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Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016
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CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-01-21's Tapa @ 2016-01-24 12:11 AM (#20768 - in reply to #20393) (#20768)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-01-21's Tapa
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-21 00:10:02
That was another one of those where I see a fiddly path later but don't regret it that I didn't wait around for it.
piet commented at 2016-01-21 00:20:34
I was waiting for the good hour ... ... and YES, with 758 sec, I am in the first 20 !! ;-) ;-)
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-21 00:22:33
damn what the hell i was doing. Bad day for me.
bskbri commented at 2016-01-21 01:40:31
I worry that all tapa story will vanish in a 113 clue :/
john_reid commented at 2016-01-21 10:26:22
Guessing guessing guessing guessing guessing guessing guessing guessing guessing guessing...
MrLiang commented at 2016-01-21 10:51:54
guessing for 113 clue more and more -_-
Prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-21 12:24:33
There is a pattern here for people to know - 4-2 cannot have a shaded cell in all four corners. This helps at the top, since all the 5-1s and 3-1-1s must have all corners shaded, which forces 3 corners shaded for the 4-2. That gets some progress but I'm not sure about a solid path after that.
yureklis commented at 2016-01-21 13:27:24
Please... I'm expert to prepare the Tapa, and I know so many tricks. So if you cannot see the path, please don't judge "guessing". For this puzzle, I'll prepare a file that show solving steps and I'll share the link which you can see the path.
Prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-21 18:02:43
I'd love to see that for the 1-3 day too. I think all authors here have experienced something like this where they put in some tricks and then solvers aren't able to find.the path. It should be taken in context, that solvers new to the tricks had to guess within time-constraints on an interface (which, no matter how great, won't replicate the markings of paper solving for some). I've found new patterns over the course of this CTC so I don't doubt that I missed some too, and would love to learn.
Prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-21 18:31:01
By 1-3 day, I mean 13th Jan.
john_reid commented at 2016-01-22 08:38:23
Sorry about my 'guessing' comment, I probably shouldn't have posted that. No offense intended to the constructor Serkan who I do have a lot of respect for. I was just frustrated at my own inability!
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-01-22's Tapa @ 2016-01-25 12:12 AM (#20777 - in reply to #20393) (#20777)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-01-22's Tapa
hinowbye commented at 2016-01-22 00:10:40
I think I'm getting the hang of this...
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-22 00:12:13
My mouse gave me a real problem on this one, randomly sliding off to other cells :( Ah well.
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-22 04:33:48
a relief i guess for me, after yesterdays bad day.
john_reid commented at 2016-01-22 08:40:35
Alright! My kind of puzzle! I really like the 1-1-1-1 clues in this one!
hinowbye commented at 2016-01-22 18:22:00
is it gonna get harder this week ?
Prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-22 19:38:08
Well bigger doesn't always necessarily mean harder just like smaller doesn't mean easier, as yesterday showed. It definitely gets bigger though :P
tamz29 commented at 2016-01-23 18:30:12
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-01-23's Tapa @ 2016-01-26 12:13 AM (#20799 - in reply to #20393) (#20799)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-01-23's Tapa
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-23 00:41:27
that was bad bad. Unconscious mouse hovering, shaded some cells black which i didnt even realize :( .
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-23 00:48:57
I continue to find new ways to mess up. Thankfully today's wasn't a huge loss, but somehow I clicked intto new tab while solving and when I came back a lot of random cells were shaded which I had to undo. Still, not as much damage I suppose. Great puzzle. A lot of basic filling with connectivity controlling the latter part of it.
hinowbye commented at 2016-01-23 00:59:26
somehow I put dots into some random cells without even noticing. didnt notice it until I failed twice. great -big and hard!- puzzle.
TiiT commented at 2016-01-23 01:28:07
Somehow I don't mess up at all. I don't like tapa but it just comes out well. :P
chaotic_iak commented at 2016-01-23 02:28:41
Too big that it doesn't fit on my screen. And I also forgot there's scrollbar, so I was stuck for a minute or two without realizing there's a last row that is out of view.
rob commented at 2016-01-23 05:21:01
The penalty for an error really scales weirdly with puzzle length.
john_reid commented at 2016-01-23 09:22:43
Another great puzzle!
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-01-24's Tapa @ 2016-01-27 12:14 AM (#20813 - in reply to #20393) (#20813)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-01-24's Tapa
john_reid commented at 2016-01-24 00:11:45
Excellent! This is my favorite one so far. It will be interesting to see the fastest times on this one.
Prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-24 00:28:08
This was really cool. I tried something weird with controlling my mouse and I think it worked, even though I probably didn't do my best here.
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-24 04:04:47
My bad run continues. I think i need to change my mouse.
MrLiang commented at 2016-01-24 10:01:49
today, I enjoy solving. :)
rob commented at 2016-01-24 23:20:03
This hit the sweet spot for me in terms of difficulty. Really fun!
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-01-27 5:07 AM (#20816 - in reply to #20393) (#20816)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 315
Location: The Netherlands
I lost a lot of time on today's puzzle as it was stuck for a while on "waiting for server response". So I decided to click again after almost a minute and registered the time of my second click. That sucked.
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-01-25's Tapa @ 2016-01-28 12:15 AM (#20829 - in reply to #20393) (#20829)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-01-25's Tapa
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-25 00:05:44
I kept making the wrong deductions today for some reason.
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-25 00:13:04
I resolved it now, and progress starting from the right is a bit tougher than progress starting from the left, but just enough that if you start there you can continue working it out. .This was mainly what slowed me down I suppose. Another great puzzle though. I don't see myself holding on to 2nd place for more than a day this time either.
john_reid commented at 2016-01-25 02:40:42
Lower right corner was tough for me. Excellent puzzle. I love these big ones!
kiwijam commented at 2016-01-25 13:40:49
Bigger are better :)
puzzlescot commented at 2016-01-25 23:14:42
It would be nice to have a difficulty level visible before starting each puzzle. For the average solver, some are requiring 20+ minutes, so it's an issue if we've just put 5-10 minutes aside for a 'quick' solve. I don't think size alone is necessarily a sufficient indicator. Thanks.
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-01-26's Tapa @ 2016-01-29 12:16 AM (#20844 - in reply to #20393) (#20844)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-01-26's Tapa
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-26 00:04:00
I missed the trick a little again by waiting on pause-spots too much. This has been a really enjoyable week of large but not difficult puzzles.
tamz29 commented at 2016-01-26 01:24:51
Circle the 8s!
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-26 02:39:00
uff finally not that bad day. I missed the other 2 big puzzles. But no mistake on this one. Very nice puzzles. I wish there are more big puzzles coming in next week.
rajeshk commented at 2016-01-26 09:20:38
Nice big puzzles. Yes, looking forward for big puzzles next week :)
MrLiang commented at 2016-01-26 09:45:25
Yeah, a lot of 8. But, 8 and 2-4 trick me -_-
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-01-29 10:46 AM (#20848 - in reply to #20393) (#20848)Quote Reply Top

Location: India

Tapa Grid Sizes for Week 5

Here are the grid sizes for this week.

30th Jan : 10x10
31st Jan : 10x10
1st Feb : 10x10
2nd Feb : 10x10
3rd Feb : 20x20
4th Feb : 9x9
5th Feb : 9x9

CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-01-27's Tapa @ 2016-01-30 12:18 AM (#20857 - in reply to #20393) (#20857)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-01-27's Tapa
tamz29 commented at 2016-01-27 00:32:02
spent ages fixing the left side of the puzzle :(
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-27 00:49:12
A lot of fun. Did a colour change for the start just to be careful, but it is definitely visible without that.
gareth commented at 2016-01-27 01:35:12
Would be a little easier if 'undo' worked properly! :)
achan1058 commented at 2016-01-27 02:05:08
Took me a while to find the break in, but other than that, it is fun.
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-27 02:19:25
yes took a while to get started, almost spent 2 min to put few cells and then it was quick run. Very nice puzzle :)
puzzlescot commented at 2016-01-27 08:31:04
1/2 hour of trial and error before deducing the break-in, then done in 5.
MrLiang commented at 2016-01-27 09:50:00
bottom left clue nearly trick me. It's zigzag. -_-
john_reid commented at 2016-01-28 20:05:50
Loved it! I was fortunate enough to get a quick start on this one.
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-01-28's Tapa @ 2016-01-31 12:19 AM (#20865 - in reply to #20393) (#20865)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-01-28's Tapa
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-28 00:08:03
For some reason this had some strange connectivity which my head just couldn't wrap around. My main thoughts were, "this can't possibly be a break in connectivity". Took a significant amount of time at the end checking because of this. Cool puzzle.
kishy72 commented at 2016-01-28 00:33:25
I submitted at 2:21 precisely.The server registered by time as 2:27 .It showed "waiting for server response" while the timer continued to run??!
brecher92 commented at 2016-01-28 04:26:51
I had the same problem...though my wi-fi connection has been flaky lately.
tamz29 commented at 2016-01-28 05:59:32
brain block :(
MrLiang commented at 2016-01-28 09:53:28
Yeah! It's my lucky day ^_^
john_reid commented at 2016-01-28 20:12:42
Tricky finish for me with the right hand side. Took a while to work out the 6, 3-3 and pair of 2 clues on the right wall.
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-28 23:39:41
Very nice puzzle. Made silly mistake although just at the end, or else it would have been a nice finish.
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-01-29's Tapa @ 2016-02-01 12:20 AM (#20872 - in reply to #20393) (#20872)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-01-29's Tapa
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-29 00:05:29
Should have spotted the continuity break in top left, went for a guess instead. Unnecessary.
Prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-29 00:17:24
For those wondering what I'm talking about (because it seems like others are missing it too) - a 2-3 clue in the corner needs at least one of R1C3/R3C1 to be separate from R3C3 as the 'other' shaded block of the 2-3, and the 1-1-1-1 clue stops connectivity "around" the 2-3 because of this. I feel anyone who spots this quickly will do very well today.
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-29 00:21:02
I agree with you, after few seconds, I went for guess (not needed actually) and it was not my lucky shot. But that guess made me realize the connectivity thing in left side. But avoided mistake today :p . Very nice puzzle again.
john_reid commented at 2016-01-29 08:09:54
Too hard for me and unfortunately I had to guess on this one again. I can kind of understand this idea about connectivity regarding that 2-3 clue in the corner but these things are very hard for me to spot. I haven't really been able to advance from 'local' to 'global' thinking and so I get stuck on these tricky puzzles more often than not.
MrLiang commented at 2016-01-29 09:54:27
1-1-1-1 wrong guess slow my time record. -_-
achan1058 commented at 2016-01-29 20:05:26
I hate messing up minor details. Forgot to colour a square on the bottom left.
rob commented at 2016-01-29 23:06:38
I didn't spot the connectivity thing, but my wrong guess near the 33 did lead me to quickly discover it, and then it went smoothly from there.
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-01-30's Tapa @ 2016-02-02 12:21 AM (#20879 - in reply to #20393) (#20879)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-01-30's Tapa
rob commented at 2016-01-30 01:26:37
The kind of puzzle where I'm really worried when hitting "Submit"...
brecher92 commented at 2016-01-30 02:42:35
I'm like that for all puzzles. :)
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-02 12:59 AM (#20880 - in reply to #20393) (#20880)Quote Reply Top

Classics & Regions (PR 2016/17) Author

Posts: 170
Location: Germany
The homepage link to the contest seems to have vanished. For a moment, I was worried it was already over!
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-02 2:16 AM (#20881 - in reply to #20393) (#20881)Quote Reply Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1801
Location: India
Funny. Anyway, here's the link, just in case people haven't noted it - http://logicmastersindia.com/2016/CTC/submit.asp#
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-01-31's Tapa @ 2016-02-03 12:17 AM (#20896 - in reply to #20393) (#20896)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-01-31's Tapa
rob commented at 2016-01-31 00:04:49
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-31 00:28:33
nice connectivity at top.
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-31 05:43:19
rajeshk commented at 2016-01-31 20:07:53
Fun Puzzle
tamz29 commented at 2016-01-31 20:32:14
nice and straightforward
hinowbye commented at 2016-01-31 21:16:02
nice puzzle
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-03 12:19 AM (#20897 - in reply to #20393) (#20897)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 17

Location: United Kingdom
Is there no puzzle today? There's one listed in the schedule above, but there's no entry for today's date when I view the calendar on the competition page.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-03 12:20 AM (#20898 - in reply to #20897) (#20898)Quote Reply Top

Location: India
Gareth - 2016-02-03 12:19 AM

Is there no puzzle today? There's one listed in the schedule above, but there's no entry for today's date when I view the calendar on the competition page.
Sorry about that. We will be posting a puzzle, it will take some time, may be an hour from now.
Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-03 6:19 AM (#20903 - in reply to #20393) (#20903)Quote Reply Top

Location: India

Puzzle for 3rd Feb now available to solve

Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-03 2:34 PM (#20907 - in reply to #20903) (#20907)Quote Reply Top

Location: India
Since today's puzzle was available at around 6:30 AM, players can solve it until tomorrow 6:30 AM without late penalty. (All timings as per LMI server's time)

Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-04 12:08 AM (#20910 - in reply to #20907) (#20910)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 29
Location: United Kingdom
debmohanty - 2016-02-03 10:34 AM

Since today's puzzle was available at around 6:30 AM, players can solve it until tomorrow 6:30 AM without late penalty. (All timings as per LMI server's time)

Not sure it would have made much difference to my score, but I started the Feb 3rd puzzle on the correct day. I thought I'd also (just about) finished on the correct day, but I've had the 1.15 multiplier added to my time. I assume this will be sorted out given the information that we can solve until 6.30AM LMI time (thanks Deb), I'm just curious to know if this is expected behaviour? I.e. the 'late' penalty is applied based on finish time, not start time? Also, just for my own curiosity, are you able to check exactly how long after midnight LMI time I actually submitted the puzzle? Cheers!
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-02-01's Tapa @ 2016-02-04 12:23 AM (#20911 - in reply to #20393) (#20911)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-02-01's Tapa
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-02-01 00:02:03
I was too slow spotting the 4-1 clue getting resolved.
k3isim commented at 2016-02-01 00:33:32
Satisfied by my solution, but... waiting half a minute for server response with running timer - a bit annoying...
kishy72 commented at 2016-02-01 01:06:17
My mind interpreted the 3 and 3 clue on the bottom left as 3-3 clue in a single cell and I was getting a stranded island wondering what's wrong for ~15 seconds.Arghhh!
tamz29 commented at 2016-02-01 06:51:10
Wow. 1 minute was added to my time because of "waiting for server response" ... >:(
debmohanty commented at 2016-02-01 08:49:02
k3isim,tamz29,thesubro - Adjusted the timing.
k3isim commented at 2016-02-01 20:53:38
Thanks! :)
Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-04 6:14 AM (#20912 - in reply to #20910) (#20912)Quote Reply Top

Location: India
Nilz - 2016-02-04 12:08 AM
Not sure it would have made much difference to my score, but I started the Feb 3rd puzzle on the correct day. I thought I'd also (just about) finished on the correct day, but I've had the 1.15 multiplier added to my time. I assume this will be sorted out given the information that we can solve until 6.30AM LMI time (thanks Deb)
Right, I will have to do it manually, after the specified time is over. It is not automated.

Nilz - 2016-02-04 12:08 AM
I.e. the 'late' penalty is applied based on finish time, not start time?
Late Penalty applies on finish time. I think we never defined if it should be based on "start" or "finish". Let me check with Serkan and see if we should make it start time based. We will then have to recompute all days' score - there are 25 such submissions in this years CTC so far.

Nilz - 2016-02-04 12:08 AM
Also, just for my own curiosity, are you able to check exactly how long after midnight LMI time I actually submitted the puzzle?
At 2016-02-04 12:00:04 AM. So 4 seconds late.

Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-04 6:41 AM (#20913 - in reply to #20912) (#20913)Quote Reply Top

Location: India
debmohanty - 2016-02-04 6:14 AM

Nilz - 2016-02-04 12:08 AM
Not sure it would have made much difference to my score, but I started the Feb 3rd puzzle on the correct day. I thought I'd also (just about) finished on the correct day, but I've had the 1.15 multiplier added to my time. I assume this will be sorted out given the information that we can solve until 6.30AM LMI time (thanks Deb)
Right, I will have to do it manually, after the specified time is over. It is not automated.

Done. Removed late penalty for all those did yesterday's puzzle today (until this time). Late penalties will apply usual after this time.
Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-04 10:18 AM (#20914 - in reply to #20912) (#20914)Quote Reply Top

WSPC Organizer

Posts: 739
Location: India
debmohanty - 2016-02-04 6:14 AM

Nilz - 2016-02-04 12:08 AM
I.e. the 'late' penalty is applied based on finish time, not start time?
Late Penalty applies on finish time. I think we never defined if it should be based on "start" or "finish". Let me check with Serkan and see if we should make it start time based. We will then have to recompute all days' score - there are 25 such submissions in this years CTC so far.

It should be 'start-time'. If someone starts at 11:30pm and submits at 12:01am, you can't penalize the solver for solving slow :-|
Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-04 3:24 PM (#20915 - in reply to #20914) (#20915)Quote Reply Top

Location: India
Rohan Rao - 2016-02-04 10:18 AM

debmohanty - 2016-02-04 6:14 AM

Nilz - 2016-02-04 12:08 AM
I.e. the 'late' penalty is applied based on finish time, not start time?
Late Penalty applies on finish time. I think we never defined if it should be based on "start" or "finish". Let me check with Serkan and see if we should make it start time based. We will then have to recompute all days' score - there are 25 such submissions in this years CTC so far.

It should be 'start-time'. If someone starts at 11:30pm and submits at 12:01am, you can't penalize the solver for solving slow :-|

We will make this change - penalty will be applicable based on start time of the puzzle.
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