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Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests57 posts • Page 1 of 3 • 1 2 3
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-02 1:01 AM (#16491 - in reply to #16482) (#16491) Top

PR 2020 (Shading and Loops) Author

Posts: 668
Location: India
In Rolling the Dice Sudoku: The two adjacent shaded digits should be such that they are adjacent on the dice is implied right ?
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-02 4:47 AM (#16496 - in reply to #16491) (#16496) Top

Sudoku Day Author

Posts: 103
Location: Serbia
swaroop2011 - 2014-09-02 1:01 AM

In Rolling the Dice Sudoku: The two adjacent shaded digits should be such that they are adjacent on the dice is implied right ?

Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-02 9:07 AM (#16497 - in reply to #16482) (#16497) Top

Posts: 14

Location: India
Will you be uploading a booklet which has samples for each of the variant?
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-02 9:09 AM (#16498 - in reply to #16497) (#16498) Top

Location: India
mohanprashanth - 2014-09-02 9:07 AM

Will you be uploading a booklet which has samples for each of the variant?

This test is an exception - we are not going to have samples as mentioned in the IB.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-02 9:17 AM (#16499 - in reply to #16496) (#16499) Top

PR 2020 (Shading and Loops) Author

Posts: 668
Location: India
Nikola - 2014-09-02 4:47 AM

swaroop2011 - 2014-09-02 1:01 AM

In Rolling the Dice Sudoku: The two adjacent shaded digits should be such that they are adjacent on the dice is implied right ?


Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-03 5:24 PM (#16517 - in reply to #16482) (#16517) Top

Posts: 14

Location: India
Oh, yes. I didn't notice that part in the booklet. BTW can you give more elaborate explanations for the rules in T-crossword, aspirator and diagonal path sudokus?
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 12:43 PM (#16523 - in reply to #16517) (#16523) Top

Location: India
mohanprashanth - 2014-09-03 5:24 PM

Oh, yes. I didn't notice that part in the booklet. BTW can you give more elaborate explanations for the rules in T-crossword, aspirator and diagonal path sudokus?
Hi Mohan, Please be specific with your questions. If you can post the exact difficulty you are facing while trying to understand the rules, we will be able to answer.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 1:03 PM (#16524 - in reply to #16482) (#16524) Top

Posts: 14

Location: India
"Each number from the top row of the grid has its own diagonal way(at least one) throughout the same numbers to a couple in the bottom row." This is in the diagonal path sudoku. What does this mean?
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 1:12 PM (#16525 - in reply to #16524) (#16525) Top

Location: India
mohanprashanth - 2014-09-04 1:03 PM

"Each number from the top row of the grid has its own diagonal way(at least one) throughout the same numbers to a couple in the bottom row." This is in the diagonal path sudoku. What does this mean?

In image below, see how the 3 in the top row can be connected to the 3 in the bottom row diagonally. Similarly 6 in the top row can be connected to 6 in the bottom row diagonally.

At least one such diagonal path must exist for each number in the top row.

Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 1:22 PM (#16526 - in reply to #16482) (#16526) Top

Posts: 14

Location: India
"to a couple in the bottom row",what does this mean? And in your reply, you mentioned "Similar diagonal path (at least one) must exist for each number in the top row." . Can you also illustrate this?
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 1:24 PM (#16527 - in reply to #16482) (#16527) Top

Posts: 14

Location: India
Moreover, since in a sudoku one digit can appear only once in a column and row, the path will always be diagonal. Why do you keep mentioning it?
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 1:39 PM (#16528 - in reply to #16526) (#16528) Top

Location: India
mohanprashanth - 2014-09-04 1:22 PM

"to a couple in the bottom row",what does this mean?
That probably needs to be phrased differently, but the rule means is the numbers in the top row has to be connected with the corresponding number in bottom row.

mohanprashanth - 2014-09-04 1:22 PM

And in your reply, you mentioned "Similar diagonal path (at least one) must exist for each number in the top row." . Can you also illustrate this?

In image below, 2 different paths exist for 6, one in red, other in blue. This is valid. More than 1 path may exist for a number, but there should at least be one.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 1:42 PM (#16529 - in reply to #16482) (#16529) Top

Location: India
mohanprashanth - 2014-09-04 1:24 PM

Moreover, since in a sudoku one digit can appear only once in a column and row, the path will always be diagonal. Why do you keep mentioning it?
No particular reason why I mentioned it so many times (Possibly because in most puzzles involving paths/loops, paths always consists of vertical/horizontal segments)
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 1:47 PM (#16530 - in reply to #16482) (#16530) Top

Posts: 14

Location: India
OK :). I have two more questions. In the aspirator sudoku, what do you mean when you say the aspirator sucks up cells? That is, how do the aspirator and the sucked cells change after the aspirator sucks them?
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 1:59 PM (#16531 - in reply to #16530) (#16531) Top

Location: India
mohanprashanth - 2014-09-04 1:47 PM

OK :). I have two more questions. In the aspirator sudoku, what do you mean when you say the aspirator sucks up cells? That is, how do the aspirator and the sucked cells change after the aspirator sucks them?

Nothing changes actually. Numbers in aspirator or sucked cells do NOT change.

It just means number in "the aspirator cell" is greater than numbers in all the "sucked cells". Also, all possible sucked cells in 8 directions are given. "Suction" stops when they hit the wall or a number >= the aspirator cell.

Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 2:08 PM (#16532 - in reply to #16482) (#16532) Top

Posts: 14

Location: India
Thank you very much. All this was very useful. But, don't certain instructions seem misleading or far-fetched or is it just me?
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 2:10 PM (#16533 - in reply to #16532) (#16533) Top

Location: India
mohanprashanth - 2014-09-04 2:08 PM

But, don't certain instructions seem misleading or far-fetched or is it just me?
None of the above.
These are 9 never seen variants, and we expected many more questions about the rules than what we have seen so far.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 2:40 PM (#16534 - in reply to #16482) (#16534) Top

Posts: 14

Location: India
OK, then let me add to the question count. This is in the T crossword sudoku:"Place the given list of words into the grid (across or down) to form an interlocking crossword, so only the words in the list are formed and no others." "only the words in the list are formed": does it mean the relative positions of the digits in the word must be preserved? And if the word is "451" ,are both "451" and "154" valid?
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 2:57 PM (#16535 - in reply to #16534) (#16535) Top

Typed Logic Author

Posts: 241
Location: Indonesia
I'm pretty sure that you cannot reverse the words, just like in regular word placing puzzles (and in particular T for Trees, the inspiration for this variant) you cannot reverse the words.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 2:57 PM (#16536 - in reply to #16534) (#16536) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
mohanprashanth - 2014-09-04 2:40 PM

And if the word is "451" ,are both "451" and "154" valid?

No, '154' is not valid. The numbers should be formed either across (left-to-right) or down (top-to-bottom) in the standard crossword-style.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 3:29 PM (#16537 - in reply to #16482) (#16537) Top

Posts: 14

Location: India
Thank you.
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 6:02 PM (#16538 - in reply to #16482) (#16538) Top

Posts: 139
Location: Estonia
This ""Suction" stops when they hit the wall or a number >= the aspirator cell." sentence is confusing for me.
So, as I understand, it starts sucking at some point and goes clockwise (anticlockwise) until it hits greater or equal numbers or the wall and then stops even if there would be more smaller numbers on the way? Do we have to figure out by ourselves in which way it must go and where it starts? Although the example is totally confusing to understand that sentence.

Also the quiestion about diagonal path. Can the path turn direction if it hits the wall?

Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 6:37 PM (#16539 - in reply to #16538) (#16539) Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
TiiT - 2014-09-04 6:02 PM

Also the quiestion about diagonal path. Can the path turn direction if it hits the wall?

No, the path cannot turn if it hits a wall.

TiiT - 2014-09-04 6:02 PM

This ""Suction" stops when they hit the wall or a number >= the aspirator cell." sentence is confusing for me.
So, as I understand, it starts sucking at some point and goes clockwise (anticlockwise) until it hits greater or equal numbers or the wall and then stops even if there would be more smaller numbers on the way? Do we have to figure out by ourselves in which way it must go and where it starts? Although the example is totally confusing to understand that sentence.

There is no clockwise/anticlockwise. You need to look in the 8 directions from the marked cell.

Check these two examples below. See if you understand:


Attachments Aspirator_sample.png (36KB - 7 downloads)
Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 8:39 PM (#16540 - in reply to #16482) (#16540) Top

Posts: 139
Location: Estonia
Oh, ok. Big thanks. I think I got it now. I was looking totally in the wrong direction. These images are good for explanation.

Subject: Re: Sudoku Day - LMI September Sudoku Test — 6th - 9th September @ 2014-09-04 8:49 PM (#16541 - in reply to #16496) (#16541) Top

Posts: 139
Location: Estonia
Nikola - 2014-09-03 1:47 AM

swaroop2011 - 2014-09-02 1:01 AM

In Rolling the Dice Sudoku: The two adjacent shaded digits should be such that they are adjacent on the dice is implied right ?


For me it's still unclear. So does the dice needs to be rolled exactly according to the numbers on the dice and the next number must be exactly adjacent digit of the dice according to where I roll it? Or does the next digit just needs to be any adjacent digit?

I hope my question is clear. Sorry, if it's a stupid question.

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