pairs and Tapa.

Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-20 1:00 PM (#4920 - in reply to #4823) (#4920) Top

Classics & Regions (PR 2016/17) Author

Posts: 170
Location: Germany
Thanks for the nice test! I did quite well for a Sudoku contest, but then I felt I spent more time on the non-Sudoku-logic than what staring at Sudokus usually involves for me. But maybe some of the puzzles would have been easier with better Sudoku skills? I wasted a lot of time first breaking the hard Pairs and then failing to finish the hard Skyscraper in time.

I particularly liked the Pairs and Tapa variations. The Tapa one is simple enough, and feels like a far more interesting variant in the spirit of even-odd-Sudoku. I'm glad I skipped the hard Domino – it took me hours to solve after the test.

Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-20 6:03 PM (#4924 - in reply to #4916) (#4924) Top

Posts: 152
Location: United Kingdom
Agreed - a lot of the sudoku I tend to write (well those which aren't at an easy level at any rate) often start off with a very narrow solving path to start off with, and then end with an almost inevitable solving flurry. Rows/columns suggested by me and my testers in the path have differed wildly! It's definitely a difficult problem, and one I can certainly appreciate given I tend to make more typos than most.

Having recovered from my birthday this weekend, I look forward to giving this test a go at some point this week!
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-20 6:35 PM (#4925 - in reply to #4924) (#4925) Top

CTC & TVC Author & Organizer

Posts: 183
Location: Turkey
Thank you very much for beautiful test! There were so many great puzzles. I appreciate these two puzzle makers, i hope that they are keeping to make.

I think LMI has been turning into a home for puzzle makers from all over the world!

Edited by yureklis 2011-06-20 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: L O G I D O K U — LMI June Sudoku Test — 18/19th June @ 2011-06-22 7:14 PM (#4941 - in reply to #4823) (#4941) Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 164
Location: Slovakia
Hi everybody!
We are sorry for late response, but it is never too late to express our gratitude.
At first we want to thank Deb Mohanty and his team of co-workers. They always do some good work, when organizing such events and then it is too easy to make a good contest.
We want to appreciate the pre-solvers Blanka Lehotská, Pe?o Hudák a Honza Krtek Novotný. They have discovered some minor mistakes within the puzzles and their times were very close to the real difficulty of puzzles.
And finally we want to say big THANKS to all the contestants, who don´t hesitate start solving. We believe, that you liked the puzzles, because we tried to do our best, just to meet your expectations.
Big congratulation belongs to the best world competitors - Nikola (excelent performance!), Michael and Ulrich, best Indian competitors - Rohan, Thejal, Harmeet and we have to mention also the best Slovak contestants - Ivka, Matej and Martin.
Once again - thank you for the participation, let´s look forward to another great LMI montly tests.

Greetings by
Zuzka & Matúš
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