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Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016
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Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-05 1:57 PM (#20922 - in reply to #20393) (#20922)Quote Reply Top

Location: India

Tapa Grid Sizes for Week 6

Here are the grid sizes for this week.

6th Feb : 14x14
7th Feb : 14x14
8th Feb : 13x13
9th Feb : 12x12
10th Feb : 12x12
11th Feb : 11x11
12th Feb : 17x17

CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-02-03's Tapa @ 2016-02-06 12:00 AM (#20924 - in reply to #20393) (#20924)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-02-03's Tapa
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-02-03 07:24:27
wow that was really nice. Easy flow. But i guess i was taking my time , so that i wont leave any cell blank and cost me penalty. It paid off. Finally did well in at least this biggest size puzzle so far. But have to wait to see other's timings to see how well i have done. Nice puzzle with connectivity and use of 1's.
yureklis commented at 2016-02-03 13:28:04
Sorry guys for delay, this is on me. I had to get unplanned trip to Berlin, this is a kind of vacation for me. Anyway, I did the puzzle with Toketa vol 4 theme, because I thought it would match the Toketa competition -I checked the forum Toketa posts, as I saw there are huge positive responses in there- While I was constructing the puzzle in hostel lobby :) at the early morning, I thought is that I's done, but entering the puzzle into the LMI system we saw there wasn't unique the top left..+
yureklis commented at 2016-02-03 13:32:35
corner. Then I've made several changes, but I couldn't fix the puzzle. So I had to get out the hostel and visit some places, I asked Deb, how much times do I have for fixing the puzzle, he said nearly 6 hours. But even if I had 6 hours I couldn't catch the right moment, then we had to postpone. Anyway, why I'm giving these details, because I respect solvers, and LMI. I'm so sorry all of you guys, for today's puzzle and TVC XIX date changes. Best, serkan
tamz29 commented at 2016-02-03 13:49:44
Two penalties. ouch :( Thank you Serkan for doing these CTC's and TVC's for us. Have a nice trip in Berlin
hinowbye commented at 2016-02-03 14:07:27
Nice puzzle :)
hinowbye commented at 2016-02-03 14:07:40
My favorite so far
Rohan Rao commented at 2016-02-03 15:59:52
Really nice puzzle. Would love to see more of these!
Nola commented at 2016-02-03 17:30:55
Liked this puzzle very much!
gareth commented at 2016-02-03 23:58:36
I'm sure noone minded waiting - it's amazing to have so many top quality puzzles to do, and all for free
rob commented at 2016-02-04 00:25:38
Thanks for the puzzle (and all the others), and hope you have a great stay here in Berlin!
detuned commented at 2016-02-04 02:00:31
Whilst I have no problem whatsoeverwaiting for a delayed puzzle, I do think the decision to apply the 1.15 penalty less than 24 hours after the puzzle was actually published needs to be looked at!
kiwijam commented at 2016-02-04 02:12:06
Yes, hopefully every puzzle will be available for 24 hours before penalties are applied. And this was a very nice puzzle, thank you Serkan!
debmohanty commented at 2016-02-04 10:22:21
We had announced in forum that late penalties before the puzzle was available for 24 hours will be removed. It had to be done manually.
Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-06 12:00 AM (#20925 - in reply to #20393) (#20925)Quote Reply Top

Location: India
6th Feb's puzzle is delayed. Will post here when it is available.
Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-06 4:56 PM (#20928 - in reply to #20393) (#20928)Quote Reply Top

Location: India

There will be no puzzle for 6th Feb

Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-06 11:13 PM (#20931 - in reply to #20393) (#20931)Quote Reply Top

Location: India

No CTC puzzles on 7th and 8th

Serkan has injured 2 fingers in his right hand. It is not too bad, but he will not be able to upload puzzles for next 2 days.

At this point, we think CTC will resume on 9th (Tuesday).

CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-02-04's Tapa @ 2016-02-07 12:26 AM (#20932 - in reply to #20393) (#20932)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-02-04's Tapa
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-02-04 00:20:12
Mouse issues again, but pretty minor this time.
detuned commented at 2016-02-04 02:11:01
You should get a cat!
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-02-04 02:22:57
After big one yesterday, this was a relief puzzle. Pretty easy, but nice one as usual.
MrLiang commented at 2016-02-04 10:03:39
wrong guess in 1-1-1-1 again :(
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-07 12:38 AM (#20934 - in reply to #20393) (#20934)Quote Reply Top

2021 World Sudoku+Puzzle Convention Organizer

Posts: 1849
Location: India
That's sad to know. Wish you a speedy recovery, Serkan!
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-07 6:24 PM (#20944 - in reply to #20393) (#20944)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 315
Location: The Netherlands
Will the CTC still be 50 puzzles or just end on the normal date?
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-02-05's Tapa @ 2016-02-08 12:27 AM (#20945 - in reply to #20393) (#20945)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-02-05's Tapa
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-02-05 00:02:43
Completely missed the bottom right break-in. Nice puzzle
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-02-05 00:18:33
yeah same here. Took way more than required time.
kishy72 commented at 2016-02-05 00:30:19
Realizing R7C9 cannot be shaded is vital here in this puzzle.Solving it multiple times later made me realize this. Hopeless :( . Great puzzle with good bite !
hinowbye commented at 2016-02-05 01:35:57
The feeling when you press submit before noticing you havent shaded 1 Fatal block... +120 on the score!
john_reid commented at 2016-02-05 10:27:27
Yes, it took a long time to see that R7C9 square. A good hidden entry point there!
Subject: RE: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-08 10:21 PM (#20946 - in reply to #20393) (#20946)Quote Reply Top

Location: India

Revised Tapa Grid Sizes for Week 6

The originally planned puzzles are now shifted by 3 days. Here is list of updated grid sizes.

9th Feb : 14x14
10th Feb : 14x14
11th Feb : 13x13
12th Feb : 12x12
13th Feb : 12x12
14th Feb : 11x11
15th Feb : 17x17

Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-09 3:02 AM (#20947 - in reply to #20393) (#20947)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 30
Location: United States
I hope Serkan's hand is better!
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-02-09's Tapa @ 2016-02-12 12:01 AM (#20959 - in reply to #20393) (#20959)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-02-09's Tapa
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-02-09 00:08:52
A very nice puzzle. I got the start very quickly but got stuck in middle for 1 and half minute, then realize that what am I missing. Then it was quick. Very awesome puzzle.
kishy72 commented at 2016-02-09 00:17:21
9:09 on 9th February.Speaking of coincidences! .A highly difficult puzzle.Had to guess in between the solve .Solved it with pure logic later.Good one!
achan1058 commented at 2016-02-09 00:22:26
Missed the break-in for a while, but once I figured that out, it was relatively quick.
swagatam commented at 2016-02-09 00:35:47
Really a hard one, but very nice puzzle.
nilz commented at 2016-02-09 00:41:07
It's so frustrating when you guess, and come to a contradiction, then try the other option and find another contradiction, so you go back to the first option and find it was right all along and you just made a stupid mistake...
john_reid commented at 2016-02-10 11:02:02
Much too hard for me. Over 20 minutes to finish it. At least I didn't resort to guessing this time. Why can't I solve these?
rob commented at 2016-02-10 13:32:24
Nice one!
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-02-10's Tapa @ 2016-02-13 12:02 AM (#20974 - in reply to #20393) (#20974)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-02-10's Tapa
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-02-10 00:08:46
Missed the path initially, took a guess, but then almost immediately managed to prove that guess by seeing what I missed. Really nice puzzle!
achan1058 commented at 2016-02-10 00:59:04
I hate that penalty.
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-02-10 02:32:30
I hate penalty too. Don't know why i keep doing stupid mistakes. Very nice puzzle, got it very fast with logical flow. Excellent puzzle. But put a dot at some place where it shouldn't be. damn. Could have have saved 180 seconds :( .
john_reid commented at 2016-02-10 11:35:06
For me, this is the hardest one so far. Good grief this was hard. I had to guess just endlessly. CAN ANYONE HELP. I don't think I'm stupid but the entire center of this puzzle is just completely opaque to me. Is there a break in somewhere? Man, solving this was torture. Curses to this puzzle!
rob commented at 2016-02-10 13:39:04
Didn't see the path here, a lot of "it just feels sort of right if things connect this way", thankfully mostly correct.
rob commented at 2016-02-10 13:45:25
john_reid: There's a lot you can do around the edges. And then there's a central break-in which I missed: That 6 next to the 22 shares shaded cells with the 24 above, the 7 below, but must have a gap next to the 22, so it goes around the other side. From this point, things flow quite well.
yureklis commented at 2016-02-10 14:17:15
I've showed nearly all steps, I hope that works for you john_reid Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz9JSOczh5gTdUJhNDJtSmd6TTg/view?us...
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-02-11's Tapa @ 2016-02-14 12:03 AM (#20987 - in reply to #20393) (#20987)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-02-11's Tapa
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-02-11 00:17:42
wow that was really a tough one. After 1 guess i realized the connectivity issue in the bottom from right part to left. Then it was easy flow.
bskbri commented at 2016-02-11 01:36:16
113's are back :)
MrLiang commented at 2016-02-11 10:19:39
113 trick me again -_-"
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-02-11 10:24:13
Would have been faster on this if I'd started from the right, where I think the connectivity starts getting forced. Starting from the left gives you markings but nothing to really grab onto.
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-02-12's Tapa @ 2016-02-15 12:04 AM (#20998 - in reply to #20393) (#20998)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-02-12's Tapa
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-02-12 00:15:53
Made a false assumption on the 1-1-1-1 near the bottom right, which took a while to fix, but went nicely otherwise.
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-02-12 00:20:03
This one no assumption. Went nicely entire time with little stopping for solving the right half. A nice puzzle again.
MrLiang commented at 2016-02-12 09:33:12
my brain blocked by two 2-4 clue. :(
rajeshk commented at 2016-02-12 18:35:56
Nice one. Did without any guess work.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-15 2:46 AM (#21000 - in reply to #20947) (#21000)Quote Reply Top

CTC & TVC Author & Organizer

Posts: 183
Location: Turkey
brecher92 - 2016-02-09 3:02 AM

I hope Serkan's hand is better!

Recently I had an operation, in these days the time is not by my side, it flows very slowly, and I'm perceiving so much pain than I'd already have, I'm living a delusion :). Also I've figured how hard to able to write :). I have so much pain, but I hope that in next 10 days it will be better for me.

Thanks for asking
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-15 10:10 AM (#21001 - in reply to #20393) (#21001)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 3567
Location: India

Tapa Grid Sizes for Week 7 (last week)

Here are the grid sizes for the last week.

16th Feb : 17x17
17th Feb : 18x18
18th Feb : 18x18
19th Feb : 8x8
20th Feb : 9x9
21st Feb : 10x10
22nd Feb : 19x19
23rd Feb : 13x13

CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-02-13's Tapa @ 2016-02-16 12:05 AM (#21004 - in reply to #20393) (#21004)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-02-13's Tapa
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-02-13 00:06:45
Made a faulty assumption, had to restart, but really nice break-in with the 1111 forcing behaviour of the 112.
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-02-13 00:09:20
aah got stuck on this one. I think i am missing some start here. will have to try again.
prasanna16391 commented at 2016-02-13 00:21:05
The start - the 1-1-1-1 in R7C4 forces the 1-1-2 below it to have its '2' around the 1-1-1-1-1 and so the 3-3 below the 1-1-2 can only have one of its '1's. This means R10R11C3 are shaded and their counterparts for the 3-3 clue, and I think it flows well from here.
rob commented at 2016-02-13 00:32:29
Hah, damn, I made that deduction with that other 1111 next to the 12, but failed to see it near the 33. Weird.
rajeshk commented at 2016-02-13 11:54:40
Thanks Prasanna for giving the logical break. I guessed to solve this one. However after reading your comment, I could solve it fully logically :)
masonjason commented at 2016-02-13 19:13:57
I thought the interaction of the left-hand pair of (1, 1, 1, 1)s via the (2, 3) was beautiful
john_reid commented at 2016-02-14 01:49:32
Well I was able to solve this with no guessing but unfortunately someone stopped by when I was in the middle of it and I ended up chatting for 45 minutes with them before I got back to the puzzle! It was a great puzzle though and I'm proud that I was able to work out that 1-1-1-1 and 1-1-2 interaction that Prasanna described and didn't have to resort to any guessing. Very satisfying!
CTC Comments
Subject: [CTC] Comments on 2016-02-14's Tapa @ 2016-02-17 12:06 AM (#21018 - in reply to #20393) (#21018)Quote Reply Top

Comments on 2016-02-14's Tapa
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-02-14 02:29:18
Damn. Did one mistake, but luckily found it before submitting. Costed lot of time. Nice use of 1's and connectivity.
rob commented at 2016-02-14 19:47:53
Fun! I like the lack of a heart theme.
john_reid commented at 2016-02-15 23:11:07
Another great one!
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-17 12:19 AM (#21019 - in reply to #20393) (#21019)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 29
Location: United Kingdom
Is there an error in today's solution? I'm fairly sure I've solved it, but it's not letting me submit. Of course, it's possible I'm being an idiot, but I've triple-checked!
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-17 12:21 AM (#21020 - in reply to #20393) (#21020)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 29
Location: United Kingdom
Hmm, it just let me submit 7 minutes later and I'm certain I didn't change anything- could you check my solve please and fix my time if you can see that I had the correct solution earlier (if this is possible)? Thanks.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-17 12:23 AM (#21021 - in reply to #21019) (#21021)Quote Reply Top

Location: India
Nilz - 2016-02-17 12:19 AM

Is there an error in today's solution? I'm fairly sure I've solved it, but it's not letting me submit. Of course, it's possible I'm being an idiot, but I've triple-checked!

Nilz - 2016-02-17 12:21 AM

Hmm, it just let me submit 7 minutes later and I'm certain I didn't change anything- could you check my solve please and fix my time if you can see that I had the correct solution earlier (if this is possible)? Thanks.

The solution has been corrected. That is the reason your submission was accepted. I'm working on getting your (and Ivan's and some other players') timing correct.
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-17 12:24 AM (#21022 - in reply to #20393) (#21022)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 29
Location: United Kingdom
Thanks Deb!
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-17 5:32 PM (#21031 - in reply to #20408) (#21031)Quote Reply Top

Posts: 30
Location: United States
Administrator - 2015-12-28 9:25 PM

CTC Scoring system

The scoring system and formula are exactly same as previous years.

  • Submissions within 60 minutes will be considered for scoring
  • 2 minutes penalty for each wrong submission
  • 15% time penalty for each late day (maximum 2 late days are allowed – so a puzzle can be solved upto 72 hours after it is uploaded)
  • Each puzzle has its own points, which is computed from solving times of top 10% players on that day.
  • Each player gets points for solving a puzzle based on own solving time and others’ solving times. Exponential distribution is used.
  • Total points for a player is sum of puzzle points over 7 weeks.
Details in the pdf file Download | View

Just curious -- when there are a lot of people who did not finish the puzzle (as with today's), do they get factored into the calculation for MED?
Subject: Re: Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016 @ 2016-02-17 8:35 PM (#21033 - in reply to #21031) (#21033)Quote Reply Top

Location: India
brecher92 - 2016-02-17 5:32 PM

Just curious -- when there are a lot of people who did not finish the puzzle (as with today's), do they get factored into the calculation for MED?

For scoring purpose, only players with CoTI <= 1 hour is considered. All DNFs are ignored.

For example, if you go to 14th Feb's in the score page, you should see a line at the top :

Results for 2016-02-14's puzzle / Num Players : 200 / Top 10% : 20 / Top 10% AVE : 102.1950 / PuPo : 10.1091 / MED : 275.5600
All 5 DNFs are ignored. All 3 players with CoTi > 3600 are ignored too.

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