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FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April
   LMI Tests -> Monthly Sudoku and Puzzle Tests61 posts • Page 2 of 3 • 1 2 3
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-02 4:46 PM (#14751 - in reply to #14641) (#14751) Top

Posts: 69
Location: Germany

Thank you! I always dreamed of finishing a contest! And I beat Michael Ley too. I think, this is the best time to retire :-)
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-02 6:59 PM (#14752 - in reply to #14641) (#14752) Top

Posts: 268
Location: India
April Fool...... This is my first LMI Test to be completed. What a surprise... Didnt expect it to turn out like this after seeing the Points Distribution. :-D

Luckily I don't have a Printer. Nurikabe needed MS Paint to solve.
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-02 7:40 PM (#14753 - in reply to #14641) (#14753) Top

Posts: 9

Location: Singapore
Oh bother. I blame a lack of sleep for a lack of humour. Having said that, it's late Wednesday night here, so the joke's worn off a bit...
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-02 8:05 PM (#14754 - in reply to #14753) (#14754) Top

SM 2020 (Math) Author

Posts: 421
Location: India
Utter stupidity...never knew that this was a prank until pras told me...but it is pure disgusting to play a prank this way....
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-02 8:09 PM (#14755 - in reply to #14754) (#14755) Top

SM 2020 (Math) Author

Posts: 421
Location: India
add to this the things that I did.... bought Airtel smartbytes,called the printer service Engineer earlier in the day thinking that the problem might be on my side...Did not expect such a stupid joke from LMI and whoever is the brain behind this stupid joke purely sucks!
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-02 8:59 PM (#14756 - in reply to #14641) (#14756) Top

Typed Logic Author

Posts: 241
Location: Indonesia
...the PB has a large tip box at top-right corner of the first page. That was exactly my concern, but I decided putting such large box will be a clear warning.

Sorry for taking the test not on April 1st. Next time we'll make sure the test is open only for that one day, even if that spoils the fact that it's an April Fools test.

@meowme: Yes, that's 1.5 minutes. Assuming you already expect this to be an April Fools test and is used to solve things on computer, that's not really unreasonable...
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-02 9:57 PM (#14760 - in reply to #14756) (#14760) Top

SM 2020 (Math) Author

Posts: 421
Location: India
chaotic_iak - 2014-04-02 8:59 PM

...the PB has a large tip box at top-right corner of the first page. That was exactly my concern, but I decided putting such large box will be a clear warning.

Sorry for taking the test not on April 1st. Next time we'll make sure the test is open only for that one day, even if that spoils the fact that it's an April Fools test.

Large tip Box?Don't fool around.It just says "Do not print this PB".It never says you CAN'T print this PB and you know something? I did start this test on April 1st and it doesn't matter when I take the test as I still would have been fooled just like many others here even if I had taken it on a 1st ,a 2nd or a 3rd .In fact I even asked Deb yesterday to cancel my start feeling that the problem is created due to my slow net speed.I was careful not to take even a glance at the puzzles thinking that it would be unfair to ask for a re-start after that.But I was never told yesterday that this was some stupid joke.

Let me say you something.I am not against people playing pranks on April Fools day but this JUST ISN'T the place to try out your monkey antics (or of anyone else' for that matter) nor should the jokes be in such a way that it hurts others in some way .Just because you don't have anything better to do doesn't mean that everyone in here would be the same way.My earnest advice at this point is to scrap this crappy test immediately and I sincerely hope that the April Contest coming up next is also not crap like this .This is just for the benefit of other LMI members and not for me as I have decided to skip the April contest .I don't want to be fooled again nor waste my time on stupid stuff like these.By playing out this 'high octane drama' along with you , LMI has made a fool not just of its members but of itself too.
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-02 10:16 PM (#14761 - in reply to #14641) (#14761) Top

Posts: 35
Location: The Netherlands
Ha ha, I hadn't been the victim of an April Fool's joke for a couple of years. Took me a full 10 seconds before I realized what the first puzzle even was! Well done!
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-02 10:35 PM (#14762 - in reply to #14760) (#14762) Top

Typed Logic Author

Posts: 241
Location: Indonesia
kishy72 - 2014-04-03 12:57 AM

Large tip Box?Don't fool around.It just says "Do not print this PB".It never says you CAN'T print this PB

Exactly; because I said "do not print this PB", one that finds the PB cannot be printed should actually suspect that the PB is intentionally designed not to be printable.

As for the rest, I'll leave that to your judgment. Just don't participate in the next April Fools test (if there's any) if you don't want to be hurt to discover it's an elaborate prank.
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-02 11:14 PM (#14764 - in reply to #14641) (#14764) Top

Posts: 5

Location: Poland
got stuck on puzzle #2, pls halp ;/

Edited by karzym 2014-04-02 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-02 11:24 PM (#14765 - in reply to #14641) (#14765) Top

Posts: 18

Location: Germany
Wonderful!!! I expected some Aprils Fool prank, so I intentionally waited for the second day of the month and test. As it was still there, I started the test, copied the password without reading, wanted to print the file - it did not work. Next thing I detected was the box which said "no printing" so only then I did a first look on the puzzle. When I realized it is solveable anyway, I started to solve and wanted to see how much time I need to be without error. After finishing I was on place 30 - my best result on an LMI contest ever. Looking forward to the final result after end of test - I think this test is very funny!!! Thanks for it!!!
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 2:52 AM (#14767 - in reply to #14765) (#14767) Top

Posts: 80
Location: Canada
It took me a minute before I realized that the whole thing is a joke. At first I was like, "All I see are the instructions, where are the puzzles?" After that, it was a case of "How fast can I solve these by just eye-balling?" In the end, I had to scribble on my desk for the Scrabble.

Anyways, when can we have a genuine Sprint test again?

Edited by achan1058 2014-04-03 3:00 AM
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 7:52 AM (#14769 - in reply to #14641) (#14769) Top

Posts: 30
Location: United States
Another strange technical issue -- I completed the contest at 6:58 but it didn't register that I was done until 11:25. I clicked "submit all answers" at least three times and refreshed the contest page twice before the clock finally stopped. Issue with Chrome perhaps?
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 10:14 AM (#14770 - in reply to #14641) (#14770) Top

Typed Logic Author

Posts: 241
Location: Indonesia
Don't worry, I see you being registered to finish at 6:58.
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 1:54 PM (#14771 - in reply to #14641) (#14771) Top

Posts: 187
Location: New Zealand
Well done Ivan.
I hope all participants understand it was just silly fun, we have plenty of serious contests.
The only down-side is I was looking forward to an hour of puzzles, but I'm just too awesomely fast...

On a side-note, are the scores calculated correctly? It seems the raw total on the score table is about 1800, not 1200?
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 4:01 PM (#14772 - in reply to #14771) (#14772) Top

Location: India
kiwijam - 2014-04-03 1:54 PM

On a side-note, are the scores calculated correctly? It seems the raw total on the score table is about 1800, not 1200?
Fixed. xevs loses 14000 points :-(
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 5:22 PM (#14773 - in reply to #14641) (#14773) Top

Typed Logic Author

Posts: 241
Location: Indonesia
Yeah, I also just realized that the scores were wrong. After fixing, xevs' score is now near 30 thousand points; still a new record for LMI though. :P
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 6:22 PM (#14774 - in reply to #14641) (#14774) Top

Posts: 9

Location: Singapore
1. In my defense, (now that I've done the 'test'), I previously thought that this was a 'proper' test, and that my computer showed the multiplier as 60/time instead of (60-time). But well, 5 minutes of good fun :)

2. This test would be really fun as a genuine sprint test, with small 6x6 grids (or there-about) and these 20 classics.

3. The nurikabe was probably thrice as hard as most of the other questions. It's all relative, of course.

4. Phew. Not counted into LMI ratings :D

5. How did only 80% get the last question right?

Edited by meowme 2014-04-03 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 7:04 PM (#14775 - in reply to #14641) (#14775) Top

Typed Logic Author

Posts: 241
Location: Indonesia
1. Indeed the multiplier is 60/time.

2. To be honest I picked the puzzle genres that a) make good answer keys that can fool people, and b) have good small puzzles, in that order.

3 is courtesy of Deb. See above. My variation would be something like 2x2 or 1xn.

5. Not everyone is familiar with that, plus it's not culture-neutral?
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 9:36 PM (#14777 - in reply to #14770) (#14777) Top

Posts: 30
Location: United States
chaotic_iak - 2014-04-03 12:14 AM

Don't worry, I see you being registered to finish at 6:58.

I guess someone fixed it in the results table after I posted...?

In retrospect, I think I accidentally tripped on a bug in the Java applet. After I logged in, but before I got the password, I clicked on the "1-10" and "11-20" links just to see how the answer input worked. Somewhere along the line (after I got the password I think) the response boxes for 1-10 appeared twice -- back-to-back -- at the 1-10 link. Ditto for the 11-20 boxes at the 11-20 link.

After I entered all 20 solutions in the first sets of boxes, nothing happened when I tried to enter the solutions again in the second sets of boxes, but I think the applet still read them as unanswered questions somehow.

If I have time between now and 11:59 UTC, I can create a dummy account and see if I can replicate what happened.

[Moderators, please move this to another forum if appropriate)

Edited by brecher92 2014-04-03 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 9:57 PM (#14779 - in reply to #14641) (#14779) Top

Posts: 35
Location: India
What is #Pen in the scores page?
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 10:02 PM (#14780 - in reply to #14641) (#14780) Top

Posts: 35
Location: India
I first scrolled through PB and found the last puzzle, and saw all example puzzles of IB in PB. So I figured it was an April Fool's contest and started typing the answer of example puzzle until I figured out where the REAL puzzles were located, lol.. They were TINY... Almost didn't notice at first..
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-03 10:58 PM (#14781 - in reply to #14779) (#14781) Top

WPMM Author

Posts: 66
Location: Hungary
mathcrazy - 2014-04-03 9:57 PM

What is #Pen in the scores page?

Penalty, number of wrong submissions.
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-04 1:42 AM (#14785 - in reply to #14781) (#14785) Top

Posts: 29
Location: Canada
Awww.... I am very disappointed that this contest will not count for score.
Subject: Re: FAST — LMI April Puzzle Test #1 — Introducing Weekday-only Tests — 1st - 3rd April @ 2014-04-04 1:45 AM (#14786 - in reply to #14772) (#14786) Top

Posts: 187
Location: New Zealand
debmohanty - 2014-04-03 11:01 PM
Fixed. xevs loses 14000 points :-(

(sorry Ko. but still impressive!)
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